camp LAST TRAIN HOME ✧ disappearance

A frustrated voice catches Blazestar’s attention. “Where is Brightpaw? She was supposed to be on this patrol!” The Ragdoll’s ears flick, worry beginning to spin in his belly. He’d not seen the dun-furred she-cat in camp at all this morning, and after a moment of reflection, he wonders if she’d done as Spiderpaw had and gone into the forest alone, only to meet a gruesome ending.

Has anyone seen Brightpaw?” His dark blue eyes burn with concern—and he turns to fix them on Shadowfire, the girl’s mentor. “Where is she? Did you send her out?” He lashes his tail, frustration lancing down his spine.

// @SHADOWFIRE but this is open! feel free to have your cat be the one looking for Brightpaw too!
for those who need context, Brightpaw is not here lol

  • blaise . blazestar
    — he/him ; leader of skyclan
    — pansexual ; divorced ; single
    — longhaired flame point Ragdoll with blue eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Mercibun
  • Haha
Reactions: Tikki
fight it , or accept it . fear it , or control it .
Shadowfire blinked, helm lifting at the comment, confusion dancing through amber eyes. Brightpaw? Hadn’t he just seen her? Blinking several times, the black-and-white tom paused, ears perked at the question directed towards him. His paw parted, closing it with a shake of his helm. “Now that you mention it? I haven’t seen her.” His stomach churned, wondering where she could have gone. Great. His first apprentice, and she up and vanished. “If I did, I would have gone with her.” He remarked.

Where did she go? He glanced over at Smokefang some lengths away, sitting alone. “You don’t think something bad happened to her?” He voiced, more so questioning himself than the others, eyebrows bunching together.
thought speech
Having been assigned to the aforementioned patrol, Slate could only assume that the missing trainee had overslept or was around camp somewhere perhaps chatting with her peers — something typical of an apprentice. Word quickly got to Blazestar, though, who turned the question onto Shadowfire ( who didn't seem to know her whereabouts either ). "You're kidding. How do we just lose an apprentice?" The lead warrior scoffs, although he was more so frustrated that the patrol couldn't leave on time now.

In response to Shadowfire's worrying, Slate gave a lash of his tail and snorted, "Mousebrain's probably just screwin' around somewhere in the territory." And clearly not doing what she was supposed to. "Well? You gonna go look for her?" Regardless of whether he had sent Brightpaw out or not, she was still Shadowfire's apprentice — his responsibility. His trainee lacking knowledge of clan rules wasn't anybody else's problem but his own.
Hefty paws carry the apprentice through the crowd of cats, eyes blinking momentarily as ghostly pales stare sightlessly in the direction his father was speaking. Worry fills his gaze, entrapping him in a cycle of worry and determination all in one. His tail twitches then, the mention of a lost apprentice sending a shiver down his spine.

"I just came back from herb hunting a bit ago. I didn't scent her anywhere, and my sense of smell is better than most." He offers unhelpfully, though his eyes peer towards the ground in shame- perhaps he missed her scent while looking for herb-scent? He hoped she was okay..​

✿—— blazestar's voice catches her attention—it always seems to when her ears pick up on it. because he's the leader, her mind supplies agreeably enough; regardless, the tabby pads over to where he stands alongside a few cats—slate among them, she notes with some distaste, but she takes a spot to listen anyways. especially once she hears the words he speaks; brightpaw, the sweet young she-cat who had offered her help in those frightening moments after the dog attack, standing dripping in camp and watching the life bleeding out of duskpool, is missing. ears twitch, her muzzle creased in concerm, a memory alight; talk around camp of the rude young she-cat falled too early, drenched scarlet in the pines. did the amber-eyed apprentice suffer the same fate? she prays not, turning to await shadowfire's answer.

the dark tom's answer isn't what she'd hoped—he shakes his head, replying a definite negative, his own eyebrows bunched in concern. slate, unsurprisingly scoffs and lashes his tail with what she feels is unneeded aggression—it's a missing cat, for the sake of the stars, not a fox attack. the tabby sighs, refrains from the negative reply she wants to offer in response to his brusque, uncaring really, words—the young cats were their mentor's responsibility first, yes, but didn't all of the warriors have a duty to ensure their clan was safe? their younger ones, their more vulnerable ones most of all? young cats thought they were invincible, she knows that all too well—they've yet to learn from life's trials. still she just sighs and stays quiet, hoping for more information.

fireflypaw pads up, who she regards with significantly kinder eyes; his ghostly gaze is full of worry, as her own surely is. his answer is no more reassuring—as their medicine apprentice, she'll readily accept that his sense of smell is better than some of their finest hunters. she can't imagine trying to hunt down herb-scent instead of prey. the tabby offers her own input in a nod and a concerned mew, "i was just out practicing my cl-climbing, and i didn't see a trace of her," the warrior pauses and offers, "i can go back out and help look for her, if it's needed?"

  • ooc: ——
  • ❀ bobbie — for her kithood love of bobby pins
    she/her ; cisgender female — skyclan — queen — 40 ☾s
    —— smells like sweet lavender & pine needles ; sounds like sansa stark ; speech in #D64933, thoughts in #B1C797
    —— peaceful / healing powerplay permitted ; attacks/contact in underline ; won’t start fights ; will flee ; will show mercy ; won't kill or maim
    —— pansexual panromantic monogamist, divorced, not looking ; open to friendships, enemies, casual interactions, plotting ; not open to unplanned romance & unplanned battles
    penned by dejavudesklamp9 on discord for plots
  • shhh don't look here (battle info will go here at some point)


Missing. The words struck a more tender nerve now, especially... since he had been on the receiving end of it. Gone, and nowhere knew where you went. The Shelter had been that limbo, a shadowed hiding-spot he was accidentally hiding in. And even when Quillstrike had been near, not seeing him... hardly seeing anyone... he felt the prickle of claustrophobia on his bristling fur every time he thought about it. And then, then- the panicking pang of losing his mentor. Of watching her be taken away, screeching until he couldn't hear her anymore. She was dead before the morning, probably... but it razed him apart that he would never truly know.

His claws picked at the dirt, seizing in a grasp. Bobbie said she didn't see her- Fieflypaw, too. Conclusions pounced upon, Twitchbolt's trembling, panic-teetering voice piped up, cracked with the fray of worry. "Did- did- did either of you see- see, or scent... twolegs? If they're back at it again, we can't- we can't- we..." His eyes were so wide they were starting to hurt, but... the brown and white tom was more focused on attempting to get his breathing back to normal. And... and it wasn't really working.
penned by pin ✧
"I haven't seen her in the apprentice den either," Cherrypaw pipes up helpfully, poking her head out from behind Slate's left leg. She would lose herself for a day if it meant getting him off her back, but she's not dumb enough to do it for an entire day, especially in the territory. She'd probably just plead with Orangeblossom to use her deputy powers and give her the day off, not that the sun-tipped molly would ever let her do such a thing.

Slate swings his big, brute head at Shadowfire; she can't see them, but his eyes are probably burning orange-tinged divots into the warrior's pelt. Fireflypaw says something about not seeing her while herb-hunting either, and it's only then she notices how sharply-scented his pelt is today. Bobbie's hiccuped voice meanders beneath the murmur of the gathering crowd, while Twitchbolt's crackles straight through it. Cherrypaw's gaze lingers on him in particular; she can feel her own eyes stretching a little wider by just looking at him. She's never seen him so on edge. Never even thought about it, honestly, with how amiable and fun he was when she was a kit.

Cherrypaw is unaware of her own fur beginning to fluff up until the hairs on her ruff start tickling her whiskers. She blinks, gulps. "She's probably just asleep somewhere." Her words come out snappier than intended, as though her mind had unconsciously interpreted her bristling as anger. And maybe it is just anger. How could a lead warrior be reduced to trembles over some pebble-brain? How could Brightpaw just shirk her duties when the new apprentices were being worked so hard? She stares at Blazestar, willing him to come to some conclusion (hopefully hers).​