sensitive topics LAST WORDS OF A SHOOTING STAR š“†©ā™”š“†Ŗ death

ą©ˆā™”Ė³ . Ā° āœ¦ [ tw for emetophobia near the end! ]

Darkwhisker hums to himself, his tail swaying to the rhythm of his self-composed song. Nosing through flowers, ensuring that he only picks the best of the flora for his clanmates. RiverClan has weathered their fair share of tragedies these past seasonsā€¦ And so has his own family. His heart grows heavier in his chest and his humming falters at the memories of his father and older sisterā€™s vigils. Taken by StarClan one after another. Too soon, his grieving mind threatens to whisper. But he pushes that thought aside. StarClan doesnā€™t make mistakes. It must all be for a good reason. It has to be.

He takes a deep breath in, and forces himself to smile, imagining that he is letting go of all of his grief and sorrow as he exhales.

Heā€™ll take these flowers back to camp, and weave flower crowns for his clanmates. Darkwhiskerā€™s determined to have even the grumpiest of elders dazzling in their beautiful floral accessories. That would certainly bring some much-needed light back into their lives, wouldnā€™t it?

The long grass rustles with movement near him. Darkwhisker doesnā€™t notice, too focused on picking out his flowers. His humming resumes.

It isnā€™t until he moves to pluck a vibrant yellow flower near the rustling blades that he realizes he isnā€™t alone. And that is only due to the flash of fangs in his peripheral vision. Darkwhisker reflexively flinches away with a gasp, his heart skipping a couple of beats. But he isnā€™t quick enough to avoid the gaping jaws of death.

White-hot pain blazes through the right side of his face. Darkwhisker reels back onto his haunches with a screech, the fur along his spine bristling. Flowers scatter across the ground. His claws unsheathe, striking blindly at the serpent clinging to his cheek, inflicting himself with minor cuts in the process. The warrior shakes his head to and fro.

Finally, the snake dislodges itself from his face. Blood beads from the punctures it has left behind. Darkwhisker catches the unmistakable black zig-zag pattern running down the sales of its back as it retreats. His heart drops to his stomach. Adder. ā€œOh, stars,ā€ he gasps. ā€œNo, no, noā€”ā€

The world spins around him as he lurches in the direction of camp, faint with terror. ā€œI need helpā€” I need Moonbeamā€”ā€ He babbles frantically, his voice rising an octave higher. Darkwhisker tries to force his trembling paws to cooperate. But he trips and stumbles over them like heā€™s a kit learning to walk again. The swelling of his cheek doesnā€™t help him, either; it forces his right eye shut and leaves him without depth perception.

Darkwhiskerā€™s breath comes in sharp pants; he cannot tell if itā€™s from fear or pain. It feels as if liquid fire has been injected into the skin of his face. Heart pounding in his flattened ears, he continues to stagger towards camp.

He canā€™t die. He doesnā€™t want to die. Not yet. Not when he still has so much ahead of him. Darkwhisker hasnā€™t found a mate, or had kits, just like heā€™s always dreamed of. He hasnā€™t mentored his own apprentice. He hasnā€™t watched Lilybloom and Iciclefangā€™s children grow up into wonderful warriors. Thereā€™s too many things he wants to do before he diesā€”!

Numbness creeps up his legs. He collapses onto the ground in a dark-furred heap. No! He tries to get back up, but his legs will no longer obey his brain. His flanks rise and fall spasmodically as he struggles to gulp in enough air to appease his aching lungs. StarClan, save me!

Bile rises up his throat, burning his esophagus as it forces its way out of his mouth. Darkwhisker coughs and heaves for breath between his retching. ā€œHelp,ā€ he manages to croak before he loses the strength to keep his head up. The dark-furred warriorā€™s chin hits the ground. His vision blurs, hot tears rolling down his cheeks and mixing with droplets of blood as he begins to sob.

Thatā€™s when he sees it; a dark brown pelt so similar to his own, he immediately recognizes who it belongs to. Even with stars speckling his fur, Darkwhisker could never forget. Calm washes over him in his final moments, comforted by the scent of his father. Mudpelt was here. Mudpelt would protect him, just as he always did.

With one final, shuddering gasp, the trembling of his body stops.
  • tl;dr darkwhisker was bitten by an adder and succumbed to the venom </3
  • 70853174_jzBF6DKXUD78oQw.png
    tall, lithe dusky brown tom with splashes of white. a cheerful tom who tries to put a smile on the face of everyone he talks to, darkwhisker's life is devoted to spreading positivity in a world full of negativity. though his words may be fancifulā€” and coated in the sugar of white lies, at timesā€” he is a well-intentioned, albeit overly idealistic, young warrior.
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Ginger ears swivelled to a call for help, and Ferngill's stomach vaulted forward. Darkwhisker, that was Darkwhisker's voice. Unmistakeably his brother's- his kindhearted brother, screaming like that, like- like he was locked in combat. it just wasn't like Darkwhisker to be in a fight- someone... something must have attacked him, or- or maybe his foot was stuck somewhere, maybe ...

Blood oozed from a sore upon the swollen apple of his brother's cheek- seeping life foamed at his mouth, and Ferngill's single eye widened in horror. "Moonbeam! Moonbeam!" He screamed, shrieked- a keening voice that didn't sound like him at all. A kittish wail for someone to help. For- for something to stop tragedy from befalling his family again- it couldn't, surely. This string of misfortune, what had they done to deserve it? This venom-pricked wound, when had Darkwhisker ever spat on fate?

He placed his paw on his brother's shoulder. "We- we're gonna get you help, just- j-just hold on ..." It was only the forces of panic that held off the tears slumbering behind Ferngill's eye. No, no- it wasn't right that this should happen. A bite like this- this unluckiness, Darkwhisker had only ever been kind and devout. He'd never done anything, not a single thing to deserve this end- Mudpelt, Lilybloom, Steepsnout too.

The stars kept dotting with the eyes of his family. Not you too, he thought but could not say, a squeak whispering from his mouth in place of it.

Darkwhisker made an awful, awful sound- a gasping, the spasming of his body reaching his apex as a choking breath lurched out of him. "Hold on, hold on," he said, begging a spirit that in his heart he knew had already departed. He was sick, he was gonna faint, he was... he had to keep his paw on Darkwhisker, had to let his brother now he was there, even as his body seemed to grow frostier and frostier. But... but it was just his nerves, just his pawpad tingling into numbness. It wasn't Darkwhisker growing cold, no- no, it couldn't be. "Hold on!"
āœ¦ penned by pin āœ¦
His heart aches as he watches it all unfold, powerless in the face of it all. For all the foresight his starry clanmates are granted, none of them have the power to stop this. He sits by his side till the very end, watching with pain in shadowed amber eyes each panicked rise and fall of Darkwhisker's flank. But he remains steady and calm, just like his kits would remember him to be. Steady, like a mountain. "It's okay, son. It's time to let go now," He murmurs gently, a single starry tear falling from his cheek. And then the breathing stops.

Ferngill's begging causes him to squeeze his eyes shut for a moment, more tears gathering. Take care of your sister. You're all you two have left. He's missed so much. He wishes he could be here to watch his grandchildren grow up. He wishes he could play all the mossball in the world with them and teach them how to swim and fish. He wishes he could pat his ginger-furred son on the back and tell him congratulations, that he thinks his mate is a lovely she-cat. He wishes he could hold Iciclefang close now that he knows the truth - tell her he's not ashamed, he just wishes he could've helped her get through the pain. He wishes he could tell Icesparkle I love you one more time.

But today isn't that day.

He looks back to Darkwhisker, who awakens in a different form, and he gives him a gentle smile to try to ease the hardship of this moment. "Hey, champ," He says softly, and gathers his son in an embrace. "I've missed you so much. Your sisters have, too. Are you ready to go?" The hulking brown tom steps away for a moment and seeks out Darkwhisker's react, head cocked. A characteristic lopsided grin kisses his face then as he motions with his head. "You're in for an adventure. Don't be afraid, kiddo. Everyone's waiting to see you." He takes one last look at Ferngill, all the love a father could feel shining in his eyes, then looks to the nursery where his daughter lies. He soaks the moment up as long as he can. And then he departs, back to the world beyond, where his son will never be hungry, ill, or tired again.
Ferngill's cries for Moonbeam are what rouse Iciclefang from her nest in the nursery. There's strain in his voice, panic rising to a fever pitch. StarClan, what now? Her heart begins to hammer in her chest as she forces her way through the tightly-woven bracken, and then it deeps and keels over as she sees a familiar dark brown pelt splayed against camp's floor. "Darkwhisker? What's happened to him?" Her own voice is strained with disbelief, with the knowledge of what's to come. The scent of blood taints the air, the stench of oncoming death.

Not you, too, she thinks, nearing Darkwhisker's stiffening body on paws leaden with grief. StarClan, why? He's needed here! "You'll be fine," she murmurs into her littermate's fur.

His pelt drains of warmth right under her nose. His blue eyes stare beyond, catching something starry, silver-dusted, and she grips his body in her forepaws, straining against her tears. "Darkwhisker." The whisper is half-choked. She could not stop Lilybloom or Mudpelt from dying. She was leagues away, under drifts of mountain snow and stars, when Steepsnout had succumbed to her sickness. But Darkwhisker, he'd been just fine this morning ā€” and she couldn't do anything for her little brother, nothing at all.

"Ferngill." Her voice cools, dries, cracks. She withdraws from Darkwhisker's body, leaning her flank against Ferngill's ginger side. "He's gone." She hangs her head, her lids slipping over her eyes.

  • ooc: ā€”
  • DEuJTnr.jpg
  • Iciclekit . Iciclepaw . Iciclefang, she/her w/ feminine terms.
    ā€” ā€œspeechā€, thoughts, attack
    ā€” 26 moons old, ages realistically on the 17th.
    ā€” mentored by Smokestar ; mentoring n/a ; previously mentored Cicadaflight
    ā€” riverclan lead warrior & queen. mudpelt x icesparkle, gen 2.
    ā€” former mate to Stormywing ; current mate to no one.
    ā€” penned by Marquette.

    sh tortoiseshell and white she-cat with ice-blue eyes. confident, capable, proud, dry, conceited, condescending, distrustful.

  • Crying
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