late night telephone | silentkit

Petalstep .

. don’t let them win .
Jan 2, 2023
( 。゚❁ུ۪ °ₒ ) While most of the time, Petalkit was far from the observant type, today she was dreadfully, horrifically, unacceptably bored.
She laid in her nest with her face pointed towards the roof of the woven den, her eyes glued to a tendril come undone, watching it sway back and forth.
The sound of stomping pawsteps shook her from her trance however, and she rolled on her stomach just in time to watch a denmate barge into the nursery, shoulder-checking Silentkit on their way in, the kit-on-missions response?
Watch it slowpoke!
With a shake Petalkit rose to her paws, normally she would’ve minded her own business… no, actually, she wouldn’t have either way, but Silentkit’s crest fallen expression made her grimace.
The antagonizer stomps past her, but the bigger molly makes a point to jut her leg out, tripping up the other and causing them to fall promptly on their face. "The correct phrase is, and listen carefully now; ‘I’m sorry, excuse me’" Petalkit hummed towards them as they clumsily wobbled back to their paws with a sniffle, but before they could speak Petalkit would move towards Silentkit, striding past them with a yawn, "c’mon, you seem like much better company than them" she’d offer with a glance over her shoulder. If Silentkit were to take her up on her offer, she’d begin moving towards the freshkill pile. "You hungry? Maybe we can share something, I’m never able to finish a full meal by myself."


[] Sharp, white fangs picked at pearly white fur from between small kitten toes, and amber eyes flicked about in a nervous glance. There was something about the nursery that made things feel weird and stuffy, but they had their orders of heading to the nest for a nap. They didn't understand why they needed that but they were never one to argue with their mother. In their haste to getting into the nursery, they hadn't noticed Petalkits' let sticking out and promptly fell over an extended paw. Silentkit tumbled forward in a roll and came to a stop a few feet away with wide, amber eyes at the surprise of falling.

They looked to the pale kit for a moment as she spoke about sharing something or being better company than the others'. What did that mean? Was that something they should agree too? Well they just didn't really have any evidence to think that they were better company or not. Silentkit gave a curious look and got up from the ground, after recovering from their fall, and padded after Petalkit. They gave a small nod of agreement in response to sharing prey, suppose they were hungry or needed to eat at some point today.

