private late nights in my car / rattle


war mother
Feb 19, 2024
🌧️ Dusk had fallen upon the WindClan camp, the last sloughs of winter pausing in their languid thaw for a chilly night. While the slow progression of leafbare to new-leaf was still too cold for some cats, Thundersong had found herself dreading the approaching spring. Her winter coat just took so long to shake out and all that fur everywhere.... she was going to look like a long-legged wolf pup by the time the summer hit.

It was a distant problem, though one that cats would surely notice. The apprentices would no doubt whine and complain about how tufted their nests would be from all the shedding, and Thundersong could only imagine the glares she would get from their annoyed mentors - granted, that was only if they weren't all assigned to Rattleheart as they all so desperately wanted.

"It is good that the börn adore you so. It means the next generation will respect you and listen to your guidance." she commented suddenly to the lead warrior, her thoughts spilling out of her maw almost before she had a chance to chew the idea. "I am impressed by your patience and wisdom in the face of such change. Even the best cats falter in the circumstances you established yourself in." speech is in #825f87
AS HE RAISED HIS FIST BEFORE HE SPOKE — The sky above Windclan was peaceful for once, the slightest chill still carrying on the air soon to be snuffed out by the rising warm tide of newleaf. Rattleheart was content to just enjoy a skyline free of clouds, his tail curled neatly around his paws as he gazed up into dusk. The barest flashes of distant stars beginning to form were holding his attention, up until it was grabbed by the voice of Thundersong alongside him. He looked towards the warrior far his senior, a smile flashing across his muzzle as he translated what she had to say. The bits of language that she, Sunstar, and Wolfsong seemed to share were occasionally a mystery to him, though this time it was fairly easy to figure out what she meant.

Her words brought embarrassed heat flooding into his pelt, not unlike when all the kits had begun swarming around him. Though he knew he couldn't really be upset about being so highly in demand, it was still something he was far from used to. "I certainly hope you're right about that. After everything that we've been through, I'm just hoping I can help with having things be more peaceful in our future. Especially for all of them." They had already begun growing up in terribly uncertain times, and there wasn't really anything that any of them could do about it. However, the future was a wide open and even playing field, at least in his eyes. "I don't really know about wisdom, but... I'm glad I haven't totally tripped over my own paws." Rattleheart's gaze rose towards the heavens again, briefly wondering how many of his former clanmates were looking down on him and Thundersong as they talked. "Part of me was prepared for it for a while, I suppose. From the beginning I wanted to believe in Sootstar, especially after she welcomed Scorchstreak and I in. But then things started to spiral, and... I guess it became easier to focus on trying to make things better." His own musings only really proved to heighten the sense of embarrassment that he was feeling, certain that Thundersong would think he was nothing more than a child with an overinflated ego in her eyes.

  • 75034712_8183RsjuzqJmQXv.png
    longhaired black and white tom with pale green eyes
    49 moons old; ages the 1st every month
    afab; uses he/she/they pronouns
    homosexual homoromantic; mated to venomstrike
    sibling to scorchstreak, lizardbounce, and rabbitclaw
    currently mentoring downypaw
    somewhat difficult to befriend; wary but kind
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed
    all opinions are ic