private LATERN IN THE NIGHT ☽; lichenpaw

" Lichenpaw! " her voice bursts at the seams, comes booming through the clearing as she finally catches a glimpse of the apprentice in question alone. She's been on the look out for them since the fabled incident, perhaps the next one to be persistent clan gossip following their first medicine cat's insane ass. Upon first sighting, it's only natural she seizes the opportunity she gets. Wolfwind comes to the apprentice in a half - bound, half - trot, a smile on her face even if it fought with the somewhat intense air about her. She can only look so happy when discussing such a thing.

She slows her pace, brings her voice down so not just anyone could necessarily hear what she was sayin', but it wouldn't be hard to guess. " You holdin' up okay after the uh... ya know? " She tilts her head, fixing a grimace on her face at the mention. She barely knew the guy, but they were owed some kindness they clearly hadn't been getting over these few moons. Sunnyday was a lot of things, but the type to do this, Wolfwind would never have guessed. She wonders if he thinks any semblance of himself is justified at this point. He got his wish, didn't he? Sandpaw wouldn't be leaping into any battles for a hot minute.

And she knows it isn't quite true. He sulked a kittypet caught with a mouse in their jaws, that day. But...

Well, Wolfwind would never know what he was thinking. Didn't really care to, either. Now is when Wolfwind lowers her voice into a whisper. " Between you and me, I never liked that guy. "

[ @LICHENPAW >:) ]
————— ❁ —————
A booming voice ringing through camp, calling their name — it has Lichenpaw startle, hard, wide eyes blinking eyes he searches for the culprit. It's Wolfwind, of course, but there's a smile on her face, steps eager as she crosses the clearing towards him. She seems... excited? To see him? Maybe not good excitement, though. There's an intensity about her (there always is, it seems), an energy which he is quick to match with his own nerves, overtaken with movement as his tail begins to twitch, paw begins to tap.

Her voice quiets then, and — oh. Another cat here too make sure he's doing okay, as if that should be any of their problem (as if any of them actually care). Complete with the sympathetic grimace, the avoidance of talking about what actually happened. He's tired of it. "Yeah," he says, trying to keep the sharpness from the word, not succeeding in keeping the tiredness from it. "I'm, uh — I'm holding up alright. It's — it's Sandpaw who got the worst of it, really. I'm — y'know. Fine." Not the most convincing. Oh well.

But her next words — those do surprise him, those break the script he's grown used to by now. "Between you and me, I never liked that guy." He can't help the snort that breaks from him at her whispered words. "What, really?" He gives her a side-eyed look, but the smile on his face grows a bit more genuine in his surprise. "He seemed uh — pretty popular, when I got here." After a moment of consideration he adds, "Well. Guess that changed, heh." It's a strange mix of bitterness and vindication that laces his words, his feelings on his former mentor ever too complicated to untangle.
————— ❁ —————

  • //
  • LICHENPAW named for the lichen on the trees of his home.
    — he/him or they/them. 10 moons.
    — thunderclan apprentice, mentored by blizzard fang.
    — bears a near-permanent nervous grin.

    primary character, high activity. penned by saturnid.​
  • "SPEECH"
  • 64271928_XoeYkJjFj5096aN.png