Jun 7, 2022
❝  Nights've grown longer while the world creeps to leafbare. With the world golden red by sun, all the day's warmth is confined to those few short hours. Darkness creeps up quickly an' lingers far longer, a heavy blanket over the river territory they've all claimed as their home. With the blessing of easy moons behind them, worries began to prey at the corners of his mind. His injury's healed well enough in time that he will not be useless through the frosty times ahead of them, but...well, he worries nonetheless. It'd become something commonplace. Something– his. Community'd never suited him the way it did others. They were equals. Hound was the shepherd's dog circling the flock with watchful eyes. Don't stray too far, he warns, eyes gleaming in the dark, there are monsters out there. It's how he feels now, most'f his clanmates asleep in their nests. There were a few others like him, who stirred at the slightest of sounds or wasted their nights with eyes on the moon.

It's a day of note that Hound finds himself similarly enamored by the sight. Though it paints a fine mist of silver across their ground, and sends ripples of light through the quivering leaves, the moon itself rarely ensnared him so. It's a byproduct of his restlessness, that he has the opportunity to see it now. Idling paws take him from place to place around the camp, and only settle at the river's bank. Cool water laps at his paws, silvery offerings here and gone again as the waves roll out. Even with the threat that shadowed water holds, Houndsnarl finds himself all too tempted to wade in deeper. Maybe he'd float away, lose himself to the peace. What a life that'd be, lived on the water's surface with no back to watch but his own– he doubts he'd survive it at all. Too much in him demands another to protect.

Seems he's not included in that, though. The chocolate tom wades deeper under the cover of night, to his shoulders and then deeper still, head ducked under the waves though callused paws still touch the soft dirt beneath him. It feels good, away from the world. A little bit of calm that he swallows up like honey.

  • hound_doodle_tpe.png
    ooc: just a note that hound will probably send apprentices or kits straight to bed if they show up asfaksfhj
  • ──── houndsnarl. trans male, he/him pronouns.
    ──── approximately 30 moons old, or 2.5 years.
    ──── bisexual with firm male preference; single.

    ──── a chocolate tabby with ( stylized ) low white and intense lime eyes. lean and lanky,  with whiplike musculature and a long, quick stride. hound's notable features include his impressive height, the long scar across the left side of his face from nose to jaw, his very deep, dense fur, and the confident manner with which he conducts himself.
  • "speech"

Most nights find Clayfur sleeping soundlessly, pressed against or between the warm pelts of whichever warriors he’s talked into cuddling with him for the night. He tends to sleep heavily, waking for nothing unless one of his companions extracts themself from his side.

Tonight, though, the chocolate and white tabby remains awake. Sometimes a night walk is needed in order to keep sane, and it happens to be tonight that he sets out for a wander around the territory. In the midst of his trek, Clay spots a figure pushing through the dark—he wonders who it is, questions why anyone would be out this late, but he supposed he isn’t one to judge when he’s also out here.

The tom slinks forth, pushing somewhat loudly through some plants lining the shore. "Isn’t it past your bedtime, Houndie?" He asks in lieu of a greeting to the other warrior, trotting out from between a patch of reeds. "Whatcha doin’ out here all alone, bud?" He watches the other tabby duck beneath the water, almost out of sight in the darkness, and frowns. Is he, like, okay? Am I gonna have to go save him or something?
bounceheart ✧ she/her ✧ riverclan warrior (=˃ᆺ˂=)
Night time was when everything was quiet, except for the sounds of creatures and roars of monsters in the distance. It could be dangerous, and frightening. Nonetheless, she was one of those people who found themselves awake in the dead of night. Tonight was no different - she had not even attempted to lull herself to sleep. Instead, she had found herself scurrying to the edges of the borders in search of food. Fishing was not something she had the energy to entertain tonight.

Pleased with what she had found (a decently sized squirrel) the tabby made her way back to the river to enjoy her meal in peace. A purr arose in her throat as she shouldered her way through shrubbery. 'Stars, I cannot wait to eat,' she thought. Unfortunately, her plans were cut short when she spotted two of her clanmates engaging in conversation just down the river's edge. Bounceheart stepped back a bit, watching from the distance as she began to pick at her prey.​

− ♱ ABOUT : night. approaching mid - leafbare, the voidlike stretch of heavens above gleam like dripping frost, layering the territory with a low chill. common are nights he finds himself venturing from the ancient willow, following the downward babble of riverwater and sheen of silvery, moonlit reflection. the sound of voices, however, is something fairly uncommon. orbital ears perk and he peers forth, through the reeds to see the small, accumulating group. it was rare to see clayfur up this late — a small, quiet smile towards the chocolate tabby reveals a curious glint within icy eyes. unable to sleep? he wouldnt wish his restlessness on anyone, but the tabby himself seemed chipper enough. his gaze casts out into the waters and he sees him — fur like willow bark, deep browns fading into the deepening depths. moondrunk man, broad features turned towards the horizon and the riverclan leader is struck, quietly. a sight so familiar his heart clenches, icy tendrils wrapping about the bespokes of his ribcage like the silver - snare he’d been caught in so recently.

as clayfur speaks, cicadastar releases a soft chuckle, dark and low over the waters, “ he’s right. “ tender. his voice carries a nostalgia he doesn’t care to hide, as calm as the breeze that pulls gentle at the wisped ends of his curled coat, “ a little late for a swim, isnt it? “ its teasing, now. they were similar — two souls haunted by the ghost of restlessness, pale - eyed against the ever glowing moon. the tabby is beckoned by the gentle waters and cicadastar, as he so often does, follows him as if bound in thread, puppeteering his slender limbs after the stockier tom. he steps in and curls begin to float, drifting up with the water in bicolored ringlets. the man releases a heavy sigh, dark water shrouding long, aching limbs with each slow step he takes into the bubbling rivers. hound never leaves his line of sight and even where ebony stripes fade into shadowy waves, ivory paws never once hesitate to follow him into the blackness. in the mirrored water around them dances stardust, reflections of brimming light moving with the way water slips over lean muscle. his thick, plumelike tail floats behind him as he comes up alongside the warrior, head tipped up towards the sky.

whats on your mind, houndie?

  • CICADASTAR ; he / him. roughly thirty nine months old, riverclan leader
    − handsome, lanky black smoke tortie chimera with curly fur and icy blue eyes
    − gay. speaks with a thick german accent, former marsh cat, penned by antlers

  • none.