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    SNOWKIT ; a familial name, after her grandmother and her aunt, though "Snow" conjures up an image that is decidedly softer beneath the paws than "Ice" and "Icicle"
    an ever-smiling prince with a flair for the dramatic, he is an artistic overachiever who thrives beneath a spotlight. she is a boisterous kit with an inflated ego and is light-hearted and silly to a perhaps grating degree. skills seem to come easy to her, and she's quite driven by her ambitions of being a universally-known and all-around adored warrior. with a persona as vain and self-centered as his, he seems to bounce back so easily from any attempts at knocking him down a peg or two. but, can someone really be so carefree all the time?

    — afab; genderfluid-nonbinary; he/she pronouns; all gucci with gendered terms
    — kit of riverclan; loyal to the only home she's ever loved
    — unborn ; ages every ???
    — penned by eezy; PINTEREST ; PLAYLIST


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    The child is glossy-pelted and pastel-colored, a lovely blend of Lakemoon's coloration upon Lilybloom's tortoiseshell canvas. Warm orange-tinged cream sweeps across the majority of her pelt, interspersed with a soft blue misting and dappling her body as if splashed with river water. A swooping half-mask of ivory bubbles up from his chest to his cheeks and muzzle, with a couple of charming spots of blue kissing his lip and cheek. Her nose is pink and speckled with a few dots of grey as well. White also creeps up her legs from her paws, as if he had been bounding through inches of fresh snow. Her fur is long-ish, but sleek with a sheen that will come with a steady diet of fish and frequent dips in the water.

    She will be displeased to find out as she grows that she will not quite reach the towering heights of his mothers, instead filling out to land on a size that can only be described as extremely average. Grace, however, is an inherited trait spun from both of his mothers and nurtured lovingly by his riverside home. He is nimble and quick upon her paws and moves with the grace and controlled flair of a dancer.

    Her blended blue and pale orange tortoiseshell body is a testament to both of his parents, but her warm and mirthful light brown eyes may be a feature that is all her own. They are as large and round as Lilybloom's are, but the clear hazel-brown of her eyes seem to be taken from one of the stones of the riverbank she called home.
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    As a kit, he is a little bundle of energy, cheerful and inquisitive, and always ready to jump into conversations or drag his peers into games. She seems to lack any sort of shyness and will gladly speak on behalf of any of his quieter denmates, whether they want him to or not. She enjoys wrestling and playing mossball as much as any kitten does, but especially enjoys making up fantastical pretend-games and collecting beautiful objects. She is assertive and buoyant, often self-prescribing herself as a leader in kitten-activities, but also easily floating off to be a "free agent" if someone makes a fuss about needing to be the leader or if he doesn't care for the game everyone else decides to play. He is not easily bullied, and his peers will be hard-pressed to get him to do anything he doesn't want to do.

    She is unfailingly positive, and by most accounts an uplifting presence to be around. Perhaps the kitten has unconsciously recognized the air of grief that hangs over him regarding the circumstances of his birth, or perhaps he is just a spirited kitten by nature. In whatever case, it will soon become difficult for her to acknowledge any sort of negative emotion and will be visibly uncomfortable with confronting difficult subjects.

    Early on, he will become one of the clan's most promising students, with a natural affinity for picking up on skills quickly and enough energy and drive to have garnered a bit of praise from adults. He will find himself addicted to the feeling that comes along with verbal praise and approval and will continue to seek attention to a near-pathological degree. Her carefree and altogether unserious attitude is likely to attract some negative attention as well, but the kitten will find that he doesn't really mind if the attention he garners is positive or negative, as long as there are eyes on him. To put things short, he's a total Ham.

    He is a cat that is prone to speaking his mind, and with that, also tends to put a foot in his mouth. While he does care about his friends and family, he can be inconsiderate of others' feelings, and his easy-going nature can come off as flippant. She is a great wing-man, and will be by her loved ones' sides to cheer them on and celebrate their successes, but he should not be the first one to turn to if you need a shoulder to cry on, and he is generally awkward in moments of sadness or negativity. She's the type to offer a pat on the back, and perhaps a tentative offer of "Well, look on the bright side...!"

    Her lighthearted and easygoing demeanor can be charming, reminiscent of her late grandfather, Mudpelt. This combined with her extroversion leads her to be easily friended and generally fun to be around. However, he is heart-forward rather than rational and is swayed by his feelings in decision-making. Feelings can be fickle, but laws are so often cold and unyielding... There lies a seed of true altruism tucked away in his heart, he wants everyone to be happy, but things are not always so simple.

    She holds onto a conceitedness that borders on self-satire, her vanity is inflated much like a hot-air balloon, yet beneath it is an implication that it isn't something she takes completely seriously. But... is there anything she takes seriously? One has to wonder if there's an insecurity she's overcompensating for, or if there's a reason he works so hard just to avoid being a downer. But, is it so bad to want to enjoy life to its fullest, knowing it could end at any moment?

    — Kitten most likely to say "LOOK AT ME!"
    — Somewhat fastidious about the tidiness of his nest
    — Takes up the mantle of the family Entertainer, will go great lengths to bring a smile to someone's face.
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    LILYBLOOM xx LAKEMOON | sibling to GRAYKIT | GEN 4

    NOTABLE INFLUENCES: iciclefang, lakemoon, etcetc
    AESTHETIC: apollo motifs, sunsets over shimmery water, doves, feathers, a knight taking off their helmet to reveal beautiful flowing hair, roses, basking in the spotlight, a grinning GirlPrince kissing your ring in greeting, late 2000s/early 2010s indie sleaze music, carefree days of youth, inflating your confidence so much nothing could ever touch you, creating something beautiful in the bleakest of times.

    admires many, especially adults whom she can grab hold of attention from. very easy to befriend, but shallow, difficult to reach in serious matters or regarding anything concerning deep feelings.
    FEARS: nothing! (abandonment, being shunned, hopelessness)
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    — has a childhood close call in the river (a near-drowning incident?) that leads to her harboring a fear of water, but more than she is afraid of water is she scared of the shine of pride leaving his kin's eyes, and so she muscles through her fear to prevent herself from becoming a Drypaw.
    — carefree attitude creeps too closely to carelessness, putting either herself or a loved one in an unnecessarily dangerous situation, and perhaps serving as a reality-check that her actions have real-life, potentially dire consequences.
    — longterm friendly (mostly) rivalry with denmates/cousins? she will frequently look toward Iciclefang for approval and may fight her cousins and siblings for her attention.

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    extras :3
    [*]character refs: oikawa tooru (haikyuu), tamaki suoh (ohshc), haruka tenou/sailor uranus (sailor moon), miyamura izumi (horimiya), hilda valentine goneril (fire emblem: 3 houses), inigo/laslow (fire emblem: awakening/fates), mr. bingley (pride and prejudice)