laughing with my friends - lichen "prompt"

Aug 14, 2023

The sun was close to setting. Mauve colours started spreading across a clouded sky and she couldn't help but remember Silverbreath and her cloud watching. To struggle with abandonment issues and worry about getting close to someone- he seemed so easy to lay beside, to laugh with. But here she was, alone. and she didn't want to be.

Lilacbird was never confident. She had lost friends, family, and it deteriorated her outgoing and adventurous side, her confidence. She had friends that disappeared and left her behind, laughing in their own groups. Back in the marshes was rough- and then the war. She'd lose everyone she knew, their bodies still haunting her mind sometimes. She was never a good fighter. She hid so many times, her heart thudding in her poofy chest. She was young then.

She remembered as a child, she would get in trouble, seeing if she could swim early and nearly drowning. Slipping off a low tree branch after being told not to climb it. But then, she didn't have any fears. Shed talk to whoever even if she wasn't included, she'd explore new things. Now? Change scared her. She didn't want things to change. But... after hanging out with Silverbreath, she felt rejuvenated? And she wanted to get to know more about others than just observations and stories she'd make up in her own head.

And she wanted someone to join her. Lilac fur like a cloud was settled upon paws beneath her. A blue gaze drifted to someone nearby- her voice never trailed that far. And nearby was Lichentail. The deputy. She couldn't ask them- she in fact should be doing something right? Lichentail would probably think she was just being lazy- it was hard to tell with them. She may be observant, but really she didn't know a lot about the deputy.

But that didn't ease her hesitance to open her damn maw and ask them to watch the twilight sky with her. But everyone deserved rest... right? Would the deputy find that she would be right, and that they needed rest? Her paws shuffled uncomfortably underneath her, dropping her gaze from the glance towards them and back down to her own lilac paws.

Everything in her wanted to just watch it by herself.
Don't get close to others, theyll hurt you. But would they decline her offer? There really was only one way to find out.

"Hey, Lichentail. Uh... can.. you t-take a break...? come watch the t-twilight sky... if you're not too uh.. too b-busy." Not many stopped to enjoy the twilight, focused on the sunrise and sunset. But she found the purples and blues much prettier. Especially when clouds lay scattered across the sky, appearing a different colour than their normal white hues.


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Moving in restless paces, it was hard to find moments where her mind weren't running faster than her paws could carry her. Time to sit and enjoy such passive things as the sun's machinations, the sky's artistry... it did not exist. She had patrols to organize, hunts to supervise, a lackluster hunter for an apprentice that needed more obsessive training. The pale pastels of the coming night tell tale for a chilly night, one to be dappled by snow-filled clouds.

Huffing softly as she moves through the fickle, skeleton-boned reeds near the camp's borders- she owed Shellkit a chance to judge her prey for the day, needed to poke her head in to ask if Hazecloud needed help with Pebblekit's bad temper, wanted to find a moment to give Riverkit some words of encouragement. Ravensong would want to know that her mate was feeling more nauseous lately... Snakeblink needed to be pestered into taking his shift near the nursery for the night (the owl's presence had urged this necessity). She had a million things on her mind to get done and not enough hours to see them done in.

A gaze furrows as it stares at the lingering fresh-kill, trying to decipher if there is enough to fill any empty mouths this late in the evening. "Hey, Lichentail." The deputy snaps to attention, ears perked to listen for the direction of her name- Lilacbird? The point tilts her head slightly, a question waiting in silence to be answered quite shortly.

A break...

The molly would laugh if it wouldn't be mistaken as rudeness. Instead, a tight-lipped smile forms on her maw... tail twitching to show her anxious need to do the exact opposite. "Uh..." Blinking the surprise off her face, the stripe-accented feline wanders closer to her clan-mate, switching her attention from her face to the multi-colored atmosphere. "I.... I guess I could pause for a little while..." Shellkit was a good girl.. she wouldn't mind waiting a little longer for Lichentail to come play probably.

"Do we... do that here or? Do you have a better view in mind?"

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Lilacbird took her time to busy herself during the day. Well, when she accidentally wasn't messing up her task, stumbling into someone, failing to catch land prey- which was a lot. She was good at fishing. But she would do her best through the insecurities that flooded. She just wanted to help her clan, and sometimes she felt she drew them back.... but she also knew it wasn't completely true.

the fluffy warrior would return the smile, her pit of anxiety lessening as the grey and white deputy joined her side. that... it was easier than expected...? Lichentail hadn't said anything but that she could, and it really made Lilacbird happy.

She had been so nervous to interact with her clan. yet as she pressed against her walls, and as she broke free of crippling anxiety, she was enjoying every second of talking to them, of hanging out with them.

"Would... it help you t-to remain here so you're still close to camp?" Lilacbird asked with a head tilt towards her. "Or we can j-just... sit a few fox lengths away... It's... what's more relaxing to you?" She knew lichen had to have been busy even this late in the day. She wanted to offer to help, but she'd probably mess something up. It was highly likely, at least. She hated those thoughts, hated that wretching feeling of anxiety. She really didn't want to tear Lichentail too far from her duties. "T-twilight d-doesn't last too long," her voice was promising, cerulean gaze turning back to the highlights in the sky.
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Maybe... being around kittens had made her more patient... softer? The word for it is lost in this moment.. but even she can tell her choice to rest is out of character. Pikesplash had been one of the few to coax a few playful instances from the work-driven molly- it had been splashing around in the river, an exercise of mock-battle that seemed justified despite its entertainment value. That couldn't happen now... not with the way the river shallows had half-frozen, not with the threat of hunger keeping a growling warning at an echo in her head.

Lilacbird is conscientious enough to acknowledge that she is asking for something in high demand, suggesting they remain close. The point offers a small hmm of consideration, sky-mirror eyes transfixed on the horizon. How many of these had she walked right past in the name of duty? She was hardly more than three years old... still in the prime of her youth really. She ought to be more careful... more mindful... not everyone made it to the elder's den to reminisce and share stories with kittens that nested with their grandbabies. "Right here is fine," she breathes, a wisp of pale-clouded air dissipating with the hushed tones.

And the gray-brown warrior was right. The moment was fleeting. Soon the trailing shades of the sun's last winking were consumed in vibrant purples, hues of pink that mimicked frost-sore, swollen paw-pads. Darkness had ascended, made hardly lightened by the moon's soft glow that became brighter as it rose towards its peak that night. "I hope.. I'll have more time soon. To enjoy this again," she says with a kitten-like awe. "Do you always watch the sun set?"

It was a sweet freedom to have... she'd make sure to give Lilacbird that peace every evening if she could.

Everyone deserved their tiny havens in a world where fate was unkind... relentless.


a break didn't have to be filled with conversation. silently sitting here with the blue and white deputy , watching the hues of the sky slowly transition to reveal its arrays of colours was enough- and it seemed to work. from what she could tell, if she was as analytical as she thought she was, Lichentail did seem to relax just a bit. but she could also be wrong, that was a common occurrence as well. but the other was unmoving.

they did not mind the break at the very least, and that made Lilacbird content if anything. but she supposed she wouldn't think twice if the other would break the silence to leave sooner. yet they didn't until the moon began to rise and her own eyes dilated to adjust to the dimming light. cerulean gaze shifted as they finally spoke.

"anytime you want, I mean... c-could always just have you j-join me again," she responded with a soft smile, a content purr rasping her gentle voice. "and as often as I c-can. once in a while, I enjoy it probably longer th-than I should." there was nothing wrong with any break, with being absorbed in something that denied those cruelties of the world. it was an innocent she did enjoy to relish. but she also knew if she missed one, due to patrols or other work, there would be plenty more to come.

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The deputy shakes out a messy ruff of fur, trying to shake the chill that settled as the sun's light faded. It was a good, temporary distraction... one that didn't involve too much of her time nor too much energy. She could get up after this, go about her night trying to do some last second hunting, play with Shellkit before bedtime... maybe convince Pebblekit to take his guard duty a little less seriously. How a kid could be so determined to be grown up so quickly.. she didn't understand.

Smiling softly as Lilacbird trills a soft admission of 'extended' enjoyment, the lynx point shrugs to dismiss the fear. "Protect your peace Lilacbird."

Icy gaze makes eye contact for only a moment before drifting towards the nursery, thinking about how little peace she could protect... that she would soon have more to fight for instead.

"The little things add up..."

Stretching out too-still muscles, she winks her eyes closed in a small, easy smile, "Thanks for this- I'll see if I can't sniff you out again in the future! Please take care tonight... You know where to find me."