backwritten Lavender Beds || Juniperfrost


In darkness blooms the spider lily
Nov 10, 2022

Her heart was in a dangerous place. She had found her silly little crush had evolved into something more, and she didn't know what to do with it. She couldn't just open her heart and expect it to be okay.

Nothing ever went okay for her. Fortune abandoned her the day she was born, and she wasn't going to be so foolish as to expect it to change....

Yet she couldn't stop herself from prancing over to Juniperfrost this night and flopping down on him. Bothering him was fun. She liked it, stars knew she didn't know how to flirt normally.

"Wow, you're actually pretty comfy. I think I'll stay." She said.

Juniperfrost was much bigger than her, but that was just a plus. He was grumpy and stoic and yet she just couldn't help herself. She liked him. She didn't know why.

Even if the feeling wasn't mutual.


"You are a thorn in my side."
Spiderbloom had always been a menace, constantly following him and making her little quips and always slipping onto patrols or otherwise to pester him while he worked. The ticked tom begrudgingly tolerated her for the good of the clan and to ensure their duties were done smoothly without a hitch but he had often considered snapping his teeth at her as a warning to quit her nonsense. Over time this had changed into more than tolerance, far from anything truly positive but a neutral feeling broadened only by Coyotepaw's sudden leaving. Leopardcloud had taken from him the one thing in the world he considered more valued than his loyalty to WindClan and it was his devotion to his own bloodline. His parents had been proud Marsh colony cats, his brother had proper offspring to carry down his own legacy and while Applebite did not have her own children she was a she-cat and perfectly capable of getting whatever tom she wanted. Juniperfrost had none of that, any molly he might even consider to be adequate to produce him heirs was either taken or disinterested in him and it was not an issue he dwelled on enough to change how he held himself for. Too serious, too quiet, perhaps too cold.
Frost was the name given to him for a reason, after all. But Spiderbloom, a rogue turned WindClanner who had least had her sensibilities. He'd never considered her much more than the bother she was until she draped herself across his back to irritate him.
The impulse was to shove her off, but he'd be an idiot not to notice her interest in him and he was no idiot.
"What are your thoughts on kits?" He asked bluntly, perhaps not exactly the romantic confession she might have hoped for but he never dawdled on things, he didn't love her by any means. Juniperfrost didn't love any cat. But they could come to an understanding of sorts...perhaps.

She was expecting to be kicked off, even braced herself for it as she had landed on him. When that didn't come, she was quite surprised. She was even more surprised at his sudden question.


Did he mean her opinion on them as in if she liked them or not.... Or how she felt about having them??? It was such a sudden question, her brain was scrambling to make sense of it.

May as well be honest!

"They're a handful... But an entertaining handful. There's nothing like the imagination of a kit." She said. They were so innocent and full of wonder, she couldn't help but envy them. " I wouldn't mind having some again, someday."

She would never forget her first litter. They would forever live on in her heart, but she would be lying if she didn't yearn to have more. Windclan was safe. There were no coyotes here. She and her kits would be safe, and they could grow up strong.

"Why do you ask?" She asked. It was such a sudden thing he sprung on her, she was still mentally reeling from it.

He begrudingly tolerated being laid upon, not bothering to lift his head. After all it would be poor manners to ask his questions and then shove her rudely. Besides, if it truly bothered him then he would have not allowed it in the first place. Irritating as it was to have her personal space invaded. The ticked tom listened quietly, heard what he wanted and mulled it over once more in his mind. It wasn't like this was an impromptu decision, he had been debating it for some time just not with the point she-cat specifically.
From what he had heard it wasn't like Spiderbloom was a poor mother, the rogues had just dealt with coyotes and of course things happened that wouldn't be an issue in the safety of WindClan's camp itself. She was loyal to Sootstar, she was pretty though looks were really not the most important thing he was considering it did not hurt to admit that at the very least they would not ungainly children if his proposal was accepted.
"Would you be interested in carrying mine?" Okay, maybe too forward, he cleared his throat, "Coyotepaw's betrayal has reminded me of how important a legacy is. My one goal in life is to leave a bloodline that WindClan can be proud of and he and his wretched mother had trampled all across this..."
The blue tabby shifted his shoulders and sat up, careful not to shove the other in his adjustment. "I won't lie to you-this has little to do with feelings. I can not say I view you as anything but a clanmate but I can admit you are far from the least tolerable ones there are."
Which was probably a compliment from Juniperfrost. Probably.

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She had heard all about Leopardcloud, and was there to witness Coyotepaws betrayal. She couldn't imagine what that must be like, though she didn't fully understand Leopardclouds condition either.

To be born sick, to die so soon. How cruel life was. She wouldn't voice this, of course. She wondered how they even got together. That was a conundrum she didn't quite care about. Dating was a pain sometimes.

But to hear that he was asking her to have his kits.... She was quiet for a moment from surprise. Of course she felt giddy inside, but at the same time she felt knots in her stomach. Anxiety.

Anxiety and fear over the past... She needed to let go. What happened.... Happened.

She knew her feelings weren't mutual. For some reason, that didn't bother her. His company was enough. Her tail twitched as she thought. Her mind was too scrambled to think straight, so she listened to her heart instead. A very rare moment for her.

"Yes." She said. " You're powerful, smart and loyal. A little grumpy.... But that's not a bad thing." She continued. "You're one of Windclans best warriors. I'm honored you chose me to have kits with."

She was.... Excited to be a mother again. She had barely gotten the chance before, and now she was confident everything would be okay. If anything threatened her kits, it would have to deal with the might of Windclan rather than just her.

"We will raise the greatest warriors this clan has seen. I'm not soft like your last mate, I can promise you that." She added.

Did Leopardcloud teach her kits how to bury a body when they were barely weened??? She bet she didn't! Sure, this information was useless to her kits at their age, but.... At least they knew for later!

She chuckled at his last words. "Oh, I know you don't like me that way. I don't mind." She said. "But I'll take being tolerable as a compliment~"

Though even if he called her the bane of his existence she would still take it as a compliment.