camp lay me down — sharing prey

May 30, 2023
don't try to rush your enemies .
Oakfang hummed, rummaging through the freshkill pile, frosted nose crinkling beneath the onslaught of prey scents, pupils dilating until he pulled his helm out, whiskers twitching. “Mn.” Perhaps he was not hungry? An ah-ha slipped past a sharp tongue, pivoting on his paws to peer across camp, smokey tail flickering. “Would anyone care to share?” He called out, helm cocked, brow crinkling in charismatic ease.

Unlike before, the prey had been plentiful, but the frosty warrior couldn’t help but worry for the clan, watching the surplus dwindle. He glanced idly toward the medicine cat den where Spiderlily lay, Whitelion not far. He hummed, amber optics crinkling. I suppose that is the beauty of love. He remarked, turning his gaze away from the medicine cat den to continue shuffling through the various prey. “Now. Now. What shall we have? Any particular cravings?” He rumbled, tone rumbling smoothly. “Let’s see if there’s anything left.” He tilted his helm, glancing at whoever with a particular glint, tail flickering.

“Has anyone else noticed?” He remarked with a crinkle of his brow. If they didn’t understand then well … rather lacking in the intelligence department, but no worries, Oakfang had the belief they’d get it right.
thought speech
I’ll share!” The messy-furred young warrior flings themselves close to Oakfang, green eyes searing through the fresh-kill pile. Her tail swishes behind her, mouth watering. She hadn't realized how hungry she is until she'd swished through the gorse tunnel and slipped among her Clanmates.

It’s been a long morning for her—she’d caught the dawn patrol to the ShadowClan border, and both her nose and her paws ache as a result. The pale she-cat’s ears flick forward, however, as Oakfang’s question. “Has anyone else noticed?” He doesn’t elaborate, and Mousenose blinks confused acid-bright eyes in his direction. “Erm… noticed what?

  • mousekit . mousepaw . mousenose
    — she/they, warrior of thunderclan
    — pansexual ; single
    — long-haired blue tortoiseshell with white and green eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Rai
WE'RE GETTING LOST! Killdeercry couldn't quite ever see herself as a mother, not since Wrenflutter had her own brood. She loved her sisterly dearly and saw an amazing strength in the she-cat that she did not have in herself, but there were times she struggled seeing herself being able to handle the same.

Snapping attitudes from minds hardly developed enough to know when a stone in the sun was hot. Having to let go and put their safety into the paws of another, hoping it would be enough to keep them safe in the dangers of the forest. Praying StarClan would shed their starlight in their path and let them live. She thought of Howlingstar losing Graystorm, Tansyshine and Coalkit, Dovepaw and that cursed badger...

Killdeercry didn't imagine herself having kits with anyone anyhow, it wasn't going to happen without a pretty she-cat at her side. It was hard to find one when she was already married to her work, though.

Oakfang had been off on his own set of clouds lately and it took little for the ruddy cat to guess. How often his gaze drifted to the nursery, so soon after Spiderlily had joined the other queens. Killdeercry wasn't the brightest, but she could do simple math pretty well. "You haven't noticed, Mousenose? We've been having to fight off Oakfang from overcrowding the nursery." She teased with a wide grin at the chestnut warrior. — tags
Rainbowkit wants to be a good notice-er. They often look all around camp, wondering what they can notice – if they've noticed it first, or it was only seconds before someone would come storming over to tell them what's wrong. They're already full, and resting in the sun with paws beneath their chin, but the question makes them perk and blink in Oakfang's direction. Has anyone else noticed?

Rainbowkit glances around in question. Not even Mousenose knew, so maybe Rainbowkit wouldn't know either. Overcrowding the nursery. Rainbowkit strains his ears further, wondering if they were gonna kick him out early since the nursery was apparently crowded and he was basically almost an apprentice soon. That'd be to good, but they guess they wouldn't be able to do anything about it... " The nursery's not crowded, " he reminds Killdeercry innocently. They're not really sure how to judge crowded, or know if they – as a subject of the crowding – is allowed to decide that. Well, to support his agenda (?) he could. " Oakfang can come. " Is Killdeer cry even right about... the noticing? It's easier if Rainbowkit assumes that she is.

  • rainbowkit & [ raine ] [ bow ] : sunfreckle xx rabbitnose 2nd litter. littermate to sunshinekit & emberkit. younger brother to mousepaw, sparkpaw & frecklepaw.
    —— amab. they / he ; fine with gendered terms ( tom / boy / brother / etc . . . )
    —— currently 4 moons old.

    a typical size for their age. warm - faced and bright - eyed, rainbowkit sports boyish features and an easygoing smile. early signs of a thick ruff to come can be seen in plush cheeks and a thickening tail. sports long curling whickers and a dip of sun - red down the length of their neck.
  • this is for cute purposes begone.
don't try to rush your enemies .
He turned a curious optic to Mousenose, humorous in her confusion because really he would have hoped they would have noticed, but wouldn’t be the case. Pity. He offered nothing else, turning a crinkled optic to Killdeercry. “I’m going to be an uncle, after all!” He hummed, humoring the other while nudging a rather sad-looking vole in Mousenose’s direction, offering the warrior the first few bites.

Although, Oakfang had been closer to the medicine cat den, making sure Spiderlily wouldn’t be amongst their deceased, but he had faith in the stubborn warrior, as much as the ghostly tom was obsessed with death. His nose crinkled, remembering the slurred threat of pulling out his fur if anyone touched his collection of skulls. His tail curled, helm tilted in Rainbowkit’s direction, muzzle crinkling in muffed amusement. “Oh? Haven’t gotten tired of me yet?” All in good fun, no doubt.
thought speech