camp lazy afternoons / intro


the sorrowful dreamer.
Jan 15, 2023

A yawn escaped past parted jaws. Shaking their fur out, Appleheart exits the warrior's den calmly. Golden eyes peered out at the scenery before him. Okay, the start to the day was fine. Just fine.

Stretching out, he made his way, watching the other cats talk and chatter, but never stopping to himself. He took a deep breath, and another. His paws scratched at the ground beneath him. Of course, this lack of awareness of his surroundings caused him to smack into the nearest cat. "Ouch! Oh, gosh, I am so sorry about this."

Strolling the campgrounds by herself and full of her own thoughts, she too hadn't taken the time to watch her surroundings before all of a sudden, a force bumped into her side. A quiet 'oof' escaped the ticked feline as she steadied herself, her fur bristling for just a second before the culprit's apologies came through. The emerald eyes of the tabby slowly settled onto Appleheart, showing no offense at the sudden bump by the time they'd finished. "I have been mortally wounded. I will see you in StarClan, clanmate." Ferndance spoke monotonously and stood perfectly still as she addressed the tabby, a small smile appearing on her maw. A while passed before she opened her mouth to speak again, long enough for the most nervous of individuals to assume that something may have actually been wrong. "I'm just kidding." Her smile grew wider and more polite, and with some of the dead leaves across her fur falling to the earth as she moved, Ferndance reclined back on her haunches.

She would find a way to get back at him for bumping into her, but such plans took time, time which the empty fresh kill pile and high snowfall seldom granted the hunter. "Where are you off to in such a rush? Did you sleep in for morning patrols?" She asked curiously, her tail tucking around her bicoloured paws.

Like his namesake, Roosterstrut was a bit of an early riser. Daybreak was a pleasant time to awaken, to the melodic birdsong and the glistening of the dawn sun against the icy edges of the snow-flocked camp. He had already gotten a morning hunt in, though had produced nothing as prey was scarce to happen upon these days. The young warrior had felt disheartened by his failure, though perhaps later on he'd bring himself to try again.

He notices the interaction unfolding between Appleheart and Ferndance; of course, the molly's mannerisms are quite peculiar though not unexpected at this point. She has always been a strange bird. "Mornin'," Roosterstrut greets the older warriors, both of whom he's never particularly been close to but would make time to interact with nevertheless. "Cold out, huh?" The orange tabby makes an attempt at small talk, rolling his shoulders and lifting his gaze to the skies above. "Well, I guess it's always cold nowadays." He sighed, shrugging his shoulders. What else was there to talk about besides the weather, anyway? Or maybe the current state of their fresh-kill pile. Both were equally as dispiriting.

    —— amab, uses he/him pronouns. sixteen moons old. warrior of shadowclan.
    —— laid-back young adult who utilizes humor and fun in order to distract from serious matters. he is a decent warrior, though he hesitates to take risks.
    —— link to tags. @ on discord for plots.

    roosterstrut is a vibrant orange tabby tom with pale green eyes. he stands at a height ever so slightly above the average. his fur is long and whispy and his tail is especially reminiscent of a rooster's. he sports a signature, goofy smirk and a mischievous glint in his eye.

chilledgaze had been trying to nap. keyword, trying. their ears were perked up, on alert as always, paws tucked beneath them. they seemed like they were sleeping, but they were more than likely just resting. they might have been sleeping... but with all this noise, how is a deputy supposed to get any type of sleep? the insomnia didn't help either. it's too early for this shit. they told themself, slowly peeling their eyes back open with a grunt. they stood to their paws, shaking their fur out with a tilt of their head before they just rolled their eyes dramatically, leaning into their emotionless demeanor.


they'd huff, striding past the group for a moment before turning back to looking at the small gaggle, expression unreadable and frigid.

"lots of talking. not a lot of moving. are you all going to be lazy all day?"

they might have been joking. who the hell knew? with a slow blink, they yawned with a twitch of their ears.

"all this talking, it's no wonder we are all starving."


Ever since she was a kit, Starling had always been a morning cat. Her mother always joked that she would rise with the sun but it was true. At the crack of dawn, she is up and watching the world wake up, green eyes wandering around the camp, taking note of who did what. She was good at observing, of watching things from the shadows, as she always had been. Her anxiety and stuttered speech had developed her into a better listener, and a better watcher and that is what she is doing right now. She watches as Appleheart runs into Ferndance, not watching where he is going, smiles lightly at her small joke and wonders herself if the tom had been late to the dawn patrol.

It was cold, but what else was new? The older cats had said it would be cold for a while yet. She remembers the first time she had heard about leaf-bare. She had been so determined to fix things, to help. She wanted to be someone who could help but the only thing she was good at catching were leaves in the wind. Their deputy's comments make her sigh and look at her paws, it was true, they were all starving. They were all hungry.

"I-i-if you gu-guys go uh go hu-hunting I wou-would like to to co-come i-if if you do-don't miiiind" she says, casting a hopeful glance their way. Perhaps she could learn something from some of the older cats. Just because she was a medicine cat didn't mean she shouldn't also know how to hunt or fight did it?

Appleheart was... less than amused with what he believed to be terrible acting. He raised his eyebrows, until he saw the smile. Ah, a joke. The rosetted tabby lifted a paw to his mouth as he chuckled. "If I'm not careful, I might join you there quite soon," that was an attempt to joke back. Their tail swished behind them as their clanmate spoke. And then, he shook his head. "Not really a rush, per se, I was just clumsy. But I was planning on going hunting." He was hoping that Ferndance would take him up on the invite.

His attention goes to the younger warrior when Roosterstrut makes himself known. Oh, Appleheart never really... had much of any interactions with him. And honestly, it seemed like all he was interested in was small talk.. Appleheart grinned at him, hopefully a welcoming one at that. "Well now, it's certainly not like it's going to stay cold forever! Warmer days have to be coming around. C'mon, keep your head up." His tone was just dripping with optimism.

He nearly jumped when Chilledgaze came on the site, though. They turned their head towards them. His eyes nearly narrowed, but he forced himself to remain friendly and calm. "Of course. I was just planning on inviting them to hunt," he states, his voice oddly monotonous.

As he turned his gaze to see if any other cats were in the area, someone did appear. They tilted their head slightly. A medicine cat! Interesting. Appleheart usually did get up very early in the morning, but every cat had their off days. Oh, jeez, maybe he would have a talk with her, help ease some of that anxiety... hopefully. He then gestured for her to get closer to the group. "Yeah, of course! I can teach you." Appleheart took a moment to glance at the group. "And maybe some others can help as well! Always better to have more than one teacher, I say. They can teach you things that I miss, after all."