le bal des chats! | magpie

♡ magpie ♡


general information
— magpie
— formerly magpiekit and amélie
— cisgender female
— she / her
— demisexual
— biromantic
— can be polyamorous
— 7 moons
— ages every 1st
— loner
— formerly skyclan; deserter
— formerly a kittypet​

— healing; yes
— minor injuries; yes
— major injuries; no
— death; no
voice claim
— none yet
— vanilla milk and wool blankets​

— a black and cream chimera with low white
— magpie has short, soft cream-colored and black fur with white dapples and speckles in random places. she also, notably, has a black and white tail similar to the white spotting on the tail of a magpie.
— a warm, dark brown
— magpie is slightly small for her age, and seems to be a bit late for a growth spurt; otherwise she has a slender, petite frame with hidden muscle in her back legs that give her an extremely powerful leap.

— magpie is a very innocent-looking cat, and aside from her missing tail is completely unscarred; her youth shows in her face, with what can be rightfully described as a near-angelic light in her eyes. it seems that she hasn't fully grown into her proportions, currently being in the awkward and lanky transition phase between a kit and an adult body. her ears are slightly large, and her legs are slightly long in comparison to the thinness of her torso.

additional notes
— her tail is a stump due to a dog biting it off when she was a kitten; it's naturally an average length​


— innocent
— familial
— passive
— observant
— gentle

— fearful
— guarded
— overly-shy
— highly dependent
— clingy

— the first thing that many notice about magpie is that she is selectively mute; she rarely ever speaks at all, and when she does, it's little more than a whisper of a single word while in the presence of those she trusts. while magpie is very clingy and uncomfortable with being left alone, she is also extremely shy, and is incredibly slow to open up to those she doesn't already know and trust. she is often plagued by nightmares, and has an intense fear of dogs especially, though she doesn't entirely remember what caused this paranoia of hers.
— when around someone that she trusts, magpie is quick to form a close bond, often asking to be nurtured and taken care of like a parent would to their kit; in the midst of timidity and anxiety, there are rare moments of peace and childlike innocence still visible within her. she enjoys simple comforts, and yearns for a home surrounded by those that she loves.​

family history
— unknown
— unknown
— none
— none
extended kin
— none known​

— magpie has very few memories from her previous life, and this is in large part due to the trauma that tore her away from her kittypet home at such a young age. she was born with the name amélie, and belonged to a french-speaking twoleg family for the entirety of her kithood. these early ears were warm and comfortable, as she enjoyed a nurturing and loving environment even without the presence of her parents, who she had been separated from at birth.
— this peaceful and warm life was ripped away from her when, at four moons old, her twoleg family adopted an adult american foxhound. one night, the dog was accidentally let into the same room as her, and the beast instantly attacked; while her twolegs managed to pry her from the jaws of the murderous beast, it managed to tear her tail completely off, and amélie fled the house in a panic immediately afterwards.

— alone and severely injured, amélie was found in the forest by a small group of skyclan cats, who took her in to immediately tend to her missing tail. unable to learn her name—for amélie was unable to speak for moons after the incident with the dog—she was given the name magpiekit for her tendency to steal and collect small, shiny, largely useless objects and horde them in her nest.
— after only a moon in skyclan, where she was largely accepted and where many attempts were made to make her feel comfortable, magpiekit ran away just before her apprentice ceremony. she didn't run away for any particular reason, and even she hardly understands why she did it, but since the incident she's been highly uncomfortable with the idea of any serious commitments.

— at six moons old, magpie was found wandering uncharted territories by a large, dark-furred rogue named scarecrow. since then, she has been living with him and the rest of his small group of rogues and loners, and has managed to earn the affection of each of them. she is currently being taught to hunt and fight by the entire group, and is finally beginning to feel like she's found a new home for herself that she can relax in.

— tba​

— for fruits basket; ritsuko okazaki
— 私の愛は小さいけれど; ritsuko okazaki
— when i remember this life; kazumi nikaido
— petit fantôme; cécile corbel
— suis-moi (french version); hans zimmer
— さんぽ; joe hisaishi
— dreaming; bruno coulais
— zettai zetsumei; cö shu nie
— asphyxia; cö shu nie
— six's theme, pt. ii; tobias lilja
— yesterday, everything returns; kikuo​

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