camp LEAD THROUGH THE MIST [ intro ]


Oct 3, 2022
( ) there is a reason their homeland is named for the shadows. as leaves begin to float across borders, color brightening the tall trees and sunlit meadows of the other clans, the marsh remains, solitary, quiet. it’s a dark place, but not uncomfortable, rather full of a rare warmth, spurred on by the close kinship of the dark dwellers. shadowclan’s fire burns close to its heart, a low and hot flame, undetectable though it is to those who would scorn them. the clan is named for the state they live in - darkness wrapped around them like a cloak, an aid rather than a hindrance. they thrive in it.

when day pulls on her long black coat, slinking behind the cover of the moon, the shadows come out to dance, and dance they do. much of the marsh is alive at night, fireflies flickering through the trees, hurrying away, perhaps, from the sound of pawsteps. hollyfrost thrives in this state. they stalk through the territory, paws splashed with mud, tail dripping dirty water onto the path behind them. the singular pine hued eye glances balefully about, color splotched nose twitching to scent the air. a musty earthen smell comes back to greet them, carried fresh on a brisk breeze. it ruffles their fur, separating charcoal from moonlight, and they sigh with delight. clutched in their torn maw, two rats hang by their tails, swinging gently against their chest as they walk.

it’s this kind of messy peace that forces the callous feline out at night, their goal to fetch as much prey as possible. if they manage to dirty their paws while doing so, well, it’s no one’s fault but their own. tonight the sky is clear and dark, moon glimmering down on them as they traipse across the familiar trails, eye scanning all around them. a movement above stops them in their tracks. there, in the sky, a creature soars, half hidden by trees, gliding effortlessly through the air. an interested gaze tracks its movement and hollyfrost sets their rats down gently, tucking them beneath some leaf mold beside them. then, ears flattening and eye wide, they crouch, hind muscles rippling with effort as they leap up into a low tree. their stomach flips as they land, teetering on wet bark, and thornlike claws slide out to grip the branch. above, the bat swoops, low enough that they can almost grab it…

there! deft claws snatch it from the air and the delicate webbed wings tear under the force of the catch. they take it in their mouth and shake, satisfaction warming their chest as they drop back to the ground. it is a magnificent catch, if they do say so themself, and they do. confidence sparks under their paws as they snatch up their other catches and return to camp. sliding into their home, hollyfrost purrs softly as they set the bat upon the kill pile.


Starlingpaw remembers a time when the darkness used to terrify her. The cover of night was meant for snuggling closer into her mothers pitch black pelt, tucked away safely among siblings. Now though, she finds an odd comfort in it. The stars shining above her make her feel less alone, like her mother and father are watching her, guiding her paw steps. She hopes they are doing the same for Slitherkit as well, wherever they may be.

She tilts her head to the sky now, looking up at the lights that twinkle above. Most of her clan would swear Star Clan had forsaken them but Starlingpaw needed to believe that there was a reason for everything that had happened to her. She needed to believe the stars had a plan and that the plan involved her mother joining their ranks. Otherwise she would end up like her brother. Angry and lost with no light to guide him.

She is deep in her silent musings when a figure makes their way into the camp, silent and shadowed. Her green eyes follow them to the fresh kill pile where they lay a strange creature down. The child makes her way over and gives it a tentative sniff before looking up at the cat she recognizes as Hollyfrost. "Wh-what I-i-is th-tha-tha-that?" she asks in her broken speech. She has never seen anything quite like it before.

Her paws press againt dampened moss covered rocks, eyes just looking over the swampy bog she calls home. Hunting hasn't been what she came out here to do. More so to clear her head. It's not been kind to her, her mind. The things she has heard, things she has seen as she tries to close her eyes at night. Now she just takes a moment for herself, lounging against these cool rocks before she finally oushes to her paws. It takes her a little moment to make her way back to the camp after collecting the piece of prey she has decided to bring back with her. She supposes having the downtime is only justifiable after putting some work in and she steps quietly to the pile to drop the snake. Her ears twitch at her niece's inquiry and she turns her gaze to what the other means. "Oh that is a nice catch, Holly."

Lifting her paw she gently prods at it with a white socked paw before she lets a smile pull at her muzzle. "It's a bat. They are hunters of the night, kind of like we are." Shadowclan seems to be more active at dusk and when the night stars twinkle above them.
it was a nice catch. couldn't be denied or even disputed. but chilledgaze worried. would they have nearly as many catches like that? leafbare was fast approaching, and chilledgaze worried for the clan. the kits within it. the elders. the warriors, because without them a clan would be nothing. pitchstar. the warrior only gives a somber sigh, their icy gaze settling on the pile.

"a good catch, indeed."

their tongue only swipes over their muzzle at the thought of eating but they knew they would likely just give it to someone who wanted it. shadowclan wasn't starving... not yet at least.