Her introduction to Snowpaw had been a quick bonk to the head with a gnarly mossball. It was not the best introduction in the world, but it was a solid second in the eyes of the rambunctious kitten. Either a declaration of war or a declaration of friendship, her brain could not decide, but it prompted an investigation. Snowpaw and her were not too dissimilar in size, seemingly the only thing that separated them was their opposing facial expressions and ranks. That was the only lead she had, but with copper eyes slightly narrowed, Bloodkit was focused on her mission. She started by walking up behind the snowy feline, doing her best to copy the more deliberate footsteps of the apprentice. "Apprentice!" She declared loudly, hoping the other would stop and turn to face her. Bloodkit puffed out her chest like a proud rooster, a smile as devious as an imp's worn upon her auburn muzzle. She had learned it was custom to call any cats by their names, even her mother - it was not a custom that had been a priority in Ferndance's lessons. She had taught them to study and make their own meanings in the world. To Bloodkit, it seemed wildly more appropriate to address others by their rank.

"You have a really good throw on your paw, like... I didn't see it. Was it a straight throw? Or did you swing your paw around like this?" She flailed her paw around wildly, ears briefly flickering downwards as she accidentally tapped Snowpaw on the back like a horse trying to swat flies with its tail. "Oops, sorry. Did you do them? Or was it... did you... Maybe use your teeth?" Bloodkit flashed her own, as if the apprentice may not have known what she was talking about had she not shown the alabaster needles first.


[ ༻❄༺ ] She had been tending to the tasks given to her by Scorchedmoon. Cleaning the elders den to getting new moss, practice their skills, you name it, typical tasks that mentors gave to their apprentices for the day to keep them busy until the sun went down and the moon came out to say its 'hellos.' Of course there was the in-between where they got a break and luckily (maybe unluckily) for Snowpaw she had been on her break when the boisterous voice of Bloodkit rattled her ears making her pause in place and silently murmuring 'oh no' under her breath before she began to walk again trying to pretend that Bloodkit had not attempted to gain her attention.

Alas, to her dismay Bloodkit stayed hot on her heels before asking about the mossball that she so ever lovingly bonked Bloodkit with and then even attempted to do the same swipe she had done only for the kit to swat her. Snowpaw's eyes begin to twitch but blinking she forced a smile to roll onto her lip and turn to face the other. "I simply flung it like this..." the apprentice expressed before showing the gentle and swift motion of her paws, reflexes almost from her time when she too messed about with mossballs.

"Would've hurt more if I had used my teeth, but luckily for you, you're not my nemesis, Singekit" the tom's voice always grated her ears and oh how he kept boasting about being 'the vest' when all he did was push others around, that kit needed to get humbled and fast yet...Singekit was also the few kits that can tolerate being rough housed with since he always did that with his poor victims.

  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Snowpaw She/Her, apprentice of Shadowclan, 4 moons.
    Lithe long hair blue lynx sepia with high white, and yellow eyes. Stubby tail, permanent resting bitch face
    Hailfreckle x Mudsplash
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by Ryn@/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


Bloodkit watched with wide copper eyes as Snowpaw turned around, replacting what she had done at the least sunhigh. Bloodkit tried her best to copy, her paws were broader, more meant for clubbing others around their heads than accurately wrestling mossballs, but she could see herself getting it right at some point if she practiced enough. "Woah... so you hit it like that and it was able to hit me? That's super press- preci- precise." A brief pause as she considered her options, then, the tabby looked back towards Snowpaw with a pleading smile upon her muzzle, a singular tooth sticking out. "Stand still and let me try and hit you on the head... when I have a mossball, please." Snowpaw had confirmed she did not use her teeth, but after that, she spoke a word that made Bloodkit completely forget the idea of mossball to begin with. "Nemesis?"

Mortal enemy, she swore it meant. Did Singekit deserve such a moniker? Probably. He was a bit of a bully, but also a bit of a pipsqueak. Bloodkit was certain a soft breeze could knock him over, so she had never tried to wrestle the flame point for his attitude, but there was still time - she was one of the larger kittens in the den and all it would take to earn her ire was an ill-placed comment about mama or her littermates. "So are you gonna bathe in his guts or are you gonna shred him to mousedust?" She asked, head tilted off to the side like an owl's. To have called someone a lifelong enemy would only end in one way, wouldn't it? Unfortunately for the cinnamon tabby, she had not quite learned what 'hyperbole' was yet, despite her consistent exaggerations. "Or are you gonna shred him to mousedust and then bathe in his guts?" The kitten spoke as if she was just asking Snowpaw what she was having for lunch, the weight of such ideas lost on her when she had not been taught otherwise.


[ ༻❄༺ ] Snowpaw wondered if she had been like that at one point, like Bloodkit, impressed by the most simplistic things in life such as watching someone do an ease of a swipe but perhaps that was a refreshing thing to witness for Snowpaw. Afterall, these kits would not of been raised with the knowledge of Granitepelt or Siltcloud's deeds, nor witness the day of their exiles. They would not have to deal with the pain that yellowcough had brought and how much it had taken. Naive and perhaps a new start for the clan, and she hopes in a way the kits could keep that naivety...

She blinked a bit before settling into a relaxed smile and nodding to what Bloodkit had said about the mossball being a precise hit. "Keep practicing and maybe you can hit your siblings with such a move too, but don't let Ferndance or Needledrift know I showed you" she winked. These kids were basically chaos in it of themselves but she was sure that there would be some lines that their parents would soon draw.

Of couree the next question shocked the apprentice and she quickly shook her head attempting to stifle the laughter that threatened to come from her chest. "Not at all, just means we have a 'friendly" rivalry" she said smoothly, the thought of causing harm in such a manner was something Snowpaw could not imagine doing. Sure, Singekit could be annoying or say quite hurtful things but harming him in such a manner horrified her. Remembering what she had heard with Smogmaw and how gruesome the scene was when he had cause great harm to Granitepelt for his misdeed made her shudder at even the thought of causing someone else such harm. "Singekit just a big bully in a small body. If he causes you problems be sure to tell me" she hummed softly to Bloodkit with an nod.

  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Snowpaw She/Her, apprentice of Shadowclan, 4 moons.
    Lithe long hair blue lynx sepia with high white, and yellow eyes. Stubby tail, permanent resting bitch face
    Hailfreckle x Mudsplash
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by Ryn@/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.