Aug 6, 2022
Clearing out old nesting was a task that was beneath Ravenpaw. When she was told to do so, it always put her in a foul mood. Soon the day would come when she became a warrior and would not have to put up with all this nonsense anymore. Then all would be right in the world. For now though, she went about her work diligently. She had a reputation to uphold after all.

Speaking of reputation, she glanced toward the other apprentice beside her. Her ear flicked as she watched him work. He was nowhere near as skilled as she was, she was certain of that much, and she worried that his work might be mistaken for her own. The very idea of that irritated her.

"Wolfpaw." Ravenpaw called out sharply, her gaze falling upon him. "Please put some effort into your work, will you? If I have to fix your mistakes all the time you might as well not be here at all." Her tail flicked toward the nest before him. "You're cleaning the nests wrong." She didn't bother to elaborate. If he had any brains at all he would be able to figure out what she meant. — ♕
on the outside always looking in ✧°.☀ ———————————— Wolfpaw's mind was on other things that day. He had simply been doing his task with little thought to its standard besides being done to a fine enough degree. He didn't find these simple tasks as stimulating as actual training but he understood the concept of learning how to work for the clan and not just relying on the clan. If he was going to be honest however, he could look at the job he was doing and be at least a little prideful in it, and so when Ravenpaw's voice interrupted his thoughts he was slightly taken aback.

It took him a second to hear the words and until they digested he just sat there with old nesting resting in his soft coat. "Sorry?" he cautiously said, he let that hang for a second until the fire of indignation heated in his chest, "Actually, no. What do you think is so wrong here?" He had dropped the task, and honestly he was debating just leaving the molly to do it on her own if she didn't give a good enough answer. Ferndance might be upset with him though... so maybe he was trapped no matter what she said.
[penned by user - [tags☀]]
———————————— ☀.°✧ will i ever be more than i've always been?
Ravenpaw's ear flicked as he asked her what she thought was wrong. Of course he didn't have any brains, how foolish of her to presume. There were only a scarce few apprentices other than herself that she considered to be worth anything at all. Wolfpaw foolishness should have been expected.

"Really? Did they let you out of the nursery too early? Still not used to making nests for yourself rather than letting your mother do it?" Ravenpaw shot back icily, her own frustrations seeping into her tone. She glared daggers at the nesting before her. Here she was, the daughter of Briarstar and a exemplary apprentice of the clan yet she was expected to clean nesting next to this idiot. He was beneath her, and she wasn't going to humor him with an actual answer.

A moment passed.

Her whiskers twitched.

Then she turned toward him, with a sigh as though the effort of it was too great to bear. "You're keeping nesting that is far too old in there. You should be getting rid of more of it." She told him curtly. — ♕
on the outside always looking in ✧°.☀ ———————————— Wolfpaw might be self-righteous at times and judge others on occasion but, he looked like a saint compared to this cat. Honestly who did she think she was? His face stayed rather still besides the furrow of his brows as he listened to the insults she was hurling at him. Never taking his eyes of her dumb face.

Speaking of mothers brought something nasty up inside him. Bramblesong had taught him well, and she would not be accused of babying him. There were the words bubbling in his throat "At least I had a mom who made my nests" he wanted to say it. But, the comments she made were not of equality. She insulted his work, she didn't mention his mother, not really...

So his tongue was held. And he waited for some actual criticism instead of being insulted.

Then she spat out the issue, and then Wolfpaw got more upset. "I am taking more out," he retorted, fully pulled away from the task at hand now "It sometimes takes a second. Maybe if you had waited a minute or more before opening your mouth you would have seen that." He was starting to raise his voice. Honestly he shouldn't have been getting so upset, but it was one of those days.
[penned by user - [tags☀]]
———————————— ☀.°✧ will i ever be more than i've always been?