lean into me ;; butterfly


He's reminded in instances like these why he hates being alone. He's curled up in the nest that his sister slept in, her scent beginning to fade away by the night. It scared him, having to let her go- but he knew he couldn't mourn her forever. His baby siblings, they needed him to be strong- so why couldn't he? She was safer where she was now, amongst the stars with their ancestors. It wasn't as if he'd never see her again.

The sound of pawsteps coming closer causes his head to lift in response, expecting Lionsnarl to be there and shove him out of bed. Stop laying around and make yourself useful, He'd tell him, and Firefly would obey. Anything but to wallow in his own misery. But instead, it's Butterflypaw- pelt shining so pretty in the moonlight that licked the mouth of the apprentice's den. Fireflypaw can't find it in him to fix his fur, but he's paranoid he looks a mess. Compared to him, she looks astonishing; even with the look of pity on her face.

"Butterflypaw, I.. Am I in the way? I can scooch over if you need to get to your nest. I know my legs are a bit- long.."
Her heart has wept for her friend ever since the incident. She can't imagine losing any of her siblings at such a young age; but to make this even worse, it was her own brother who took Fireflypaw's sister's life. An accident, of course! Snowpaw could never be capable of doing something like that on purpose. Butterflypaw is absolutely sure of that. But her friend...he hasn't been himself. He's isolated, taking to bed earlier than he used to, not talking to many cats during the day...Perhaps he's just adjusting to living full-time in SkyClan, but the tortoiseshell knows it's more than that. He's grieving.

She approaches the apprentice's den on tiny paws and pokes her head in, brow tented with worry. With a frown on her maw, she shakes her head and quickly mews, "No, no, you're not in the way. I just...I wanted to come see you. Do you need to talk?" The offer is soft, as she's never one to prod but she needs to be a good friend right now. The tiny apprentice creeps inside the den and seats himself by his nest, staring at him with sad eyes.
Fireflypaw winces as Butterflypaw speaks, asking him if he wanted to talk- Greenpaw asked the same thing, Dawnglare, too- why was everyone so intent on trying to help him move on? He couldn't just wallow in his own grief like his father was, though he couldn't imagine how it felt to lose a kit you helped create. Firefly was only a child, so he only really understood that he was missing a part of himself now that Morningpaw was gone. Was that what he was supposed to say? That he was missing a piece of his broken little puzzle, and now they were thrown into two separate places?

"I'm.. I miss her, Butterflypaw." He chokes back a sob as he rubs at his eyes, begging himself not to start this up again. He just wanted to see her sheepish smile again, to hear her scolding him to watch where he was going, her worrying. Everything about her was just so kind, so loving- it broke his heart just thinking about her. "And now I'm separated from Crescentpaw and Burnpaw.. Of course, Howlpaw is still here, but- but.. I always told 'em I'd protect them all. Look after them.. I c-can't.. Now.." He mutters softly, biting his bottom lip. Why was his life falling apart so completely?
Butterflypaw's ears flatten against her head as her friend speaks. She can't imagine what it must be like. She's lucky, her siblings are all safe and healthy. Well...except Snowpaw. He's been different ever since the accident. But at least he's alive. To make it worse, he's just been separated from his other littermates. He chose SkyClan, and selfishly, she's glad he did. If Fireflypaw had chosen to stay in his mother's clan...well, she wouldn't know what she'd do without her closest friend! She shifts her tail close to him, hoping to brush it against his shoulder comfortingly.

"You can still look after Howlpaw," The tortoiseshell offers softy, ears flicking up slightly. "And- And Blazestar...he needs you, too. We all do. You're gonna be a SkyClan warrior, and then you can look after everyone here." A small smile appears on her muzzle, hoping her words make him feel at least a little better.