pafp leaping frogs ;; sun-warmed pools


// let shrew reply first, then replies are welcome!! dated after the gathering, and the recent meeting.

With all of the tenseness in the Clan, it was no wonder that Hyacinthbreath couldn't sleep at night. With Coldsnap now a Warrior, she had way too much free time on her paws. This had led to her wandering to the sun-warmed pools to take a quick soak. Though, by the time she had gotten there, there was already a certain apprentice she'd not seen very much sitting at the edge of the pool, staring at herself in the reflection while talking to herself. She couldn't hear the mumbles, but Hyacinth finds it adorable. She walks up silently behind the apprentice, foot-falls well practiced and silent as she moves across the grass.

Now directly behind the molly, she sticks her paw out and shoves the apprentice forward into the pool- grateful they weren't that deep. She watches the mud and water covered apprentice as she pulls her head up, Hyacinth chuckling to herself in amusement. "You know, dazing off like that leaves you open for surprise attacks from behind, Shrewpaw."
things have been getting a little too hectic in windclan lately, if she had to sit through yet another fight breaking out in camp she would go berserk! okay, not really, but it was getting to a point where she's considering just burying herself inside one of the tunnels.

the apprentice had found herself sitting at the edge of the sun-warmed pool, eyes staring intently at the reflection looking back at her as if expecting it to talk to her. honestly, with leaf-fall upon them and bringing with it a colder air would this still be called the sun-warmed pool? it'd probably be called the moon-cold ice. . .patch as soon as they experience the first touch of snow.

unbeknownst to shrewpaw, she had been muttering her wild thoughts aloud until her body suddenly lurched forwards from being pushed. there was no time to save herself or her thoughts as she plopped into the muddied water with a small splash! the chocolate sepia sputtered in surprise, scrabbling to sit up properly whipping her head around to look at her perpatrator which happened to be the silver and white lead warrior.

"hyacinthbreath!! why ah outta—!" the apprentice huffed out with a crinkled muzzle, there was no malice or annoyance in her tone as she squinted at the molly. two can play at this game!! "ah'll show you open fir surprises!! rah!!" shrewpaw declared with a playful cry, throwing herself at hyacinthbreath where she'd hook her forepaws around her neck and try to drag the other into the mud and water as well.
[ penned by cobi ]
The serene quiet of the sun-warmed pools is is suddenly pierced through. There's a shallow splash of water, a teasing voice— one she recognized more quickly than she'd like to. A steely eye blinks open, half-lidded, demure as she observes the pair.

"Careful, now," she interjects, eyes slipping shut once again. She can multitask, indulge in the ripples of warmth at her paws. "Too much splashing n' the pool beast will come snap the both of you up," she warns. It's a blatant lie, and her casual tone doesn't do a thing to conceal that fact. The scariest thing about a dreaded pond-beast (or whatever she'd said) would be its ability to survive in shallows like this.
  • Haha
Reactions: SOOTSTAR

Sootstar sits on the opposite end of the sun-warmed pool, not to terribly far away at all from the scene as she watched Hyacinithbreath sneak up on her apprentice. A very subtle frown is seen on her features as she dips her forepaw into the pool, allowing her muscles to untense as the warm water relaxes her paws.

As mentor and apprentice begin to play-fight, Moonrabbit comments with shut eyes. Too much splashing n' the pool beast will come... Sootstar raises a brow, a what? A beast? A pool beast? She looks into the shallow water, glaring as the reflection of the sun bounces back into her eyes. There couldn't possibly be a beast in the sun-warmed pool, not unless it'd come from under the earth and stone. "What do you mean, pool beast? Sounds like a queens-tale to keep kits from dirtying themselves in muddy rain puddles." She scoffs, not finding any humor in the idea.

  • Haha
Reactions: Floppie

Throwing my apprentice into the water are we?” She’d muse, amusement showing by the twitch in her whiskers, watching as her apprentice tried to drag Hyacinth into the water with her. Ivoryflight would attempt to leap onto Hyacinth’s back, helping her apprentice to pull her into the water with her. Regardless if she were successful or not, she would fall into the water, a giggle escaping her jaws as she turned to look at Moonrabbit and Sootstar. “I think that is what she means Sootstar. It’s a joke, it isn’t meant to be serious.

When things get to be too much in camp - and when he doesn't quite feel like trying to find new flowers to decorate his fur with - Thymepaw likes to sneak off to the sun-warmed pool, to stick his paws in and close his eyes for a moment to himself.

Today is one of those days where things feel like too much. With tensions growing within WindClan's territory - and, even outside of it - collecting flowers wouldn't be enough to keep his nerves at bay.

So, the fawn-pointed apprentice takes the short trek to the pool, hoping for a moment of quiet, but arriving upon the opposite.

Shrewpaw is splashing around with Hyacinthbreath. Sootstar is there, as are Ivoryflight and Moonrabbit. Stars, he should've just gone the opposite way and looked for more flowers. However, he's already here, and he'd been looking forward to the water against his feet. Thymepaw glances from face to face, before settling in his own spot - one not too far from everyone else, but far enough.

As he sinks his paws into warm water, he watches his sibling as she interacts with her mentor, as well as one of the lead warriors. Though he came here to relax, part of him wishes he could join in on their fun. But, he stays off to the side, watching their play-fight from the sidelines instead. Maybe some other day, he'll join in. Maybe when it's just him and Shrewpaw and Dandelionpaw? How fun would that be, spending a day with his siblings here, away from apprentice duties and boring clan politics?

Moonrabbit speaks, and her words are cause for pause in his thoughts. Wait, what?

"Pool beast...?" Thymepaw echoes, uncertainty in his voice. He looks at the pool of water in concern, pulling a paw out of it. He'd never heard of such a creature, but he's certain he doesn't want to see it!
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The look of shock on Shrewpaw's eyes as she's shoved into the pool of muddy water is satisfying- amusing to Hyacinthbreath, especially since the molly turned out safe. She takes a second to sigh, listening to Shrewpaw's babbling accent as she shrieked out something Hya couldn't really understand. Well, up until she too was tugged into the water. It was almost comical, the way Hyacinth quite easily was yanked right into the mud with Shrewpaw. Covered in mud and soaked now, her fur caked to her scrawny form and made her look.. hilariously small. Pulling her head up out of the water, Hya looked unamused as she shakes mud from her fur. Then, the glower soon turns to a grin of amusement.

"You're lucky your men- GAH!" Hyacinth squawks as a weight is against her back, the voice of Ivoryflight making her chuckle- speak of the molly and she shall appear, hm? Hyacinth, now covered head to toe in mud with Ivoryflight on her back, lets herself sink back into the mud until only her head was above the surface. She listens to the conversation then, tuning in- pool beast? How odd.

"Don't you worry, young ones. Just try not to get mud in your eyes, ja?" She meows, paw reaching out to try and dunk Shrewpaw back down into the mud, aiming to get her more dirty. "Gotcha, Shrewpaw!"
sucessfully dragging in hyacinthbreath down with her into the mud with her, she'd grin triumphently at her efforts but when she actually got a good look at just how ridiculous the silver and white molly when caked in muddy waters she couldn't help but burst out into a fit of laughter. eyes would crease at the corners, merriment filling her boisterious giggling.

in her moment of weakness, she had turned to look at the gathering cats who looked on at their playfighting while discussing something about pool beasts.

of course, it left shrewpaw open for another attack which resulted her getting shoved into the mud again with a splutter. at this point, she looked more mud than cat. the apprentice flailed her caked paws, clumsily bapping them at the warrior's chest and muzzle. "apprentice down! apprentice down! avenge me ivoryflight!" she'd squawk out in playful dramatics before devolving into another fit of laughter.
[ penned by cobi ]

Having the opportunity for the clan to relax for a moment in a matter such as this seemed to be a blessing for all involved. There wasn't any fighting or arguing, and everyone was making sure to include one another. What a rare day for Windclan. Giggling as Thymepaw reluctantly stepped out of the water she'd wave him over with her tail, hoping he would join them. “They're joking Thymepaw! Come join us!” She'd call out only moments before she's thrown into the mud and water atop Hyacinth, purring softly as she went under. Chuckling as Shrewpaw asked or rather begged for her help, she'd shift her weight to try and pin down the warrior, preventing her from "attacking" her apprentice.

The apprentice's gaze pulls away from the rippling water at the sound of the warrior's words.

A joke. Right.

Of course, it was a joke. There was no such thing as a pool beast! How silly Thymepaw was, for believing such a thing.

The fawn point lets out a nervous laugh in response to Ivoryflight's words, a previously pulled out paw returning to the water before him. She invites him to join the... rather mud-filled... brawl before him, and it's an invitation that inevitably makes Thymepaw hesitate. Oh, to think of all the work getting that mud out of his fur would be! Though... It did look fun. And, perhaps Thymepaw needed a bit of fun.

So, at the sound of Shrewpaw's call for help - for Ivoryflight's help - he bounds further into the pool, towards the muddied area the trio brawls in, and swipes his paws at Hyacinthbreath in an attempt to bat at her side, aiming to be a cause for distraction in order for his littermate to escape, for Shrewpaw to plan her next move.
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