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Dustpaw | Duststorm

stay out of my way!
Sep 20, 2022


OOC- trigger warning for blood/injuries

When Brightshine had announced that he'd be sparring with Nettlpaw that day, the young tom had been eager to get started. He and Brightshine had been training for weeks going over the basics of hunting, fighting, future expectations, and all the important groundwork a cat needed in order to become a good warrior. And Dust has been listening, working hard to perfect whatever he could. For a cat who was a bit of an airhead he had proven to be extremely vigilant with his chores and training, clearly taking it serious despite his goofball nature.

Today would be the first time he sparred another cat for real. He and Brightshine had sparred before, sometimes seriously for training and sometimes just to mess around and play, but this would be the first time he stood against another apprentice to actually test what he'd learned on someone. And he was excited to see if he was any good. It was important for him to be good, because hunting wasn't his strong suit and he needed to be able to do something for the clan.

"Nettlepaw!" he called as he spotted the other apprentice. They had agreed to gather at the edge of camp in a clear spot, and the charcoal mink bengal was quite to jog ahead and meet the other apprentice. "You excited about our spar? I bet Oliveshades taught you all kinds of cool moves." he said as he gave the other apprentice a friendly bump of his shoulder. He'd never really seen Oliveshade and Nettlepaw train before, but they probably just had different schedules.


dustpaw - windclan - single - mentopred by Brightshine - a large, handsome charcoal minx tomcat with blue eyes
( ⓛ ﻌ ⓛ *)∫ A leisure sway of a feathery white tail dusted the ground softly, and dual hued gaze closed comfortably. There was peace among the camp as things seemed to settle in the dust; hawks a distant memory. Prey was scarce but it was more so for the reason of the cold instead of bird predators. A gaze of deep sunset amber and palest of purple opened at the sound of a cat calling across the clearing; it was Dustpaw. The charcoal minx was calling towards Nettlepaw about a spar or something like that and Rune shook his head in amusement. The cat of shadow and snow shifted upon his spot beside the fresh-kill pile. He rather enjoyed Dustpaw- he was friendly and so enthusiastic about most things. Ah, to be young again. — tags
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Weaselclaw sits a few foxlengths from Rune, watching Dustpaw call to Nettlepaw from across camp. Nettlepaw. He'd seen that pitiful display while supervising Oliveshade's training. He thinks, This probably won't be much of a spar, if Brightshine's done her job at all... He decides it's in his best interests to watch this spar.

With a beckoning flick of his tail to the silver tabby, Weaselclaw turns to @ASPENPAW. "We'll observe this before we go out," he tells her. His ice-chip eyes are narrowed thoughtfully. "You'll learn almost as much from watching your Clanmates spar than you will from doing it with me. Watch what they do. Especially what they do wrong."

- ,,
Brightshine isn't far behind her cheery apprentice, tail lifted high as she trots after him. She'd approached Oliveshade about this match-up between their apprentices. It would be fun, right? Brightshine had known Olly a long time out here on the moors, so it'd be great to see their apprentices train together! She glances around them, already noticing some clanmates gathering to watch. An eager giggle erupts from her as her trot turns into a bouncing gait. Everyone will get to watch! She halts beside Dustpaw, casting a big smile towards Nettlepaw. "Just remember your training and it'll all go smoothly! Hopefully you both learn a lot, but most importantly, have fun!"
That morning was just as ordinary as any other late leaf-fall morning, dull and uneventful. Until Oliveshade informed him of a planned spar between him and another apprentice ― Nettlepaw paced around the gorse barrier ever since, anxious claws scraping the earth. While he had been granted more training beneath Oliveshade's admittedly-battering paw, he severely doubted it was enough. Even if his body didn't still ache from phantom corrections, he was sorely underprepared.

This... was a terrible idea. Dustpaw, the sure winner of all this, bounded over to him; Nettlepaw looked about the height of a mouse compared to the other apprentice. It was expected, seeing as he was destined for the tunnels, but his eyes nearly bulged out of his head in anxiety for a moment or two. Maybe it wouldn't have been too bad, if not for the growing audience. Nettlepaw shrunk into his shaggy coat, looking at the ground instead of everyone else. Grey eyes darted up to Dustpaw and Brightshine as they spoke. No, he wasn't excited, he was dreading every bit of this. "Yeah, I guess," he sheepishly mumbled, tail sweeping to cover his paws where he sat. With a deep inhale, he finally stood up, forcing himself to be prepared. At least he could remember proper stance and the bare minimum.
( ) Working with other apprentices has quickly grown on Aspenpaw, whether that work be hunting, fighting, or even just basic chores. It gives her a chance to get to know her fellow clanmates better, and she enjoys the challenge of having to work through different strengths and weaknesses. Today, she's not exactly working with Dustpaw or Nettlepaw, though she is excited to watch them spar with one another. Rapt with attention, she nods carefully to Weaselclaw's words, ready to learn. Maybe they'd even show off some moves that she didn't know already, and she could surprise Weaselclaw, though Aspenpaw's not sure how good she'll be at recreating anything without plenty of practice. Sitting beside her mentor, she tries to catch either Dustpaw's or Nettlepaw's eyes before they begin, hoping to give an encouraging grin and a small wave of her paw. Right now, the two apprentice couldn't look much different from one another - one big and excited, one small and nervous, and she's incredibly curious as to how their clash will go. Really, she can't say she's rooting for one and not the other, though she has been friends with Dustpaw longer.
periwinklepaw | 04 months | demi-boy | he/they | physically easy (pacifist) | mentally easy | attack in bold #ccccff

Peri is simply here to watch - and learn he supposes if you ask @JaggedOak, but really he doesn't think he'll ever put such knowledge to use. The thought of hurting another leaves him feeling ill and he can't well stand the sight of blood without an accompanying sense of dizziness. As much as he likes nettlepaw - a faint blush coloring his dark cheeks as he glances at the other apprentice - dustpaw is his best friend, and so he secretly hopes the other boy will win. he knows with absolute certainty that dustpaw will be a great warrior someday, and he knows todays spar will be a fun time. After all, the pretty tom had never been anything but gentle when playing with periwinkle, so he surely wouldn't be to hard on nettlepaw either - right? Settling down near his sister for a better view, he goes to give her a gentle nudge before turning his clear blue gaze upon the two toms and offering an encouraging smile when he notices nettlepaw's uncertainty.