private learn to be without you ࿐࿔ robinheart


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  • Guilt gnaws at the fragile lining of her belly... the unrelenting weight of self-imposed responsibility says that every struggle RiverClan faces is solely her burden. Her mistakes head these paths... paint the road ahead with crimson and mint-scented tufts of fur. Memory is made bittersweet under heavy steps and glancing back at the darkened trail left in her wake feels impossible and yet... utterly transfixing.

    Rush and reed bends under ginger touch, parted just enough to allow the sunlight to filter in for a moment... It cuts a sharp, bright outline around monochromatic fur, as if all color were drained by heavenly light. "Robinheart... How are you... feeling?" A splattering of darks and golds reveal themselves in the form of a mangled queen hell-bent on recovery and though she does not relish the reek of deciduous sap in her camp, it is a blessing that Gentlestorm was able and ready to help when he did. The last thing she wants is to owe anything to ThunderClan, especially when they send haughty warriors to her borders to boast over their stolen land with a sickening amount of pride. (What pride was there in being a disgusting thief?)

    Seeing her in such a state sends wild, lightning-spark nerves to her paws that itch to flee from it. A sight that requires acknowledging a failure to protect her clan... a failure to shelter the blooms of a family left behind by misty-creek fur. "Are... your kits... doing alright?" She knows it is a question asked time and again (how many times had Snakeblink pestered her to inquire on the status of her own brood? An immeasurable amount, surely.) but she can't imagine much comfort finds them with a mother ravaged by a canine enemy.

    Image of Pebblepaw curled tightly next to his younger siblings makes her chest seize uncomfortably. They hadn't felt safe without Hazecloud around either.
  • about
    speech hex code ✧ #6368A5
    ooc notes ✦
    tagging ✶ @robinheart
    penned by tieirlys
  • ˚  ★⋆. ࿐࿔  ✦   .  .   ˚ .      . ✦     ˚     .
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       .     ˚     *     ✦   .  .   ✦ ˚      ˚ .˚    ✦   .  .   ˚ .             ✦  

She feels as hollow as the bones of the bird she is named after.

Leg bound and body metaphorically bound, the mottled queen rests in the nest crafted for her amidst herbs and remedies. Unfamiliar walls doused in unfamiliar scents. Soon enough they would become familiar - they would take the place of woven reeds and lingering milk scent. Moonbeam advised her on this move into the medicine den; Robinheart wanted to disagree but the way her leg ached without ceasing, the accidental bumps of her young, it had to be the only option.

She despises that it was the only option.

Citrine eyes lift to sudden light - to a briefly glowing figure imbued with many ancestral lives. Was Brookstorm’s among them? She feigns a jolt of jealousy for her leader should the lynx point have seen starlit stone pelt and gazed upon grassy eyes. It is an unnatural thought and feeling for the gentle hearted molly. Then again she has gone through a trauma and come out scathed and alone.

‘Robinheart… How are you… feeling?’

“Hurts,” she rasps, a voice cobwebbed from disuse. There were no kits here to whisper to, to soothe and hum songs to. “Leg… heart… it all just hurts.” Her gaze lingers on Lichenstar for a long moment before averting shamefully. Robinheart sniffles and looks down at her paws. Swift, strong, capable of wiping away tears and now they lie in wait.

‘Are… your kits… doing alright?’

She swallows hard, a tight lump forming in her throat. A knot in the pit of her stomach. “They cried, but I-I trust they will be alright. Apricotflower is minding them for me. They are not without… family.” She confesses with a wince. It is thanks to Gentlestorm and Thunderclan that such a status quo will remain - that Apricotflower would not be their only family within the river lands. “It feels awfully unfair though… that StarClan would take their mothers from them in one way or another.”
[ penned by kerms ]


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  • It is the answer she expected... really..... Despite Moonbeam's generous hopes and strongest desires, medicine does not make healing painless. Especially where lack of experience begs for assistance to fix it at all.... Robinheart is a devoted, loving cat, one that Lichenstar doesn't think is capable of pressing blame onto others, much less having a single sour thought about those that struggle to ease her pain. "I'm sorry..."

    There's nothing she could've done differently that might've changed this path, or at least that is the answer she's been told- a stubborn part of her insists there are a hundred futures where Brookstorm might still be here, where that dog had been chased off before it reached the tender-hearted queen. StarClan didn't seem generous enough to sway those outcomes towards reality...

    Perhaps.. she shouldn't have asked about the kits, seeing the way Robinheart's lip quivers with some tumultuous emotion of disappointment or maybe frustration.... If anyone deserves six heavenly months spent with life's greatest treasures, it was surely her. They are not without kin to watch over them entirely... but the imbalance is staggering... and tangible. That trio would forever be missing an entire half of their story... filled in only with tales from those who'd known their kin when they'd been alive, long before they were born.

    "It is unfair," she agrees in a quiet breath... "It hardly ever... seems fair." Uncertain of her place in reference to the young she-cat's feelings, they opt to sit beside her, pale eyes glancing across her still paws with in silence. It doesn't last long, before a nagging question begs to be answered, "Their names... how did you.... pick?" It had been an agonizing, toiling trouble for her and her mate, waiting moons to settle on what seemed most perfect... but Robinheart had done it, alone and without faltering, instantly.

    A part of her envies that confidence.
  • about

    speech hex code ✧ #6368A5

    ooc notes ✦
    tagging ✶
    penned by tieirlys
  • ˚  ★⋆. ࿐࿔  ✦   .  .   ˚ .      . ✦     ˚     .

       .     ˚     *     ✦   .  .   ✦ ˚      ˚ .˚    ✦   .  .   ˚ .   ✦   .  .   ˚       ੈ✧˳·˖✶ ✦  ˚    ✦   .  .   ˚ ★⋆. ࿐࿔

       .     ˚     *     ✦   .  .   ✦ ˚      ˚ .˚    ✦   .  .   ˚ .             ✦  

’I’m sorry…’ the leader speaks and Robinheart manages a subtle shake of her head. “You don’t have to apologize. It’s a pain I put myself through… it was the better of the possible outcomes, I suppose,” she whispers as each outcome flits through her mind - the hound getting Rivuletkit, her leg not healing while in the nursery due to too much movement, infection, death, and so on. Dark and dreadful outcomes that StarClan had spared her from.

‘It is unfair.’

She nods. Tears well up in citrine eyes but Robinheart tries hard to blink them away.

‘It hardly ever... seems fair.’

“It is awfully unfair. But… I think… there’s no changing the course StarClan has set.” It is a reply that has had some prior thought behind it - some logic to outweigh the tonnage of emotion that gripped her heart like a vise. Robinheart feels a small sense of validation in Lichenstar’s agreement with her. Her sunbright gaze raises from the earthen floor and flicks momentarily skyward (not that she can see the sky from within the medicine den) as if briefly searching for Brookstorm somewhere among the vast distance. “I can only hope something good can come from this. That fairness will be granted in a way I have not anticipated yet,” the mottled queen utters in warble voice - it seems most unfair to complain solely about StarClan before the leader who has faced them and come back with lives ninefold.

Lichenstar takes a seat beside her nest and Robinheart exhales a shuddered breath. It is not often she is graced by the leader’s presence for more than a moment. The last time… the last time had been in the nursery. Brookstorm’s body curled around her own. Muffled cries pouring from her maw. Lichenstar entering and staying with her in bereavement morn. It feels odd to have moments of grief in the blue lynx point’s presence. As if Robinheart can only unload her pain upon scarred lofty shoulders. The very same shoulders she had supported after the rogue ambush, ushering a grievously injured Lichentail back to camp - to Ravensong’s care.

Oh how that felt like a lifetime ago.

‘Their names... how did you.... pick?’

Lichenstar breaks the brief silence and Robinheart turns her glassy gaze towards them. It is not a question she anticipated, but one she feels clenches her heart in some unnameable way. She is reminded of the night beside the river, fireflies dotting the horizon and cricket song floating on the breeze. Brookstorm curled around her and the kicks of kits not yet introduced to the world. “W-We talked of names before they were born,” she begins, shifting ever so slightly in her nest so she could properly address the lynx point. “Brookstorm didn’t want family names… she hated being named after an aunt she never met. But we liked strong RiverClan names. She also thought I would like softer sounding names. We tossed around so many… so many names,” a cross between a chuckle and a sob escapes her maw at the memory, “and in the end there was only one name that had been officially picked. One name that held a lot of weight - that would be big paws to fill one day but if anyone could do it it would be Brookstorm’s child,” she tempts a glance at Lichenstar and offers them a sad smile, “Algaekit. Brookstorm wanted Algaekit because of how much you meant to her. She wasn’t always good at showing her emotions but… I knew she loved you dearly.”

There is a momentary silence whilst Robinheart collects her bearings. The emotion behind Algaekit’s name pulls the misted tears from her eyes. She tries to swipe them away with her paw before continuing. “Rivuletkit is a testament of my desire to give our child a strong RiverClan name… and my penchant for breaking rules,” the mottled molly confesses softly, a ghost of a bittersweet smile on her lips, “she is named after Brookstorm. My mate didn’t want family names but I-I… I loved her so much. She had lost everything, stood alone in her lineage, and I wanted our child to have that same strength and resilience her mother bore. It felt right.” And now she is cursed to bear a name of someone she’ll never know, she thinks for a second before displacing the thought. “And Redkit. Our son, so strong and so sweet… is named for his color. Bright splashes of ginger like my friend, Foxtail… the swatch of fur upon my chest that gave me my name… the color of my collar that brought me such grief. A myriad of emotions tied to such a color. It is love that I feel now, stronger than anything else, when I think of red.”
[ penned by kerms ]