learning curve // ferndance



Honestly, Cricketpaw wasn't sure how her sibling would feel about this. So, like any well-meaning-but-determined child, she simply didn't tell Vultureshriek that she was going to get some advice from Ferndance. It was really a.... no harm no foul situation, right? It wasn't like anything bad would happen because Cricket decided to find as many ways to learn as possible, right? The worst her sister could be was upset that he wasn't involved in training her. Or, maybe it was something more than that- but between that line of possessive and protective, she had not the capacity quite yet to discern for herself.

So, simply, she found Ferndance in the middle of a brisk, but pretty nice, day as she just continued to tell herself that. Besides, she would more likely than not end up training with Vulture later so-"Is this right?" she asked, making her best attempt at a hunting crouch. She had been learning for a little while now, though she had to admit that the lack of prey in their territory did make it pretty hard to practice on actual targets. But she was getting really good at catching leaves and other things blowing in the wind! That had to count for something, right? But, there was the reality that nothing ever truly made up for real-life experience, and her scrawny body and slightly off-balance posture said enough.​

The ticked tabby had never been entrusted with an apprentice. As much as she liked to tease and feign ignorance, she could understand why her personality did not particularly align with ShadowClan's values. She was a fierce fighter and a cunning cat, but training others in such arts had been a sporadic interest of hers and nothing more, her passion for it changing hour by hour. This was one such hour where Ferndance could focus, her almond-shaped eyes scrutinising Cricketpaw as she crouched. It was easy to see the ripples of skin where her ribs were, a solemn reminder that it was not just the adults struggling with the lack of prey in ShadowClan. She longed for the day when the patrols were sent to ThunderClan borders, not only to satisfy the itch to steal but to finally have food that was plump enough to satiate her for more than a day. Ferndance slowly circled the apprentice, letting out a contemplative noise. It was easy to see now how Cricketpaw had managed to miss the bug in camp the other day, her technique was unrefined, likely to get her hurt and even more likely to end up with her missing any catches.

"You would have a much easier time balancing if you straightened your tail and kept it low towards the ground." She suggested, entering her own hunter's crouch as an example. All four of her faintly striped legs bent downwards, her belly barely touching the thin layer of snow below. "If you run after prey while your balance is poor, you could end up falling over before you pounce or twisting something when you do. Your tail is always the best bet to check your balance, if it feels weird to hold it up straight, then you're doing something wrong. Or you have a broken tail, but usually it's the former." Patiently, she waited for Cricketpaw to rehearse her crouch with the new information, adding on as she practiced, "Speaking of tails, do you know about tail signals yet? They're very useful when out on patrol and you need to be sneaky."