
Jun 9, 2024

There are so very few things that Mossthorn well and truly wants in this life. She wants a dry warm nest to sleep in every night, she wants full bellies and cool breezes, and she wants her clan to be safe. Cottonsprig is missing. The thought is what drives her first to ShadowClan's border and then to ThunderClan's by way of the tunnels. This path is just as fruitless as the last, however. Mossthorn has kept a keen eye and nose, but it was for naught, it seemed. If Cottonsprig had escaped the rogue who was scented with her, then she did not come this way. She just hopes wherever the young medicine cat was, she was safe. Safe and that she would return home soon, to her family, to her friends and all the cats who missed her. Mossthorn misses her.

"Not much further until we reach the oak forest" she vows to the young cat at her side. It was a lot of travelling to be done today, and she had pushed both of them rather hard in the beginning of their journey when determination made her bones more willing to move faster. When she had dared to hope there was a possibility Pinkshine was right in her theory. When they got to ThunderClan's border, they would rest for a spell and head home.

They would do the same as they did on ShadowClan's border, Mossthorn would keep stony gray eyes peeled for any sign of tail or hide across the way, btu she wouldn't linger here for longer than she needed. If they were lucky, there would be a patrol they could ask after, but if they weren't she had no qualms just turning around and headed home for the day.

// @Grasspaw

    A feisty she cat with a heart of gold. Her appearance is befitting her tunneler status, as she stands shorter than most, and her sleek black fur excels at repelling the dirt that she shifts through. Her eyes are such a light blue color that they appear gray and upon her pelt she wears many scars, testaments to the battles she has fought in her lifetime.
    Peaceful and healing powerplay permitted, no killing, maiming, or injuring without permission
    Skilled & experienced in combat. Fights dirty.
𓍊𓋼 Walks through the territory alone aren’t safe anymore, and Falconheart wouldn’t dare be caught on his own again after the last time. His pelt already ripples with scars, and he doesn’t need any more to wear around. Besides, after everything they’ve been through recently, he couldn’t bear doing such a thing as dying. His siblings may not need him anymore, but he has a duty to protect them in place of a real father. It’s this line of thought that keeps him close to the rest of the patrol—not leading it, no, because that’s not who Falconheart is—as they approach the twoleg path that divides the first from the moorland. A pair of forms on the other side greets him, and bicolored eyes narrow for a sharp second before he catches a whiff of their scent on the air. Musty with a hint of hare, recognition drains the tension from the tabby-striped to ‘a shoulders.

WindClanners. Not rogues. Not murderers—or at least, not the ones who’d killed his cousin and his friend and his baby sister’s mentor. He straightens, doing his best to appear like less of a nervous wreck before speaking. "Oh—hey, WindClan," he greets the small black cat with a wave of his tail, friendly as he can muster. WindClan had saved those ThunderClanners, after all. There’s no doubt in his mind that WindClan has the capacity to be a decent neighbor. If only they weren’t so… weird. "You look like you’re on, on—uh, on a mission," he points out, an observation taken from the way the warrior seems to scan the border from where she stands.

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  • FALCONHEART ❯❯ he/him, thunderclan warrior
    shorter than average cream tabby with white spotting. seems gloomy and has few friends, but is a hard worker and never neglects his duties.
    son of flamewhisker and flycatcher ; brother to stormfeather, scorchedpaw, bugpaw, sunpaw, squirrelpaw, sparrowpaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    penned by foxlore