leave behind your heart and cast away - tawny

Howlfire returned to camp with Tawnyclaw close by. Her sides heaved with ragged breaths, still worn down from the spar they were returning from. It had been a good little training session, both to allow Howlfire to sharpen her skills, and take her mind off of everything with Wolfpaw. "Did you want to share a bird, perhaps?" She asked, looking to Tawnyclaw before they split up. Howlfire had worked up a bit of an appetite after their spar and she assumed Tawnyclaw might have too, so why not see if he wanted to share a bite. When Tawnyclaw did eventually agree, Howlfire broke away to find a decent sized bird for them to share, before padding back to him. With the bird clamped in her jaw she was unable to speak, so she relied on a silent gesture to direct him to a shaded spot.

Howlfire set the bird down with a small plunk before she settled down next to Tawnyclaw. "Thank you for the spar," Howlfire mewed. She gave the younger warrior a chance to get a few bites in. "I think I needed the distraction after...everything."

*+:。.。 Tawnyclaw had been surprised when he'd found himself in the training ground with one of Skyclan's most favored warriors. Fighting Howlfire felt like slapping around his own mother - it didn't feel right! Still, the warrior made for a great partner in combat, and by the end of it he, too, was wheezing and sore, but padding with a triumphant smile on his maw. "That was fun" he purred, rolling his shoulders to admire the new loose feeling in them. Strange how a workout could leave one feeling both exhausted and full of energy! When the woman commented on lunch, he happily agreed and followed her soon after to a comfortably shady spot to share prey.

Plucking at the feathers until he reached a clean bite, the tom looked up as he chewed. He studied the mother of three, the heaviness behind her eyes, the memories that pained her so obviously. He swallows - the bite of the bird as well as his discomfort. Pushing the prey over to Howlfire, he's quiet for a moment, then meows, "We'll find her." It feels hollow to say, an empty promise, a prod in an open wound Howlfire may have been wanting to ignore. He looks at the bird passed between them, before letting out a soft sight.
"I'm sure my dad's keepin' an eye on her," he meows with a jovial laugh, lightly elbowing his older clan-mate. He hopes his laugh doesn't sound as forced as it feels. "Not like he's got anything better to do, I'm sure" he chuckles, waiting for Howlfire to finish eating so he can quickly shove another bite into his mouth before he says anything more stupid. Or insensitive.

    DFAB— He/Him — Unsure
    12 moons — Ages 1 moon every month 28th
    Skyclan — Warrior
    Son of Orangestar and Ashenclaw
    Brother to Cherryblossom, Eggbounce, Glimmersun and Owlheart

    Physically hard | mentally medium
    Attack in bold #bf8924
    injuries: None currently

As she lowers her head to take a bite, she hears Tawnyclaw mention about hoping they'd find Wolfpaw. Howlfire blinks slowly, barely giving any indication she had heard him, as she sits back and swallows her mouthful. "I hope we find her too," She mewed, giving him a faint smile. It's a vain hope, she thinks, but one she is willing to cling to. When Howlfire had been taken to the Shelter, she had given up all hope of seeing her clanmates and wooded home again, and yet she had. As far as she was concerned, there was always a small chance Wolfpaw might make it back to them.

Tawnyclaw's comment about his father, followed by his laughter, makes Howlfire laugh too. "Between watching over you and your littermates? Stars, Ashenclaw must have his paws full!" Howlfire quipped. Despite the lightheartedness of their comments, it was a nice thought to imagine Ashenclaw watching down on them. "He was a good cat and I would be glad to know someone like him is watching out for Wolfpaw."