LEAVE HER JOHNNY, LEAVE HER - taking shelter

7 moons is not long enough to have ever lived through a snowstorm, not long enough to know the signs or what to look for so when the snow starts, gentle at first but picking up in intensity slowly, Starlingheart thinks nothing of it. She was determined to bring something back to the camp that wasn't just herbs, a way to prove she could pull her weight in prey as well as healing. Teaselpaw's words reverberate in her head 'we can't all be good at everything starlingpaw' they bring about a fresh bout of annoyance every time she thinks of them. Why were her siblings so callous? They acted as if she had been picked by Star Clan and not by her aunt for what she was now certain was based on pity. Bonejaw had seen how weak and fragile she was and had decided to yank her from the path of a warrior and set her on this one instead.

With this weather, though, all the prey are hiding in their homes and Starlingheart is unable to find anything. The snow is getting deeper and deeper and she's unable to even find herbs if she wanted to. A frown crosses her features, concern marring them and cold settling into her bones. She begins to shiver and thinks about heading back to camp. Cutting through the piles upon piles of icy white proves to be a challenge for someone as small and underfed as her though and quickly she finds this to be a more arduous task than it's worth. Panic grips her then. What if she died out here? What would happen to Shadow Clan if she just disappeared? She doesn't want to think about it.

The pounding of her heart drums in her ears as she nearly stumbles into a cave. She didn't see it with all the snow piling up around her. It is mere luck or by the grace of Star Clan she has found it. The black and white she cat doesn't even bother checking for predators before she enters, she's just so relieved to be out of the storm that she waltzes right in. Another miracle that the cave is empty she makes her way to the back where the snow and the cold cannot reach her and she curls into a tight ball.

Back at the camp, someone asks "Has anyone seen Starlingheart? She's not in her den."

// this thread technically takes place in the camp after someone asks where she is! Feel free to have your cat be the one who asked or the one being talked to
"Has anyone seen Starlingheart? She's not in her den."

Granitepaw has returned early from his own border patrol, his paws threatening to freeze off of his limbs. They'd been forced to retire early -- the snow, which had been just a soft drifting of white flakes initially, had begun to come down so hard it had been impossible to see. Granitepaw had been thankful for the patrol leader's decision to turn back.

His gratefulness is short-lived upon returning to their camp, blanketed in white and becoming more engulfed by the second. The cat who asks the returning warriors and apprentices where Starlingheart is earns a panicked green glare. "What do you mean? She's not here in camp?"

He twists his head around to stare back where he'd just come in. Had the foolish girl gone by herself to hunt or collect snow-engulfed herbs? Why would she, knowing Granitepaw would come back and help her if she'd just been patient with him?

His heart begins to hammer in his chest. "It's snowing too hard for her to be out there alone," he says in a strange, strangled tone. He's never looked like he has now -- features stretched with fear, with panic, like a madman.

Frostbite was surprised to see Granitepaw without Starlingheart. Usually he's glued to her side. Parasitically or not, he can't tell, but the fact of the matter is that Starlingheart could be in trouble.

"Then we should go out and look for her." He said.

He was sure she would be easy to spot, she was black furred against fresh snow. Though with how heavy it was getting.....

"Now." He added. "The snow is getting deep, and I don't think it looks like it wants to stop."

He was in his element, and he figured now was as good a time as any to put his experience to the test.

He would move towards the entrance of camp and then look back.

"Anyone want to come with me?" He asked. The more eyes, the better.

Ravenpaw's head shot up at the question, concern flashing in her eyes. It hadn't even crossed her mind that she hadn't seen Starlingheart. She had simply assumed that her sister had holed up in the medicine den, busying herself with her work as they all waited out the storm. The thought that she was out in the cold somewhere, all alone...

Her sharp yellow eyes followed the conversation attentively. Concern filled them.

The moment Frostbite called for volunteers, she raised to her paws. "I'll go." She stated curtly, padding up beside him. It wasn't an offer, whether he let her or not she was going. She wasn't going to rely on anyone else but herself to save her sister.

Her gaze found Granitepaw, his panicked features and wild eyes. No doubt he would want to go. It worried her, that Starlingheart had chosen to consort with the likes of him. Right now, though, that didn't matter. She gave him a slow nod. Right now they were allies. What mattered was helping Starlingheart.
Granitepaw gives Frostbite a startled look. Yes, a search party. Ravenpaw offers to go, and although he detests the smooth-pelted black she-cat, he knows right now finding Starlingheart is more important than any rivalries he has with the other apprentices.

"Let's go now, then," he says, giving the skies an anxious look. The snow isn't letting up anytime soon, is his youthful, inexperienced prediction. If they don't find the medicine cat soon, the worst could happen -- and he'll be damned if he lets StarClan take another cat he cares about so soon.

He takes the initiative. Perhaps he should wait for Frostbite to lead the way, but he hardly cares about protocol or minding authority at a time like this. He begins his trek out into the pines and frost-laden marsh, sinking up to his belly in snow in some places. "She... there's no pawprints to follow or anything," he says, fear coloring his voice. "How are we going to find her in this?"
Ghostpaw wanted to come too. But he knew Granitepaw wouldn't let him, if he said that.

Instead, he travels with them quietly, ears pinned to his skull. The snow was no good. Cold and pale, it made things hard to see. Especially him, easily lost in the piles of fresh layover. And easy for him to get lost. Daylight flashing against snow was like seeing the very stars. A lot of them. Without a buffer, it was... hard. Almost as hard for Starlingheart, it must be. She would be cold. She couuld be blind. They needed to find her before the cold blows her bones away.

How were they going to find her? It's a question he does not like. It implied dangerous things. Bad, dangerous things. He tries his best to stick to Ravenpaw. Not because he didn't find her weird– cause he did... but 'cause she easiest to see in the snow. Easier to see than Frostbite... Ghostpaw scrunches his face, squinting to the blizzard. "Stuh- um, Starlingheart... probably can't see good, either..." Ghostpaw says, knee-deep in snow. More than knee-deep, probably. He's shorter than Granitepaw. "She– maybe she wanted to go... um, where she can see good... Under a tree, or something...?" he suggests, lifting his head. "Starlingheart?"