camp LEAVE ME, I'LL SHED MY SKIN && deputy announcement

( * ˚ ✦ ) Blazestar stares with wide, unblinking eyes as Deersong shuffles into his den, guilt dulling her aquamarine eyes. She kneads her paws, over and over, and he's transfixed by the motion. "I can't carry on after you," she tells him, and mentions her kits, still in the nursery. He flicks an ear, lifting his bruise-blue gaze back to her face. "Then go. Leave me, like everyone else," he says, hurt cramping his voice. Uncharitable, childish, but damn it, is he cursed?

He sinks back into his nest as Deersong leaves, relieved of the burden he had rested onto her shoulders only a moon ago. Back to her kits, her children who will greet her with eager purrs. To her mate, present and loving.

She leaves his side to enjoy everything he's had to give up. Perhaps she's seen what leadership has made of him -- the whole Clan, nay, the whole forest has by this point.

The flame point tucks his nose under his paws, breathing in old scents, inhaling memories. The other leaders had not switched deputies like he seems to be doing. As erratic or cruel as some of them are, each of them has maintained a loyal following, but Blazestar?

Blazestar is showing his Clan exactly what being leader can cost a cat.

He supposes they should thank him for that, he thinks sardonically. After several heartbeats, he lifts his chin again, peering into the gloaming behind the elderberry bush protecting his den. The camp is busy but quiet. He wonders what he's supposed to do now, who he's supposed to choose. He's the one who started the damn tradition of appointing a deputy, and now he's left again with no one to succeed him when he loses his ninth life.

After what seems like hours, Blazestar emerges from his den. His tail drags behind him in the dust. A careless leap onto the Highbranch, nearly off-balance, sets him at his rightful place as leader of SkyClan -- a position he's held onto despite the blood its cost.

"SkyClan," he says, sounding old, sounding tired. "Deersong has chosen to aban--step down as deputy. I must choose another for when I join StarClan." Dark eyes sweep the gathered cats. He hadn't spent much time thinking about the cat who should succeed him -- what does it matter? He'll be gone, with his kits, with his mate. He'll be in a place without borders and politics and responsibilities.

At least, that's the dream, he thinks.

"I say these words before StarClan, so that the spirits of our warrior ancestors may hear and approve of my choice." Blazestar shifts, a cool wind ruffling his pelt coat. His eyes seize on a ginger and white pelt, a stern expression, young but resolute. He gives her a stare so intense every individual hair on her pelt must be prickling. Could she be trusted? Could she be the one to lead SkyClan, to take the burden from his broken shoulders?

"Orangeblossom will be the new deputy of SkyClan." He has made this mistake so many times now, though at least Daisyflight still serves on his council.

But he isn't done. He finds another pelt in the crowd, tawny and full of curls and snarls, and he gives her look that's almost as intense. "Sheepcurl, you will serve on my council as lead warrior." It's not a question. He doesn't word either of them as questions, out of some strange fear both she-cats will deny his proposals.

He needs cats to rely on, now more than ever. Thistleback and Daisyflight can only carry so much of his burden. He waits for the cats to say something, anything, to confirm his appointment.

// HUGE GIANT SHOUTOUT TO BOTH @orangeblossom AND @sheepcurl !!! we are so happy to have you guys on the team. i know you'll all do great!!!
He doesn't miss the way his father nearly slips on the branch he tries to climb up, up, up until he reaches his spot. His eyes squint, sniffing snot back as he saunters over to seat himself first. What had happened? Deersong stepped down? His face twists into something unreadable, for once at odds with his emotions. Would there be another Deputy in her place, whom would step down or leave? He shakes his head, waiting for the announcement.

Orangeblossom will be the new Deputy of SkyClan.

Almost too quickly, a smile takes its place on his lips and he's shouting at the top of his lungs for the molly. "WOOOOAAAAHHH!!! ORANGEBLOSSOM, LOOK AT YOU!" He cheers with a shriek, running circles around the molly. My! Look at her go! He's so proud! "You're gonna do great, Orangebud! You'll do great!" He chimes, all too eager to cheer her on. Then, as if things couldn't get better- Greenpaw's mentor gets promoted as well, and his eyes search for his friend with excitement.

Blazestar is going off the deep-end and to be quite honest, Sheep cannot find any ill feeling towards it. He had suffered, oh, Little Wolf had her family but when the dust settled who would be there for Blaze if not a comforting touch of a mother? She cannot fault him for his grief as he drags himself to the branch, jumps up and the light just doesn't meet his eyes.

She doesn't miss how he corrects himself. Yellow eyes are wide as they stare unto him, guilt churning in her stomach. Mistake, mistake, the skirmish was and instictivgely she searches for anything in Deersongs gaze, regret, remorse, anything and only finds an even pool of green. She has to tear herself away. Orangeblossom replaces Deersong and it feels weird knowing everything is going to change once more, for the third time.

And then her name is called and hes staring her down and to be quite honest its creeping her out. It is not a question but a demand, a call she must answer, a call she wouldn't have refused in the first place. Shes in the big league now, swallows hard. "It would be my pleasure." her voice is a hushed whisper as she fixes his stare back with something determined.

And then she begins to laugh at Firefly's whoops of congratulations. She smiles at him with pride boiling in her chest, searching for Greenpaw and Redstorm in the crowd. She hopes they're proud. Shes doing this for them, for Blazestar, for Skyclan.
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Truth be told, Finchfang was surprised to see Blazestar spring onto the Highbranch, and the ungainly way he did so made the striped tom's heart jump into his throat. There had just been a meeting, hadn't there? He remembered the uncomfortable proximity of too many cats near him, the unnerving intensity of their gazes on the grieving father, and - of course - he remembered the announcements. It felt too soon for there to be another meeting, but he padded over anyway, moving quickly and abandoning the never-ending quest to make his chest fluff flat. Without preamble, Blazestar announced that Deersong was stepping down, and, thus, a replacement was needed. For one wild moment, the hazel-eyed tom feared that there would be some sort of chaos, a violent transfer of power, a shouldering into the newly vacant role. But no, no ... that was only his thoughts getting away from him.

In fact, the choice for deputy made a rare smile appear on the brown tabby's face as he whipped around to try to spot Orangeblossom - their new second-in-command and, he hoped, his friend (she would be his only one). Moreover, as their leader carried on, they gained a new lead warrior - Sheepcurl. Not someone he'd had many interactions with, but that of course had zero bearing on what made a good council member. Perhaps it makes her better, not knowing me. thought Finchfang wryly. Besides - it was hardly his place to question Blazestar's judgement, even if the older tom seemed slightly unsound of mind and body. These choices felt like highly solid ones, and - with an even-rarer laugh - he joined in with Fireflypaw's congratulatory calls.

Another meeting?

Greenpaw wanders over to the crowd, settling next to Fireflypaw. Wasn't it too soon for another one? Were there apprentices to be named? Warriors? Something exciting, in the midst of SkyClan's current storm?

But, oh. Deersong's stepped down. That wasn't... That was bad news. His mother's successor, already gone, already in need of another replacement. Orangeblossom is named as SkyClan's new deputy, and, he thinks that's good news. He likes her well enough. And, judging by his friends cheers for her, it's most definitely good news.

Blazestar continues on though, Greenpaw's attention pulled back at the sound of a different name. Sheepcurl. His mentor is to be a lead warrior!

A burst of excitement causes the tom to leap up. "Sheepcurl!" he cheers, turning to find his mentor in the crowd. Once he spots her, he bounds over to her, bright eyes wide with pride. "Sheepcurl! Sheepcurl, that's you!"

So Deersong had stepped back from her deputy duties? He supposed he couldn't fault her, not with kits needing her attention and care. It must have been quite the juggle and a tough decision to make. Though he sympathised with the position that it left Blazestar in. With luck the new deputy would help to fill in the gap within the ranks, and that responsibility was to belong to Orangeblossom. Not only that but Churro- no, Sheepcurl would join the fold as a lead warrior. He offered a nod of approval before chanting the names with warmth. "Orangeblossom! Orangeblossom! Sheepcurl! Sheepcurl!"

Drawing his gaze back to Blazestar he finds himself looking on with a look of worry. It was evident that he had been downed for far too long all thanks to those blasted bats that had sent him falling from a tree. Healing had taken time, but during that span he felt that he had failed his clan, his leader. "I should really talk to him when I get the chance..." At the very least he could offer a friendly shoulder to lean on if need be, and a willingness to listen to even the grittiest of details.

Orangeblossom settles in her usual position among her Clanmates called to attention by the meeting call - somewhere to the middle right of the crowd, blending in as much as any SkyClanner could. It's clear from the get-go that this isn't an everyday meeting, not laden with excitement and ceremonies but something else that isn't clear until Blazestar nearly slips on the word abandoned when explaining that Deersong has chosen to step down from her duties. One gingery ear flicks, dissatisfied - but she doesn't know what happened between the leader and his now-former successor. It could have been anything from her genuinely stepping down to a threat to leave with her young kits in tow ... guess they'd never know. Slightly belatedly, she registers his wording and furrows a feline brow - he speaks as if he'll be joining them soon - but Orangeblossom doesn't linger on the thought.

Not that she can, when Blazestar glances to the sky in prayer and then fixes her with a stare so intense that, through her prickling fur, Orangeblossom knows without a doubt in her heart that he's chosen her. And he does, thankfully not indulging himself in a last-heartbeat change of mind that would embarrass the life out of the ginger-and-white molly. Orangeblossom rises to her paws, singled out in the crowd, and dips her head respectfully to Blazestar.

"I accept. Thank you for your trust in me."

A black-and-tan blur catches her attention amidst the cheering, and it takes a beat of confusion for the newly named deputy to realise that it's Fireflypaw zooming circles around her. He chirps out his congratulations, entirely shattering the solemn air to the meeting, and some of the tension fades from her shoulders.

"Sit down, please." Orangeblossom's head follows the excitable apprentice on a swivel as he runs laps around her, exasperation forcing a rare please into the open air - but he stops near immediately, thank the stars, when Sheepcurl is promoted to Lead Warrior. Oh, that's interesting. She'd make a good fit with Daisyflight and Thistleback.

"Congratulations, Sheepcurl." Orangeblossom meows, paired with a nod to their newest council member.​

  • <333

  • orangeblossom, deputy of skyclan
    — no apprentice.
    ✦ 25 moons, she/her
    ✦ fluffy white and ginger cat with brown eyes. torn left ear, scar on right foreleg.
    ✦ bi, single. @ on discord for plots.

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