pafp leave old mossy trails | cleaning up the nursery


New member
Aug 1, 2023

Squishpaw couldn't say that cleaning was her favorite chore, but it needed to be done. She stifled a sigh lest she be called disrespectful and ducked into the nursery. The soothing scents of milk and love washed over her, and Squishpaw relaxed automatically.

No, cleaning wasn't her favorite chore, but there were worse tasks.

She greeted the queens and kits warmly and set to rolling up old moss. She tried to be thorough with her collection of kit dirt, moss, scraps of prey, and other detritus that collected over the course of a day. She didn't want anyone getting sick after all, especially not when there were already cats sniffling sadly in camp. She scraped together several piles before rolling them into a few bigger balls that she could carry under her chin to the dirtplace. She quickly began the process of placing clean moss in the nursery for queens to use as needed.

Overall, Squishpaw was feeling much more comfortable with the routine of caring for the nursery after her moons of experience, and it showed in the smooth and steady motions of her body.

|| OOC: Please wait for @BEEKIT to reply! ||​
( 🐝 ) Beekit did not reside within the nursery like other kittens, no, she slept within the willow tree that her siblings had been birthed into moons ago along with her fathers. The small molly quite content knowing that it wasn't too incredibly crowded by other kittens and queens in the said willow tree though oftentimes she did wonder how it would've been like to be born amongst other kittens, it would be a lot easier to play with kittens that way not that minded leaving the safety of her den to venture out and gather a few playmates. Beekit enjoys the privacy and how her family could simply be amongst each other with rowdy kittens around, she's certain that her younger siblings appreciate it too. It makes her feel special even if briefly.

The small molly having separated herself from her siblings and having told Starlightkit that she would round up a few kittens to play a game with them, her youngest sibling being in charge of finding out what game to play and Cicadakit, well, he could stay in the refuge of the willow tree longer. She still stumbled about a bit whenever walking or trotting but she's getting a lot better at this whole walking thing, she feels proud of herself and she's certain that once she grows older that she could possibly outrun a Windclanner... Not really but the thought itself was cool. It would be cool if she could though, the best swimmer and fastest running warrior sounded appealing to her little kitten mind.

It was ambitious and perhaps unrealistic but she could dream couldn't she? Beekit pausing at the mouth of the nursery and peeking inside only to find herself face to face with an apprentice instead of a flock of tumbling kittens. Squishpaw looked like she was busy and doing something important, Beekit wanted to do important stuff too. The thought of apprenticeship just over the horizon. "I'll be Beepaw one day and I'll do a lot of stuff. That's interesting or important." She thinks idly to herself letting out a soft hum before speaking up to get Squishpaw's attention and well, Beekit was rather curious to what she was doing "Hi! Whatcha doin'?" Cleaning. It seemed boring and less important but... She would have to accept there would be not so exciting tasks as an apprentice when the time comes.

The small hum from Beekit and her following words grabbed Squishpaw's attention as intended, and the apprentice blinked down at the young kit. Squishpaw felt warm from the attention and was happy to answer. "Cleaning up the old moss," Squishpaw explained with a cheerful flick of her tail to indicate the piles and balls of moss around. "It's important to keep the nursery clean, so no one gets sick or dirty. Well, cats still might get dirty, but not from the moss!"

Squishpaw decided to stop talking. She didn't want to confuse the poor kit because she tended to ramble. "What are you doing?" Squishpaw decided to ask instead. She tilted her head and swiveled her ears in Beekit's direction to show genuine interest in her answer. She was tempted to get back to work cleaning up but also wanted to honor Beekit's attention with some of her own. She figured her chores could wait for a moment or two at least.​

oddpaw & 07 moons & agender & it/its/they/them & riverclan apprentice

Oddpaw is not on cleaning duty today, but fire-and-ice face pokes its way into the nursery anyways - they want o see their sister after all. Wide eyes and toddling steps precede their dramatic entrance, and the creature plonks themselves right on down beside squishpaw with a grin. "Dirty is fun- fun- fun-, but sick is not," they add, head dipping to the side. Beekit is... small, they think absently - we're they that small once? Oddpaw thinks they might've been, once, but those days are so far gone they hardly remember. "Does Squishpaw need help-?" they ask, remembering the reason they're here in the first place.

  • Actions && "Speech," && ' Thoughts/Quotes '

    ooc: —
    tw/cw: —
  • a striking rosetted tom with a pelt the color of fire and ice and wide round golden eyes. it's gait is awkward and strange, legs moving stiffly as it toddles about, but it seems to swim gracefully within the water. it often speaks in the third person, puzzling others with it's strange riddles and whimsical words.

    physically easy && mentally medium
    non-violent powerplay allowed && healing powerplay allowed && minor injury powerplay not-allowed
    please attack using [b][color=#ffdb58]action here[/color][/b] and tag account


As he was normally a bit of a neurotic soul, cleaning the nursery had always been one of his favorite things to do as an apprentice. It was calming, it was soothing and quiet and good alone time—most of the kits were basically too busy being with their mothers or playing with each other or being too young to properly do much of anything. Even the kittens that were more interested in Dovethroat (then just Dovepaw) usually stared at him more than anything else; that was when his reputation as moody and not very fun to speak to was at its peak. In hindsight, he was embarrassed, but he was also bad at speaking to anyone, let alone kits. So maybe it was all for the best.

Dovethroat is walking by as he hears the now-familiar voice of Squishpaw coming out of the nursery, and having nothing to do he figures he might as well peer in. The other two faces are complete strangers.

"O-Oh, ah, h-hello," Dovethroat says meekly, suddenly embarrassed to be in the nursery as a warrior.

Maybe it would prove to be a saving grace that the dusty-furred tom not be the only warrior to intrude in that moment... Though she couldn't say she was here for any benefit of the nursery, Lichentail could not withhold the nosy urge to see who might be there today. It was not completely empty, of course, but with Smokethroat retiring to the willow for comfort instead, it was less active by all accounts...

It was actually probably really nice to have that privacy. If not a bit of an.... unbalanced luxury...

"Is Brookpaw in here helping," they ask, sliding by Dovethroat with a small glance his direction before scouring the faces of eager-eyed younglings. Not her own charge but a few others... and Beekit? Hmm.. she'd wandered a bit this morning. "'pears not... That's fine I guess..." Lightningstone would kill her if she lost his kid. Hopefully this wasn't another fit of 'know-it-all-ism' and she hadn't run off without proper supervision.

"Have enough moss and things? I'd be happy to catch extra birds to spruce up Willowroot's nest," they offer, looking to Squishpaw, who seemed to be leading the charge on this endeavor.​
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