leave the light on for me .. search patrol

can we leave it behind? Dogfur's disappearance had been unsettling, especially so quickly after they had lost Ghostpaw. Sabletuft of course assumed for the worst to happen to the odd-brained warrior. With so much loss behind ShadowClan, so clouded was their morale, it was difficult to believe anything else had occurred.

There had to be a body though. Unless StarClan was granting cats magical powers, Dogfur couldn't have just completely disappeared from the world. Perhaps the forest, but even a partial answer was better than baseless assumptions.

"Keep on high alert. Anything out of place or any trace of him, I want to know." With Ferndance so shaken up by her friends curious absence, Sabletuft had offered to take lead on the patrol. Keep things organized, and those attending on track. — tags

-- app tag @loampaw

[this takes place right after THIS THREAD
the search will be conducted using dice in the shadowclan discord server. for the action your character is performing, pls bold/underline so I know to roll for you!]​
Everyone had looked to her to lead the patrol to find her friend, but the ticked tabby's head was too scrambled to even conceive the weight of the order. She was grateful that Sabletuft had stepped up, and she didn't feel guilty for needing to take time to make sense of Dogfur's disappearance. Lingering towards the back of the patrol, the frowning Lead Warrior's gaze hovered over each perceived obscenity in the territory - an old print in the mud, broken sticks, carrion left by crows. Early on, she realised it was less about finding clues to the tortoiseshell's whereabouts and more as a means to ground herself with the anxiety pressing against her skull. 'Oh he's gotta be ok,' she tried to comfort herself as she perked her ears in Sabletuft's direction. 'He's just stuck in the mud or something.... right?' It seemed hopeless, but perhaps if she thought it enough she'd eventually believe it. Her pupils swung towards the black and white tom as he spoke and wordlessly, the tabby gave a nod. Right, she needed to stop looking just for herself. Veering off of the linear path she was walking, the Lead Warrior took the time to inhale the scent of a nearby reed in hopes of detecting some sign of her wayward buddy.

Loampaw cannot help but feel hopeful on this patrol. He's always had a keen eye and a sensitive nose. It was less of a chance to prove himself to Sabletuft and more of a chance to rub his talent in Sabletuft's face. Loampaw was certain he was going to be the one to discover something important, a confidence that quickened his steps until he was walking at Sabletuft's flank. His ears turn in every direction nearly as quickly as his eyes flick about the ground, searching for any sign of pawprints, caught fur, or disturbed ground.

Had Loampaw been closer to Dogfur, he may have felt less excited and more worried, but for now the news was fresh enough to not be real, and the possibility that Dogfur was anything other than lost had yet to cross Loampaw's mind. ​
tags ∘ shadowclan apprentice ∘ solid black with hazel eyes ∘ curled front foot ∘ 11 moons
Granitepelt pads after Sabletuft with a pensive expression. He'd initially been repulsed by Dogfur. The tom was odd, weirder even than his perpetual parasite Ferndance, and the strange, jittery way he spoke and moved had sent Granitepelt's fur on end. Still, the warrior had shown him more kindness in the two moons before his warrior ceremony than Pitchstar had his entire life. He had even congratulated Granitepelt at his warrior ceremony.

So, the young warrior does feel strange about his disappearance into the marsh. He had never seen Dogfur fight -- if the rogue who'd mauled Pitchstar is truly dead, as the kittypet leader had said, then there should be no danger, but... he remembers the fox attack, Dogfur's inert behavior. Perhaps ill had fallen his former mentor after all.

Granitepelt sees Ferndance tasting the air and Loampaw listening intently, ears swiveling. He pads a foxlength away from the group, parting his jaws just enough to take in nearby scents. He is especially looking for intruder's scents or predator's scents.

can we leave it behind? Sabletuft nodded his head as each of the patrol cats broke off in their search. He observed Loampaw more specifically, figuring his surprise apprentice might have a bit of a better time with this. He recalled something about tracking being his better skill. tags

FERNDANCE - RESULT 18 - The lead warrior can detect the trail of her friend faintly. It's notably stale, but she can find a hopeful direction that points closer to the Burnt Sycamore

LOAMPAW - RESULT 22 - Loampaw would catch Dogfur's trail first, with his eyes catching a clump of fur that belonged to the warrior. It leads in the same direction as the scent trail Ferndance had. When he approaches the physical evidence of Dogfur, he can faintly see other wisps from the brush further ahead.

GRANITEPELT - RESULT 3 - Granitepelt is pointed the opposite way of Ferndance and Loampaw. With Dogfur's trail so fragile from days of absence, he can only report the more recent presence of fresh morning dew and soil. ​