the evening is damp with remnants of early morning showers ; her fur frizzes a halo of red - black around semi - drenched limbs, stepping high and careful through the sleek undergrowth. she yawns, lazily, because daylight is just beginning to dim, beginning to paint the forest in shades of dappled gold and she had been up since dawn patrol ( flamewhisker was just as out to get her as her mate had been. her heart aches for a split moment. ). there is nothing but the low drum of hoverflies and drip - drip - drip of rain seep from canopies overhead, not even the press of her own careful steps disturbing the crisp greenleaf evening as she pulls from her patrol and heads towards where she'd buried a squirrel safely aside snakerocks. the sooner she retrieved it the sooner she could return, flop down into her nest and snore her way 'til morning . . if she could manage it.

the recent exile of her clanmates left a hole where once sat peace, safety. the way they'd skulked and snapped away, bit at howlingstar with words she'd never imagined . . couldn't imagine saying to anyone, let alone a leader. it wasn't as if the clan didn't see, didn't whisper of how much howlingstar had slowed down in recent moons ; she'd been grey muzzled since freckleflame had been frecklekit, but she had won them sunningrocks. she had seen them through the rogue invasion, through yellowcough, through . . the wolves. was the fact that kittypets lived within their walls enough to defy her? to harm ploverhop, roaringpaw, to defend themselves to her face? to see fault in her decisions, decisions freckleflame had always felt most safe? was it the kittypet in her that felt so miserable about it?

stepping around behind a bushel of dying kudzu, there is a sudden breeze that drifts iron - scent her way. blood.

her nose twists, sniffing beneath the mist that had begun to fall light over her back as she stopped to taste the air. another step, closer to the jut of snakestones and it grows stronger, stronger . . until she spots them. or rather, she spots a bundle of red - damp fur catching the breeze at lifeless ends, and the dark stripes that cut through it spelling ploverhop in her mind. she can only gape, and gape, and gape until she realizes her throat is hurting and oh, she'd been screaming for help because ploverhop was -- ploverhop was . . and she needed her patrolmates before her sudden, devastated sway swept her sideways. only the scent of thunderclan fills her senses beyond the heady scent of blood, of pain she cannot imagine. there are lacerations all along their pelt, and a puddle murking further brown beneath their unmoving body.

she sucks in a breath, and as pawsteps sound behind her, croaks a hoarse, " ploverhops, they've been . . they're dead. " starclan guide them.

  • i. takes place after this thread!!
  • 74358446_5A10PH5FEpmGJJY.png
    she / her, eldest daughter of rabbitnose and the late sunfreckle. big, fluffy cream - ribboned tortoiseshell with seaglass eyes. she is fire - forged, smoldering ; something bright and voracious, radiant as the blazes that once raged through her homeland. shades of vibrant russet, dousing swathes of shadow and interwoven with ribbons pale cream come to drape like licks of flame over her hulking form. a heft of roundness settles comfortably upon her form in adulthood, padding muscle hardened by her life in the forest and yet still partially concealed beneath a tangled thicket of undergrowth - laden pelt. warriorhood had brought her to full height ; kittypet lineage showing itself in glimpses of rotund paws and tufted, long - furred toes set upon thick, tabby - splotched limbs. she is broad shouldered and square - jawed, wild cheek fur like the blazing edges of a red sun — a mirrors image of her late father, sunfreckle, and just as warm.
    A LARGE, ATHLETIC MAINE COON MOGGY. somewhat brutish in the wake of her family's staggering loss, bull - headed and hardy with something to prove, freckleflame will often find herself in border disputes as an unsurprisingly formidable opponent. a slow but hard & heavy hitter.

The darkening skies and looming shadows don't really help Roaringpaw when he's hunting. He much preferred dawnbreak and sunhigh, as he didn't stand out as much with his light pelt. During his moons of training as an apprentice of ThunderClan, he'd learned how to deal with it better than he ever thought he would— he was proud of his progress, and doesn't regret ever leaving his twoleg nest behind.

He's about to pounce on a mouse when the shriek of Freckleflame scares it away. His eyes are blown wide, now. His heart is beating so loudly his chest threatens to burst. ( Ploverhop, Ploverhop - ) It echoes through the whole forest, he'd be surprised the cats back at camp didn't somehow hear her yowls. The flame-sepia runs, seeking the tortoiseshell and fearing for the worst. Barging through the undergrowth, he sees it— sees them.

The smell of blood hangs heavy in the air, but not as heavy as the scent of ThunderClan. There's nothing else, no rogue-scent, no fox or badger or dog. Just ThunderClan, and that alone made his blood run cold. The exiled, the exiled, the exiled. He is afraid, terrified, but he's also angry. Is this what would've happened to us had Flamewhisker not intervened?

"They -" He is visibly shaken, voice cracking with every word uttered. "It must've been them. There's-there's no one else." He drops to the ground, the bloodied grass staining his fur. He sees it so clearly: him, dead and mangled beside Ploverhop had the deputy not found them during the hunting competition.


  • ooc.
  • ROARINGPAW —— apprentice of thunderclan , mentored by copperfang . npc x npc . littermate to npcs ✦ penned by nocthymia
    male / he/him / 10 moons & ages every 14ᵗʰ
    single / orientation & poly or mono / open/closed to romance
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / underline & tag account when attacking
    —— combat details here / battle notes

    "speech", 'thoughts', all opinions are in character
    tags — msg on discord (hypmic) for plots — toyhouse
  • reference image here
    a longhaired flame sepia with low white and amber-brown eyes.
Last edited:
// @antlerpaw

Howlingstar emerges from the undergrowth with her apprentice in tow, her figure a somber silhouette in the dim light. It's the smell of blood that brings her here, tabby fur already bristled with alarm. The scene before her, with Ploverhop's lifeless form and the distraught Freckleflame, strikes her like a bolt of lightning. "No…" She utters, eyes stretching wide. Like her warrior, she cannot detect any predator scent. She cannot detect anything unfamiliar. What…happened here? Is ThunderClan's once-unified front so fractured - is Roaringpaw right?

She approaches slowly, her eyes narrowing with a steely resolve as sorrow overtakes her. Her voice, though steady, carries an edge of the grief she struggles to contain. "We need to get them back to camp." Though she tries to keep her tone measured, there is a fury lit beneath her words. Who would do this? She glances at her clanmates, then back to the bloodied scene. "This was not the work of any predator. I want this…I want this investigated immediately," She snarls lowly, claws unsheathing. If the exiles have intruded…stars above, they would pay. She looks back at the young warrior, the next senior cat here next to her. "We must act swiftly. We will find those responsible and ensure they answer for this." Her gaze turns to Roaringpaw, to Antlerpaw, her expression firm. "Remember - ThunderClan must stand united against any and all threats." She cannot have them doubting now. With a final, pained glance at Ploverhop's body, Howlingstar moves to try and lift them over her powerful shoulders. With the others' help, they can bring the body back so the clan can sit vigil for their fallen warrior. We will not let this stand. StarClan, watch over us.

[ ༻ ☼ ༺ ] Freckleflame's shriek had drawn Fadingpaw forward, rhe looming shadows of dark clouds overcasting them while her gaze went from Freckleflame to Roaringpaw and then to their leader before looking at Ploverhop's still body while a horrified look danced in her gaze before glancing towards @skyclaw nervously and then to Howlingstar.

"Ploverhop isn't.. coming back?" she asked lightly before looking back to the dead body with a horrified look in her blue gaze while her hackles rose on her back. Why would anyone do this? Was it truly those who has gotten exiled? Her eyes flicked nervously towards her mentor, he had been close to the exiles, in fact the words Skyclaw spoke at times were to be concerning but she always try to push that off and perhaps this was not something she should be here to witness but...fate seemed to have other plans.

Soon enough Howlingstar began to move to pick the limp body of Ploverhop up to begin moving to camp and all Fadingpaw could do was look away from the gruesome sight, gaze flicking towards the older apprentice before moving to follow Howlingstar and those who were helping in silence. This...if it was the exiles, would they strike again?
  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Fadingkit She/Her, Kit of Thunderclan, 6 moons.
    Stocky short flame point tabby she-kit with blue eyes and stubby tail, one floppy ear
    Crimsonsun x Shadedmoon
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by Ryn@/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

the screech was loud enough to pierce the heavens, leafhusk could've sworn birds were frantically soaring off the treetops. she pushes through the foliage with haste, the stench of blood burning thickly in her nostrils. it was a cruel and gruesome sight, and while she wasn't particularly close with ploverhop, there was still a familiarity.

"i'll secure the borders as soon as i can." leafhusk swallows thickly, avoiding ploverhop's sunken eyes, "with a group." their best trackers… and, maybe a fighter. just in case. it's quickly tacked on, something that is obvious yet spoken out loud to ease her own stress. roaringpaw's voice cracks like stone, hollowing out it's inside, the observation leaving leafhusk dull inside. her pale eyes squeeze tight, drowning out fadingpaw's obvious statement. wordlessly, she shoulders over to help howlingstar carry the body.​

It isn't so much the iron in the air that causes Antlerpaw's paws to move faster- but the screaming, the shrieking that Freckleflame had let spill from her throat. Surely, that must of smarted. Orange eyes shifted, then snapped towards Ploverhop's body, and suddenly Howlingstar's rising anger makes sense. She feels sick, the way bile raises in her throat, the way her ears were shoving forward and her eyes widened.

She doesn't lose her composure often these days- Howlingstar's training had made her mind like cement and body like stone, unmoving and unswaying to the greatest of threats- but dead bodies, stumbled upon where they had just been breathing only hours earlier- Antlerpaw's eyes snapped shut before tears could spring forth, and she inhaled in a ragged manner. She doesn't respond outright to her mentor's words, nodding gently instead and a ragged inhale and sigh slowly brings her back to center.

In for eight. Hold for five. Out for eight. She thinks to herself, trying to work through her taught-breathing measures. She doesn't let Howlingstar go unsupported- she is tucking herself near her mentor's side, helping to lift the body, even if she was a hint shorter. Antlerpaw's muscles were well defined by this point in her training, and she started to trudge towards camp with Howlingstar and Leafhusk, still working on manually controlling her breathing.
  • "speech"
  • ANTLERPAW she/her, apprentice of thunderclan, twelve moons.
    LH cinnamon lynx sepia with low white. smaller body, agile and slippery, fits really well in small gaps in the underbrush. soft spoken but strong and determined.
    mentored by howlingstar / / mentoring no one
    padding after no one / / sibling to fallowpaw and doepaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by dallas ↛ dallasofnines on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


glowingpaw & 07 moons & female & she/her & thunderclan apprentice

Ploverhop is dead - and Glowingpaw thinks she might be sick. There is a look of terrified horror as she preses herself into hr sisters side, whiskers quivering and legs trembling faintly. It is not the first death to grace their ranks, and yet it is the first time the apprentice has truly understood with such clarity how horrible it is - grief washing over pale features. Swallowing heavily, paws twitch nervously when she speaks - " I- I can... help move them? " It's the only thing she can do now - put her size to good use even if she wants nothing more then to curl up and hide.

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'

W E ' L L - A L W A Y S -B E -S O -P E R F E C T L Y- H A P P Y

. ° ✦ The piercing cries bring back haunting memories Bravepaw had quickly rushed to bury from the many times he'd heard it before. Visions of grass grown slick in crimson, sandy patches tarnished by sickly claret blooms flicker before him. The sound of shouts cut off by curdled gasp, gasps silenced with cracking bone and screams, the screams, echo with Freckleflame, striking his pounding heart with fear.

It's jagged edge left his chest aching, feeling his pulse as he felt fear crawl between the hairs along his spine. To be brave was to be afraid, and so he pushed for his muscles to fight the lead that sunk into his pads and came closer to the sounds and scents that urged him to turn around and flee.

"Oh... Ploverhop." Bravepaw's shaky whisper felt cold as it left his lips despite the gentle rain sent warm droplets down his whiskers. Leafhusk suggested a route of establishing security before hoisting Ploverhop alongside Howlingstar, and the chocolate tom straightened to follow. "I-I want to go with- for the border. Please." Ploverhop's death could have been prevented- he thinks- if perhaps there is more presence to deter these bitter exiles. To commit a murder so easily... Howlingstar must have made the right decision that they were not ThunderClan at all.

"Antlerpaw?" He looked to his friend at the sound of her manual inhales and exhales, but she's fixed herself to Howlingstar's aid for the fallen warrior, and so he quietly followed behind.
° . . °
  • ooc:
    A Longhaired chocolate tabby with a white locket and deep blue eyes. Very thick coat that has started to grow into long, wispy curls. Developing into an awkward stage of kitten uglies as the rest of his body grows and changes. Severe scars from owl talons stretch across his shoulders and another that starts from his back down his left thigh.