LEAVE THIS TOWN AND RUN FOREVER — o, twoleg campsite

The group of over thirty-strong weave through the woods, trudging through grass and foliage scattered across the ground. There's not a clear path to follow, as cats had ( assumedly ) not trod this territory before, but they're confident that they're headed in the right direction. The forest is thick and not the easiest to navigate in the dimness of dusk, meaning that sticking close to one another would be absolutely crucial in making sure that they left this territory together.

Then, a strange sight — some sort of tall makeshift structure in the distance, illuminated from within. Silhouettes are vaguely made out by their eyes; they are still, shifting only occasionally. The stark scent that wafts toward the journeying party only confirms the presence of twolegs. What were they doing all the way out here?

A dormant monster also sits guard near the site, its eyes darkened but staring the felines down menacingly, as if it would awaken at any moment. Twolegs were no good. Slate could only imagine how eager they'd be to trap all of them if given the chance. He wasn't intent on giving them one. "Come on, we'll find a way around." The lead warrior softly grunts over his shoulder toward the other cats before moving to pad in another direction away from the vicinity of the humans. Thick undergrowth laid ahead, perhaps an inconvenience to barge through, but it would be far safer than the alternative.

  • slatechibi.png
    —— he/him; lead warrior of skyclan; former rogue
    —— bisexual; single; not looking
    —— hulking, scarred charcoal-black colored maine coon with amber eyes
    —— "speech", thoughts, attack
    —— link to full tags; @ on discord for plots.
    —— penned by beatles

"great," nightbird hisses sarcastically, ears folding back as the twoleg camp came into view. those beasts surely seemed intent on ruining. a blight marring everywhere they trekked with their freakishly long legs. even worse, they had a monster sleeping in their camp, dormant and calm for now. but for all the lead warrior knew, those things sought the blood of cats, who knew when it would wake up and begin hunting them.

the smoke turns to share a glance with flamewhisker before speaking to the thunderclanners nearby. "stay close together, don't let them see you." a given, but the journey thus far showed that even things they should have known since kithood were lost in the face of the first difficulty.

nightbird pushed onwards, the bought of dense undergrowth coming into view. thunderclan would have no trouble navigating it's winding greenery, she didn't care much about how the other cats would fare. "lets go, quickly." she prompted, tail flicking to wave the first cat through. she would wait until all of thunderclan's chosen had begun, not taking any chances for someone to get left behind.

  • NIGHTBIRD she/her, lead warrior of thunderclan, twenty-five moons
    nightbird is a small black smoke molly with pale silver eyes. a loner turned thunderclanner, her loyalty and drive to provide for her clan is unwavering. however, she is not known for harboring a bleeding heart, instead equipped with sarcastically fueled wit, brutal honesty, and a sharply edged tongue.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking ↛ see battle info here
    penned by vayle@vayl3 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

RiverClan is the only Clan without a member of Cicadastar’s council to guide them through the adversities faced so far. Hazecloud and Lakemoon are her seniors, but they share a rank, technicalities aside, and so Iciclefang walks freely behind Slate and Nightbird. When they speak, they speak strictly to their own Clanmates, seemingly uncaring what the rest of the Clans do in the face of the Twolegs and their strange makeshift nest.

Her fur prickles as she stares at the camp site before murmuring, “It’s like the ones at home, in greenleaf. Where Robinpaw disappeared.” She flicks an ear, searching for her Clanmates in the mass of cats. She does not immediately see them, and this causes her a split second of concern before resolve strengthens within her. I’m not a kit, nor an apprentice. I’m fine walking on my own. She exhales softly, following the other cats on light, careful paws. Too much noise and the Twolegs would be alerted… she sees the thick undergrowth the lead warriors intend to take their cats to and makes haste for the same patch of woods.

  • iciclekit . iciclepaw . iciclefang
    — she/her ; warrior of riverclan
    — lesbian ; single
    — short-haired tortoiseshell with white and ice-blue eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Pin
anger makes you stupid . stupid gets you killed .
He came to a pause, watching the illuminated shapes from afar, hidden behind makeshift structures that brought a sense of dread to the warrior. He knew how destructive they could be, takin’ more from him than he liked to admit. He wondered why they were doing this far out from the rest of their kind. Duskpool frowned, tattered ears lying flat against his helm.

He didn’t like the idea of crossin’ through their campsite, but goin’ around would only prolong this blasted journey, filled with cumbersome twists and building tension waiting to spill. He sighed, gruff sounding to toss a deadpan gaze in the lead warrior’s direction. “It’d be quicker if we slip through that upwalker camp.” He called out, wooly tail flickering. As much as he hated to say it as distrustful as the upwalkers were, they’d be in and out unless one of ‘em decided to be a wailing kit.
thought speech

Slate's discovery kindles his breath with bitterness. Lips curl in utter revulsion, and through narrowed eyes does Smogmaw garner a glimpse of what lay amongst the towering treeline. "Nasty, nasty beasts," the deputy condemns in a harsh whisper, scanning his peripheral for any indication of his clanmates.

There's no gaging what went on inside a twoleg's mind, no understanding their machinations or reasons for doing whatever they did. What cut deep, however, was their unflinching disregard for his kind. Scarcely a season had passed since Dogfur returned to the swamp, nerves all aflame and a vice around his neck that choked the air from his lungs. Caution must reign supreme here—a monster lies dormant in their midst.

"Lead by example, by all means," he would scoff in the SkyClan cat's general direction. Leave it to the twoleg apologists to put trust in the untrustworthy. Smogmaw bore no intentions of getting himself cat-napped, rehomed, and renamed; as such, he proceeds with his head bowed and steps deliberate, and he follows in Slate's wake. The tom's dark-smirched, ashen furs dissolve into the enveloping shadows, his senses sharpened and alert to any abrupt movements from the 'upwalker' detachment.


Of all the dangers to expect this far away from home, Hazecloud and prayed and prayed they wouldn't have to face off against towering twolegs, that the next time they had to cross a Thunderpath would only be when they returned. Perhaps StarClan truly wasn't able to stretch their paws out this far, seeing in the dark evidence of both.

She said nothing as Iciclefang found herself ahead with the other Clans leads. Despite being directed the most for guidance, decision-making, everything, Hazecloud does not hurry her gait to join those in the lead. The socialite is not a leader by any means and felt infinitely inferior in comparison to those actually holding the title in their respective Clans. The realization brought her to wonder, if Lichentail had been healthy enough, would she have come along? The molly wished she had. Despite the collection of cats all around, the journey was beginning to feel lonelier by the day.

The dense forest is equally awful as it is lonely. Stray twigs and dry leaves clutch to her fur like grasping claws and Hazecloud is positive she has snapped enough hidden twigs to alert a forest's worth of mice. She does her best to follow the exact pawsteps of those ahead of her. Ears perk up as a tom, SkyClan's, suggested they go through the twoleg camp. Her maw tugged in a frown.

"I'm not risking my Clanmates getting their attention to save an extra day of travel." She hissed defensively, reassured by Iciclefang already making way for where the others were leading. "There are cats here that didn't know what a twoleg trap looked like until a week ago. Go through yourself if you must." Alliances or not between their Clans, any suggestion walking toward twoleg danger would be bitten back into retreat.
Large ears would perk up at the sound of Slate mentioning how they would go around, his dark gaze already focusing on the smaller form of Nightbird as he follows along trying to keep his body low not wanting his snowy pelt to likely catch the attention of the twolegs. He follows along carefully only to pause momentarily when Duskpool speaks talking about how they could save a day of travelling if they go through the camp of twolegs and Hailstorm feels a frown form on his maw. That sounded like an awful idea or maybe perfect for the quicker cats in their group but surely not for the rest of them... Or him for that matter. His strongest points being strength and endurance but speed was not one of them so the thought of potentially getting caught and never seen again was very unappealing to him.

The thought of being seperated from his clanmates, Batwing, and possibly even Little Wolf making it feel like pinpricks were stabbing lightly at his heart. He shakes his head at the Skyclan warrior and steps in tow with the rest of his clanmates in the foliage feeling a lot safer than he was no longer sticking out terribly but more hidden, he wouldn't risk getting snatched by a twoleg and getting renamed Fluffy or Snowball. He'd much rather die than ever ingest cat kibble.

  • 5_by_caviesh_dg4bkw8.png
    ✦ 47 moons old
    ✦ thunderclan warrior
    ✦ bisexual demiromantic; single
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ✦ semi-difficult in combat; relies on strength and his burly build
    ✦ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ✦ penned by bosstaurus

nightbird could turn an ear to most of the discussion that ensued, all of it was background chatter anyways. but a skyclanner said something that had her head turning, dark brows raised at such a reckless idea. the molly could almost laugh, she wasn't usually one to spout kittypet insults but of course the skyclanner wanted to charge right through the twoleg camp. perhaps the journey had grown too difficult for him and he just needed an excuse to crawl into a twolegs lap for a way out.

"best of luck, may the stars guide your paws." her sarcastic drawl was added to the chorus of denials. quicker, yes, marching right into the twoleg nest was surely a quicker way to getting a collar slapped around your neck.

  • NIGHTBIRD she/her, lead warrior of thunderclan, twenty-five moons
    nightbird is a small black smoke molly with pale silver eyes. a loner turned thunderclanner, her loyalty and drive to provide for her clan is unwavering. however, she is not known for harboring a bleeding heart, instead equipped with sarcastically fueled wit, brutal honesty, and a sharply edged tongue.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking ↛ see battle info here
    penned by vayle@vayl3 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


He does not think as lowly of twolegs as the other cats seem to think. And perhaps he is just naïve—he has not seen the harm they can give to others first-hand. They have abducted clanmates; done even worse than that. But Ravensong was raised by them (at first, anyway). Surely not all of them could be so bad. Ravensong could get on his nerves, obviously, but how could a group of beings that were so bad create someone like him?

Well, not create, but raise. Raising was still important, Dovethroat liked to think. Regardless, he does not voice any of his thoughts. He stared up at the sky, only half-listening to most of what was being discussed by everyone else and inputting very little. Per usual, he is standing next to Hazecloud. She is the easiest person to plant himself beside, what with her also being a RiverClanner.

Eventually, he decides that her argument makes the most sense, as well. "I... I th-think we should w-wait it out, y-yeah." He adds meekly.