private leaving momma's love leftover ➺ yip

doepath ࿔

the poison stains my mouth
Jan 4, 2024
Whatever tiny moments of peace she can find are spent drawing in shuddering, deep breaths... Anything to try to find calm. Listen for the sound of the rustling leaves.... for the soft exhale of other poor souls waiting to be free of their mortal struggles. The stink of herbs and the distinctness of the ones she finds familiar... their names don't come to mind easily, it's like sifting through heavy waters and murky vision. She should be used to the fuzzy sight though... Her ear twitches as a new chorus joins the harmony, the little patter of feet that don't feel like they belong here. Golden eyes wink open to take a peak through the grim dark ambiance, spotting only the edges of a shadow crawling towards her like some horrible night creature.

Anxiousness takes hold in her chest, teeth grit in a frustrated search for what name she was meant to call for help. What had the spotted tom cat said...? Softrain....? Her brows furrow together as her head shrieks with protest- Too tired! Because for all her sleep, so little of it felt comfortable. A sunset gleam winks against the dark- the fur on her shoulders lies flat, recognizing those eyes like they're her own... if only she had those same gentle blues to break up the flame-flicker yellows.

"Hey," she whispers, as if fearful she's found a ghost to be her companion, "You okay?" To be in the medicine cat's den rarely meant good news... it doesn't even cross her mind that trembling paws might actually be here for her. There's a moment of silence... then an overwhelming trickle of insecurity begs to make her smaller, to disappear from prying, worried eyes. Carefully, Doecry shifts to try and better hide the awkward crook of a leg shattered by misfortune. This isn't for you to see....

Because it is embarrassing? Or a protective yearning to keep him naive and free of fear?