private LECHE OF SIRENS [★] Claiming Highstones

Sootstar follows behind Hollowcreek, the initial leader of the patrol before she had inserted herself. It wasn’t completely unusual, from time to time Sootstar would join the moor runners on their patrols. It was important for a leader to be knowledgable on all areas of her clan, not just her specialty.

They travel along the thunderpath renewing their scent marks, when all of the sudden Sootstar begins to stray across, leaving a likely confused patrol to follow hesitantly in her path. They reach the other side and she gives them no clues as to what they’re doing here as she scents the air, the smell of all five clans mingled faintly together.

”It’s hare-brained to not hunt on this stretch of land, is it not?” Sootstar says, paying little mind to the denser undergrowth and the rocky land. This was not terrain WindClan was use to transversing on, let alone hunting upon. ”Starting today we’ll begin to mark it. Any trespassers are to be chased off, the same as it would be if they crossed onto the moors.” On top of all that? StarClan won’t be recieving visits any time soon, her eyes glint with mischeif and she welcomes the cold breeze against her fur.
  • >> @BLUEPAW @spottedcloud @hollowcreek @SNAKEHISS @Gooseberry @Honeybadger.
  • » SootSootstar
    » WindClan Leader
    » She/her ․ Mate to Weaselclaw
    » Tiny blue smoke she-cat with green eyes.
    » "Speech"thoughtsattack
  • » A high-stamina foe who can be difficult to hit.
    » Excels in quick, short moves.
    » Fights to kill and maim
    » Fatal attack of choice is an underbelly dive.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing
Gooseberry pays no heed to Sootstar’s sudden insertion into the patrol, even as they transition from leaving scent marks around the thunderpath to crossing over to the Highstones. He’s a little confused at first about what they could possibly be doing here, but he does little but blink as she suggests to take it for herself.

Surely, StarClan would oppose this. But…did he really care what they thought anymore? They did nothing for WindClan. His loyalty to them was faltering, and they let it happen. Let them continue to be pushed around, over and over. All of WindClan’s success was done by the clan’s paws alone.

So maybe, it’s time to abandon them, like they’ve abandoned him.

Gooseberry gives a polite bow of his head, face full of resolve. “It shall be done. Good idea, Sootstar.” Might as well make up for all the prey lost and hunt here. Better than Carrionplace, that’s for certain. They’ll slowly learn how to hunt in this kind of territory, with time. Hopefully the other clans don’t ruin it.​
She is so unused to being above ground that Bluepaw hardly notices the shifting terrain beneath her paws. The soft tawny grasses of the moorland slowly becomes sparse, dusty, and her paws are pricked by pebbles as they continue. In the distance, she can see Highstones reaching for the sky like claws shredding an enemy’s belly. She thinks of the mountains her Clanmates who had journeyed away speak of, wonders how anything can be higher than Highstones unless it is the moon itself. “It is a good idea,” she mews in response to her mother and Gooseberry. “Highstones should belong to the—to WindClan.

She hasn’t forgotten her mother forsaking StarClan, condemning those who still believed. Bluepaw does, but she is careful to conceal it, to keep it away from a mother who is still grief-ridden. She flicks her ears, cheek fur carrying in the cool breeze. “Are we to chase the medicine cats who come to share tongues with StarClan away, then?” She knows the answer. When she turns her eyes to her leader, they are flat and cool as the wind that tangles her pelt.

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honeybadger & 11 moons & trans. male & he/him & windclan moor runner

Honeybadger doesn't think to question it - not really. This path has never been a place 'shared' by the clans in the boys eyes, only unclaimed. ANd clearly their leader has seen the truth just the same. More territory to hunt upon, mor eprey to fill empty bellies and keep away the sickness. He's nodding his head even before bluepaw speaks, bringing up what the multi-toned feline feels is a good point. "Or if not chase them off, perhaps they'd have to earn their passage - certainly they've got plenty of herbs to spare if they want to see starclan," honeybadger has no idea if it's true or not, but some of the other clans had certainly seemed better off even with yellowcough - well, maybe not riverclan. At the sycamore, it'd seemed like every day one of the fish-breathers had keeled over to the illness, joining the stars. It's just an idle thought though, spoken only pout of his need to feel like he is doing something valuable - if sootstar says otherwise, well, her word is law - who is he to argue, to question?

  • Actions && "Speech," && ' Thoughts/Quotes '

    ooc: —
    tw/cw: —
  • [bimg]url here[/bimg]
    a strange looking feline with nearly every shade of red upon his coat, and a badger-like mask of white upon his face. honeybadger is usually quite friendly and outgoing, an upbeat sort of personality; but when faced with those outside of windclan his demeanor is brutal and scathing.

    physically medium && mentally medium
    non-violent powerplay allowed && healing powerplay allowed && minor injury powerplay not allowed
    please attack using [b][color=#fed053]action here[/color][/b] and tag account

( ) A burnt honey stare mirrored the shine of sinister thought as Sootstar went ahead from the rest of them, small paws carrying her over their usual scentline to direct them beyond the pavement. Hollowcreek glanced around at the dry grasses that greeted them, recognizing the faint scent of the journey cats return still lingering. The ideas passed between Bluepaw and Honeybadger enlighten him, and the burly tom nodded his head in approval.

"This could prove fruitful in many ways. Not only for extra potential prey, but Honeybadger makes a good point. We can trade passage for herbs, why not prey too? If the stars are so important to their medicine cats, surely they will be worth a few mouthfuls to speak with them?" Hollowcreek rubbed his pad against the dry rocky split in the ground.

"If the other Clans are cut off from StarClan, it could cause for desperation. Opportunity."
Lips tightening on his maw, Snakehiss glances around for any signs of charging monsters before slinking across the Thunderpath after Sootstar. His paws pad across unfamiliar territory, nerves crackling down his spine; any cat could tell that he felt uncertain at the moment, though as to why he would not voice outright.

Mark the land surrounding Highstones, his leader orders. Astounded and quite frankly stuck between a rock and a hard place, Snakehiss's gaze looks to his fellow moor runners to search their expressions for any sign that they are feeling similarly. Thankfully, Honeybadger and Hollowcreek seem to possess some sense; a toll to let the medicine cats pass to Highstones. "With leafbare on its way, I can see the benefit in wringing those medicine cats for all they have." Snakehiss meows in agreement. Let them pass somehow, for WindClan's sake. She would get them all killed if not! Couldn't Sootstar see that StarClan was already angry enough with them? First Badgermoon's betrayal, then the deaths of Weaselclaw and his mother due to Yellowcough, then the rogue invasion — the clans were lucky that they were able to drive them all away in the end. What would come next if Sootstar kept angering them?

Green eyes flit quickly to the rugged outline of Highstones, then to the skies above, for a sign. Anything. Would the ancestors smite them all then and there? Would they send him some sort of omen, one he had been hoping for? Alas, they were silent as stars, as always. Who was he kidding? He was no medicine cat. Hopefully Sootstar would agree with them.

  • gJTx1fs.png
    —— he/him; moor runner of windclan
    —— bisexual; single; not looking
    —— long-limbed black tom with green eyes, a small white chest patch, and a notable bite mark on his right foreleg
    —— "speech", thoughts, attack
    —— link to full tags; @ on discord for plots.
    —— penned by beatles

Bluepaw asks and important question, and the others like vultures swoop in to suggest how they could take advantage of the other clans. She admires their oppertunistic attitudes, but they were missing the point! This was not a slight on the other clans, this was a slight against StarClan! She was not above the clans buying their passage, but them making it to the moonstone means StarClan wins.

”No, no.” Sootstar silences their suggestions sternly, ”Our entrance on our territory cannot be bought. All of them are to be chased away, medicine cats and all.” Her goal was not herbs, not prey, but to cut StarClan off from the clans.
  • » SootSootstar
    » WindClan Leader
    » She/her ․ Mate to Weaselclaw
    » Tiny blue smoke she-cat with green eyes.
    » "Speech"thoughtsattack
  • » A high-stamina foe who can be difficult to hit.
    » Excels in quick, short moves.
    » Fights to kill and maim
    » Fatal attack of choice is an underbelly dive.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing
For only the second time in Bluepaw’s young life, Sootstar has astounded her into silence. The other warriors suggest bargaining, suggest forcing the Clans to part with herbs or prey in order to pass through their newly-acquired chunk of territory. She finds this reasonable—it is for their gain, after all, for the good of WindClan and their home. They could prosper in this way. But Sootstar’s impatience flares, and she silences the cats gathered with a stern hiss. No, she snaps. All of them must be chased away, medicine cats and all.

Bluepaw’s fur prickles against her spine, and she resists an almost irresistible urge to meet the gaze of another cat present. Her doubts must be quelled quickly, immediately—Sootstar must not suspect Bluepaw of insubordination. She is not insubordinate, is she? No! Never—never. She gives her mother a mrrow of acknowledgment instead of trying to use words, the trill leaving cold vibrations behind in her throat that cannot form words.

She is mad, mad, a singsong voice brays in her head, one that uses her own cadence and inflections. She meant what she said, you fools—she has cut herself off from StarClan, and she will drag you all down with her now!

Bluepaw tries for a smile. It’s faded and uncomfortable, so instead, she turns her face back to the peaks of Highstones, where the claw the underbelly of the sky. She imagines she can see the sky’s innards spilling onto the grass in front of them.

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