sensitive topics LEECHPAW'S HALF-SIBLINGS LITTER [ closed ]

Jun 10, 2022

Leechpaw's abusive mom, Rain suddenly shows up at the windclan border after having disappeared and abandoned Leech for over five months time claiming her rights to join but gets rejected. It dosent help that she states that she is pregnant and expecting kits. Turned down she seeks shelter in a close burrow near the horseplace place there Leechpaw seeks her out. The two have a reunion there that is everything but warm and Leechpaw tries to cut his ties with her but fails in doing so since he has conflicted feelings for his mother. Revealing the news that she is pregnant and that he will soon get half-siblings Leechpaw is unable to abandon his family in need especially his unborn younger siblings so thinks it's his responsibility to take care of his pregnant mother resulting in him having to work even harder not only to hunt food for his clan but now also his mother. He barely makes it through the day, and he even skips his own meals to give them to his mom instead. Not many days after this kits arrive into this world, their mother Rain suddenly disappears again, and Leechpaw will bring this kits back to windclan to raise them there as their big brother.

Leechpaw is NOT gonna reveal this kits are related to him not until they are older but he will take care of them and look after them. He is gonna play a major part in thier lives and he will be a good brother to them. He wont ever talk with them about thier mother though! beside saying she abandoned them

- i can not 100% promise that they will get accepted into windclan, that decision will be Sootstar to make!, however if this kits will get rejected Leechpaw will take this kits to a different clan and raise them there! just something to keep in mind!
- a NPC queen will nurse this kits unless i can found someone who would like to nurse them!
- this kits MOST have a good relationship with Leech, i really want him to have a good relationship with them and for them not to hate him :3 but of course later down icly consequences can change that
- stay active with them, if you stay inactive with them for 4 weeks i will rehome them
- i will draw headshots for the kits that get picked! but remember if you go inactive with them i will rehome the art as well!
- the starting age is 2 months old and they will age realistically after that!
- no hateful names, Leech will nOT give any mean or nasty names to them.
- they most stay in the same clan as Leech raises them in
- do not kill them off until they have reached 12 + months, after that you can do what you wishes with them!

- credits goes to bLITZ for helping me with this, thank you so much <33

Sire: LH red tabby w/ high white (masking chocolate; carrying dilute)
Dam: SH blue (carrying longhaired, chocolate)

Toms can be black, blue, chocolate, or lilac
She-cats can be tortoiseshell, blue tortoiseshell, chocolate tortoiseshell, or lilac tortoiseshell
- kits can be shorthaired or longhaired
- kits will have low white
- kits can have any realistic eye color
- shorthaired kits will carry longhair; non-dilute kits will carry dilute; black-based kits will carry chocolate

( you have to pick a name for your kit in this list below! )
- Light,Echo,Sun,Shine,Gleam, or any similliar names - after Echolight
- Rose or flower related names - after Rosepaw
- Lavender,Violet,Bluebelle,Storm, or any fiercy like names - after Hyacinthbreath
- Sunflower, Daisy, Gold,Golden,Dream,Hope,Wish, or any warm positive names OR names related to the farm life - after Dandelionwish
- Black,Crow,Raven,Night,Shade,Shadow, or anything similliar that is related to the night - Leechpaw loves to be out at night so would pick a night related name for them

1; reserved for now
2; open
3; open

free for all! bonus points if giving a description on how thier relationship with Leech will be, and how they will react to after he tells them he is in fact thier older brother (:

Picking date are yet undecided, i'm aiming for sometime in january for these kits to be born! but it might change depanding on how smoothly this plot moves

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PETALKIT . Petalpaw . Petaldust/ Petalfrost / Petalheart

↳ Petal - named after Rosepaw
— Kit of TBD; no previous allegiances, doesn't think about other clans
— Female, She/Her ; pansexual
Rain x NPC sibling to Leechpaw, TBD

scrawny chocolate tortoiseshell with hazel eyes
Blessed with long, unruly fur and a scrawny build, Petalkit is nothing short of exceptionally ordinary. Her facial features undeveloped and round, she is a forgettable face in a crowd. Her pelt is a mottled blend of brown, earthy tones and cream while her eyes are a muted hazel color, a cloudy green tinted with a soft brown around her pupil. She stands at a slightly taller rate than most kits her age, but it's subtle.
↳ carrying dilute


( + ) assertive
( / )
complacent ( - )
stuck up

Determined and sure, she likes to hold herself to a certain standard. Having grown up with the knowledge that her mother willingly abandoned her and her siblings, the want to prove Rain sorry will drive her to be the best, the hardest worker her age, the strongest and most lethal of the group. She is the one you want in your corner when times get rough, as she aims for stability and secureness in herself. At a young age, she possesses the typical kit-like traits, but it is obvious she has a tact for leadership and directness, which can more often than not be construed as bossy- but she doesn't mind, she likes being in control of the situation.
She doesn't take kindly to being uprooted, as change is something that scares her, even if she'd never admit that. She takes comfort in familiarity, and faces the strange and new things of the world with claws and teeth rather than an embrace.
mannerisms: maintains eye-contact throughout a conversation, as she takes it as a sign of respect | digs claws into the ground when nervous to "get a grip"
— will (not) start fights | will end fights | may flee | will not show mercy
— (will) excel at combat, tracking, camouflage


— her dynamic with Leechpaw will be a fickle one, his behavior will confuse her throughout her life, but he'll be just about all she's ever known, so she accepts it but remains somewhat cautious.
— when she finds out her relation to Leechpaw, the pieces will start to click. She'll be angry at first at the fact he withheld the information, and suspicious as to what else he'd be hiding. Depending on how it develops from there, she may end up deciding to accept it, as he's always been a familial figure, the only difference is now he is biologically family
— as she grows, I'd plan for her to take a more militant nature- especially if they are taken into Windclan.
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hate to ask but what's it like to leave me behind

  • goldenrodkit | goldenrodpaw | goldenrodpatch
    reasoning: 'goldenrod' after the sunny yellow herb and after dandelionwish; 'patch' for her cheerful nature
    also responds to any nickname given by others

    02 months old
    birthdate: 00/00
    ages real time

    trans. feminine demi-girl [amab]
    uses feminine/gender-neutral pronouns (she/they)

    demiromantic | pansexual | monogamous
    single; not looking
    leans towards females

    alliance tbd | kit
    born/raised in
    no past ranks

    created 12/10/22 | updated 12/15/22 | subaccount
    all opinions are ic
    played by kitty-kat
  • chocolate shorthair with low white and yellow eyes; carries longhair
    a long bodied feline with a dainty figure, goldenrod is soft and light and lithe. she is of average height, with an unusually long tail, short ears, and wide almond eyes. her pelt is soft and plush, cropped close to her body and clearly showcasing her ribs and spine even when well fed. her fur is a smooth dark brown which lightens to a warmer burnt caramel at her underbelly and darkens slightly at her eats. her upper muzzle, spine, tail, and front toe tips are white, while her eyes are a cheerful shade of sunshine yellow.
    has one slightly longer fang that pokes out from her upper lip
    any scars/birthmarks?
    smells like sunshine, flowers, honey, and citrus

    design by kitty-kat- | visual reference
    accessories: in spring will start wearing a dried flower by her ear (exact flower tbd)
    hygiene: messy and unkept, her pretty pelt often marred by mud or twigs from her playing
    body language: here
    voice claim: pinkie pie (mlp fim)
    face claim:

    100% | overall extremely healthy
    no current illnesses or injuries
    no chronic conditions
  • guileless | enthusiastic | fanciful | insecure | loving
    positive: optimistic, bubbly, bright, cheerful, friendly, playful
    neutral: attention seeking, energetic, vibrant, outgoing, clingy
    negative: possessive, inattentive, naïve, inattentive, self-critical

    an energetic and upbeat child, goldenrod is rarely seen without her trademark lopsided smile as she bounces around camp, flitting from task to task. few things are able to keep her attention for long. social and outgoing, she easily makes friends with those around her, and is always eager to join in whatever fun there is to be had - she adores the spotlight, eager to have all eyes on her. young and naïve, she is surprisingly sheltered and knows little about the world around her. she is very inquisitive though, questioning anything and everything, eager to learn what she can. open and honest, she seems to be an open book. that's not the case however. while her smile seemingly never faulters, she's rather anxious and depressed at times. she doesn't like to be separated from her family, and is usually seen with with at least one of them at all times. on the rare chance when she's left to her own devices, she finds herself easily overwhelmed and distressed, withdrawing into herself and shying away from the attention she usually craves. she's very possessive, often getting jealous of having to share her siblings - and eventually anyone close to hers - time with others, but she tries to keep these more negative feelings hidden deep inside. even when sad or hurt, she is likely to simply smile and play it off, repressing anything that she feels might make her a 'burden' to others.
    smile is lopsided and dopy, tends to gesture with her tail when speaking or point with it rather than using her paws, has a bad habit of biting her tongue and cheek hard enough to bleed when her emotions get to high and her smile wants to falter
    as she grows older she is less likely to seek out help in any form, due to being perceived as a burden. this includes hiding or lying about injuries, her feelings, and even events that might affect those around her.
    goldenrod loves water in all its forms - she enjoys listening to or sitting out in the rain, playing in the snow, and even enjoys swimming (if available in clan)
    speech patterns
    favorite food:
    favorite color:
    favorite time of day:
    favorite flower:
    favorite weather:

    mentally fragile | has adhd, separation anxiety, athazagoraphobia
    symptoms include
  • rain x npc | gen 01 (?)
    2 littermates (name, name)
    1 half-sibling (leechpaw)
    other relations: n/a

    crushing on / in a relationship with n/a | 1/? shipname
    previously crushing on: name (amicable? rejected?)
    previously in a relationship with: name (amicable? rejected?)

    extroverted | forms platonic relationships with ease | hard to form romantic relationship with; views romance as useless
    close friends:
    trusts: sibling a, sibling b, leechpaw

  • mentally easy | physically easy | attack in bold #fbec5d and tag
    strengths: swimming, high stamina, running, leaping, flexible, agile
    weaknesses: climbing, physical strength, stealth, tracking
    other skills: n/a
    peaceful powerplay is allowed
    healing powerplay is allowed
    non-peaceful powerplay is not allowed

    morality good | loyal to her clan as a whole
    won't start fights
    might end fights
    might run away
    won't attack kits
    won't attack elders
    will maim
    will kill
  • kithood
    quick blurb
    quick blurb
    quick blurb

    Thread Tracker
    birth | thread
    quick blurb
    event | thread
    quick blurb
    event | thread
    quick blurb
  • open/closed to plotting | please contact via discord

    current plots
    despite not knowing they are related, goldenrodkit does know that he's the one who brought them into the clan, and views him with adoration and respect. she treats him similarly to her siblings, often following him, and though she's never given their relationship a proper label (brother/uncle/father) she certainly thinks of him as "hers". she may tailor some of her likes and behaviors in order to fit his expectations (or what she thinks his expectations might be)
    dislikes the npc (or oc) due to knowing that her biological mother abandoned. she has a lot of trust issues over this, and even if said character has been nothing but loving and kind to her she will continue to keep them at a distance and turn her emotions into a weapon against them due to her fear of being abandoned again, treating them as an outlet for the hurt she feels about her actual mother.
    separation anxiety should be resolved sometime during apprenticeship, but may develop other anxiety disorders as time passes
    quick blurb with name; phase 0/0; etc.

    future plots
    quick blurb with name; phase 0/0; etc.
    quick blurb with name; phase 0/0; etc.
    quick blurb with name; phase 0/0; etc.

    possible plot ideas
    quick blurb with name; phase 0/0; etc.
    quick blurb with name; phase 0/0; etc.
    quick blurb with name; phase 0/0; etc.

  • Code:
     [box="margin: auto; width: 500px; font-family: georgia; font-size: 12px; text-align: justify; overflow: stretch; color: white;"][center][SIZE=20px][glow=#ffff99][color=#fbec5d] Say "I'm happy! I'm happy! I'm happy today!" [/color][/glow][/size][/center][box="margin: auto; width: 400px; font-family: georgia; font-size: 8px; text-align: justify; overflow: stretch; color: white;"][center]goldenrodkit |  02 months | demi-girl | she/they | physically easy | mentally easy | attack in [b][color=#fbec5d]bold #fbec5d[/color][/b] [/center][/box][hr][/hr]
              Text goes here and then some [b]"Speech here,"[/b] and don't [i]forget[/i] to [i]emphasize[/i] a few words like this.

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Dreamkit Dreampaw Dreamwish/whisper/song
Dream- For Dandelionwish ;; Kit- For rank in the clan
No previous names
2 months
Kitten of __clan
Cisgendered Masculine (he/him)

A long-haired lilac tom with white and pale green eyes.
Dreamkit is a rather skinny fella, his ribs always sticking out of his long fur and his shoulders ridged against the lilac color. He is very small, standing no taller than four inches tall, and he had matted/rough looking fur at almost all the time. Even if he spends hours grooming himself, it always clings to dust and dirt making him appear more brown than lilac. Dreamkit has white across his chest up to his throat and white front paws, and has these murky, pale blue-green eyes that are almond shaped. His head is triangle shaped with large, tufted ears on the tops of his head.
No scars or injuries

From a young age Dreamkit is a rather avoidant cat, always seeming to not want to talk to other cats and keeps mostly to himself. He has a grouchy side when approached but it is more like he doesn't have social skills. Blunt and straight forward, Dreamkit doesn't understand cues or norms of interacting and calls it as he sees it- even if its wrong. Though the young tomcat is very loyal to his family and would do anything to protect them even if it comes at a cost for himself. He will be very close to Leechpaw, seeing him as a father figure, and looks up to him in a way. Though when it comes to hearing Leechpaw is related to him- Dreamkit wouldn't be surprised. Of course he was related to a great cat like Leechpaw, it just makes sense and will only drive him close to the black cat.
Lawful Neutral
Slytherin House
Avoidance Attachment Disorder

hard to form platonic relationships
easy to form romantic relationships
mate of no one. crushing on no one.
parent to no one
child of Rain x NPC
sibling to Leechpaw

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All of these are subject to change depending on IC Development. This is just a general interpretation on how I currently see them.

Application Completed

  • GENERALWho am I
    Flarekit + no nicknames
    ↪ Flare has several references. First and foremost, Flare has its roots from both Echolight and Hyacinthbreath for a passionate but compassionate soul. Secondly, Flare references their pelt. The singular patch of white on an otherwise muted cat seems to shine brightly against their coat making it their most notable feature. Their true self will also flare up eventually. Finally, Flare is play on words with flair. An entertainer at heart, Flare has their own style, which while sometimes considered strange or eccentric, makes them who they are.
    Nonbinary (amab), They/he
    ↪ Demisexual Panromantic
    ✦ 2 moons, Ages realistically
    Windclan, Kit || Undecided on Moor Runner or Tunneler
    ✦ Warrior name will be icly chosen by the leader
  • APPEARANCE What do I look like

    Current Appearance

    General idea on what they look like. Will showcase fangs.

    Future Appearance
    Stylized art of Flarekit showcasing his true colors. Art created by Kabirdie <3

    ✦ A silvery-gray shorthair cat with a white patch and pale colored eyes. Two, long fangs poke out from their mouth.
    ↪ A scrawny and awkward kit, Flarekit has some growing to do before he can finally become used to his frame. The first notable thing about them is their long fangs similar to Leechpaw. While their teeth do not cause any direct harm, it can make eating a bit awkward and some may find them to be a bit menacing. Flarekit was also born with some long legs and tail. While not consider the tallest as the kit is still relatively small, Flarekit finds themselves stumbling and having odd movements as they get used to their footing. Their tail, while not nearly as problematic, can sometimes drag a bit behind them and often has a messy appearance because of it. Their tail will likely gain some battle scars because of this such as patches of fur missing here and there. As they grow older, their appearance will take a lean but still somewhat scrawny look. Their small to medium-sized body will naturally fit more with their frame. Overall, they will fit in just fine in Windclan being a cat made for athleticism and speed.
    ↪ Muted in appearance, Flarekit doesn't stand out nearly as much as some of his more vibrant siblings. They were born with a silvery-gray shorthair coat with some black highlights namely around the face and chest. The most notable thing about them is the singular white patch that rest on their chest. Their eyes are pale making them quite muted in coloration. Despite this appearing to be their true colors, Flarekit's coat is a wolf in sheep's clothing. In reality, Flarekit was born with fever coat and overtime, his true colors will start to appear more and more as they age.
    smells often like wild onion or garlic (likes to roll in the stuff if they happen near it. They love the smell but hate the taste)
    sounds like a soft but optimistic tone
    Has fever coat but will not impact their health. Eventually, their colors will come in around 8 moons or so. Caused due to the amount of stress Rain was under because of Leafbare, the lack of food, and potentially other causes.
  • PERSONALITY What am I like
    POSITIVE TRAITS: Supportive, Empathetic, Practical, Observant, Creative
    NEUTRAL TRAITS: Curious, Reserved, Passionate, Humorous
    NEGATIVE TRAITS: Insecure, Pushover, Naive, Conflict-Averse, Sensitive

    Detailed Personality
    "I spy with my little eye."

    The world is full of mystery and excitement. The little adventurer within Flarekit cannot help, but to notice it all. Forever curious, the cat is always watching and learning. They can spot out even the tiniest details, especially when it comes to others. Even their own senses seemed to have evolved for that purpose. Things that seem unimportant or oblivious, Flarekit makes note of and their memory certainly allows them to hold onto those details. From a logical standpoint, Flarekit makes for an excellent analyst as they have a tendency to piece together these details to come up with their own solutions, theories, ideas, etc. However, their observational skills make them greater at understanding and empathizing with others. They are able to give unexpected insight into another's life and do their best to be a supportive friend.

    "What do you call my favorite type of rabbit? Earrestistable."

    Growing up in Windclan has its downsides. One of them is the turbulent nature of the group. With so much tension, Flarekit picks up at an early age that with so much seriousness and strictness, laughter can be the greatest medicine and can bring cats together. An entertainer at heart, Flarekit's goal will be a bit of a class clown. No matter how silly their performances might be, if it brings a smile or laugh out of someone, that is all they care about. On a deeper level, however, Flarekit's performances also allow them to express themselves. They are an artistic soul that takes great pleasure and joy to create something special. Sometimes, this is where their bold and theatrical style takes center stage as they work hard to create performances worth something. Some may see them as strange and they suppose, sometimes, their ideas can be out there, but ultimately, if they achieve their intended purpose, these ideas can be as strange as they need to be. Unfortunately, sometimes their efforts can come out at bad times, which can make them come across as annoying, inappropriate (mostly in the bad timing sense), or troublesome, affecting them deeply.

    "Okay, okay, I hear you. Sorry to cut this short but I promise I would help someone with something. See you."

    Flarekit is not a fan of conflict. It makes them uncomfortable and they have a hard time navigating those situations. All they want is peace and they will prioritize that over reading the room or talking it out. Because of their general attitude, Flarekit is the "go along to get along" kind of cat. They are quite reserved about their negative opinions and emotions. Their voice tends to blend in with the rest of the crowd even if they don't agree. It can make their less rooted values and beliefs stand on a shaky foundation, which often makes them a pushover. In other words, Flarekit is a chameleon and will adapt to the path of least resistance. But in times where conflict rears or looks like it could rear its ugly head, Flarekit resorts to a few things. Humor or promises such as offering to help out with something are natural fallbacks to try and help lighten the mood. However, if for some reason, those don't work, avoidance will take priority. Unfortunately, sometimes, that can mean that Flarekit will indulge in behaviors that can seem impulsive and reckless in an attempt to bury their turmoil. Flarekit doesn't like to be in trouble or hurt others. To them, since conflict has proven to be problematic in the past, entertaining it seems like it would make the situation worse. Ironically, their dismissive attitude does tend to cause more problems and frustrations especially for him. Flarekit can be sensitive. When they feel back in a corner, especially when something hits a truth or insecurity, like their namesake, their emotions will flare. While they are in their most vulnerable state, they are also at their most volatile and Flarekit can have quite the sharp tongue to them. It is a side they hate and it makes things far more complicated.

    "What are we waiting for? Let's do this!"

    As much as Flarekit welcomes discussions, theories, and the like, there is nothing better than actually doing it. Hoping and dreaming is a waste of time when one could make a change through action and learn from those actions. The world is meant to be experienced and felt. It satisfies that curious wonder too. It fuels their enthusiasm, which can make them surprisingly passionate and energetic. Flarekit thrives most when they are doing stuff with their paws otherwise life is quite a bore. For them, outside of their curiosity, they are motivated by their desire to help others as well as their survival. They will do what it takes to serve those that they care about and are loyal to even if it requires much sacrifice on their end.

    "Hey, are you doing alright? Let me know if you need anything."

    Deep down, Flarekit tends to feel more with their heart than their head. They have a natural sense of empathy enabling them to understand others when their experiences are different. It helps that they have a desire to understand and be open-minded too. Because of their easy nature, they can be seen as good company. Flarekit genuinely enjoys being around and observing others. They enjoy sharing moments or listening to another's ramblings. While not the most talkative cat out there, they don't need to be. Whenever someone seems like they need support, Flarekit is quick to lend a supportive ear and paw. However, for as loyal and supportive as Flarekit can be, they are also quite self-sacrificial. They tend to take on more than what they can handle and have a hard time saying no in fear that they will be selfish or disliked. Flarekit can be a little too trusting and naive at times, which can make them vulnerable to being taken advantage of. Their loyalty can be wonderful but they can also be quite stubborn. Sometimes, they will ignore the red flags and may very much find themselves on the end of a sinking ship. Flarekit wants to be loved and respected and is doing their best to be a good kit.
  • RELATIONSHIPS Who surrounds me
    Rain x NPC
    ↪ Half-sibling to Leechpaw
    Littermate to TBA
    ✦ Crushing on no one. Not interested and too young.
    mates with no one. Too young.
    ↪ No offspring
    mentored by no one. For potential plot ideas, they could be mentored by someone who fits Windclan's current atmosphere but this is still up in the air.
    ↪ currently mentoring no one yet.

    ↪ mentored no one yet.
    FRIENDS: closest thing to friends atm is his family.
    DISLIKES: No one yet
    No one yet

    ✦ General Leechpaw Interactions

    Flarekit is Leechpaw's faithful little shadow. The kit loves to be around him and has a huge amount of trust. Flarekit spends a lot of time around Leechpaw often gushing and talking about various topics as they enjoy sharing stuff with him. Flarekit admires Leechpaw a lot, seeing them as a brother-like figure and best friend. They see him as quite wise, eating up a lot of what he tells them. However, some statements may spark that curious nature out of them, which could get them into some trouble. They desire to become Leechpaw, which does cause them to have a tendency to put him on this impossible pedestal and often ignoring Leechpaw's faults. As a result, Leechpaw will heavily influence them and Flarekit will pick up some mannerisms and traits from them, both good and bad. While Flarekit will be dependent and trust Leechpaw quite a bit, this can be a double edged sword. Flarekit will become reliant on them almost to a clingy degree for quite a few things even if they are rather simple because they will trust Leechpaw's judgment over their own, causing Leechpaw to potentially be involved in a lot of Flarekit's battles. Once they learn, if they ever learn, about the origins behind Leechpaw's name, they would be horrified. Despite the recent name change, Flarekit would absolutely want to shower them with more positive words and would call them various nicknames that they associate positively with. Likely spoil them with more gifts and the like too. They would want show him how much they love him.​

    ✦ The Reveal

    Flarekit would mostly have a positive response. They would have a huge amount of relief and joy to find out that Leechpaw is their brother and would happily welcome that. However, there would be a part of them that would feel mixed about why Leechpaw chose to keep it for so long. Why did he believe that learning that he was their older brother would cause them such distress? It would trigger some curiosity and some questioning, which depending on how much is revealed, could lead to their own investigation into things. Assuming Leechpaw mentions that their mother abandoned them, Flarekit probably wouldn't understand the full gravity of this at first, but would likely understand it is bad. They would be interested in learning more but this would also likely trigger some potential insecurities if they ever do learn more about their mother such as why mama didn't want to stick around. There would likely be some anger surrounding their mother too especially if they learn about how she treated Leechpaw to the point that there would be some conflicted feelings about wanting to meet them to understand why and being too afraid to confront someone like that. It would just make them more determined to keep Leechpaw around because they love him and wouldn't want to do anything to cause him to distance themselves away from them too.​
  • INTERACTION How do I act
    Flarekit will not do well in fights. Despite their eagerness to become a great warrior, actual battles are a different story. They are not spars or playful gestures. Cats get hurt, even killed, and they are not someone that likes to hurt others. They fight simply because that is what is expected. Their general fighting style will be a mix of what they know combine with a hesitant and fearful demeanor. Depending on how young they start, this attitude could worsen. Difficulty level: Easy

    They are not one to start fights without an extremely good reason. They will, however, aim to end fights. Running away is a last resort, despite it being the preferred method, as they do not want to seen as disobedient, cowardly, or unreliable.

    Ratings, especially high ones, do not necessarily mean that they are a master in that field. It is just a general overview on what they will most likely excel at. All of this is subject to change depending on development.

    Strengths (4-5 stars): Speed and Flexibility
    Average (3 stars): Hunting and Stealth
    Weaknesses (1-2 stars): Fighting and Swimming

    ↪ FIGHTING: ★☆☆☆☆

    ↪ FLEXIBILITY: ★★★★☆

    ↪ SPEED: ★★★★★

    ↪ STEALTH: ★★★☆☆

    ↪ SWIMMING: ★★☆☆☆

    ↪ HUNTING: ★★★☆☆
    Despite their introverted nature, Flarekit is not antisocial and loves company. Generally, a curious and playful kit that enjoys trying to entertain and make others laugh. Their kind and supportive nature makes them quite approachable.

    Strengths (4-5 stars): Perception and Memory
    Average (3 stars): Motivation and Wisdom
    Weaknesses (1-2 stars): Strategy and Healing

    ↪ STRATEGY: ★★☆☆☆

    ↪ PERCEPTION: ★★★★★

    ↪ MEMORY: ★★★★☆

    ↪ HEALING: ★☆☆☆☆

    ↪ WISDOM: ★★★☆☆

    ↪ MOTIVATION: ★★★☆☆
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it's long sorry 😭 said:


AFAB Nonbinary, They/Them
➳ named after Dandelionwish as well as for their bright golden eyes
➳ OK with any nicknames :]

small lilac tortie with white tail tip, golden eyes, long messy fur
➳ Sunflowerkit is a small thing, with thin, delicate limbs and a thin, delicate face. Their paws are small and their tail trails long behind them. Despite what their size may suggest, they are more lean than scrawny, though the wildness of their fur makes it hard to discern anything beneath. Their fur is long and inelegant, twisting and pulling in all directions, stuck in a perpetual state of windswept disarray that they never care to groom down. Their colors, a tortoiseshell patchwork, are soft and washed-out, dusty dove grays set against feather-light lilac. A single shock of white sits at the tip of their tail, like some long-abandoned attempt to bring brightness to the kit's pale palette. Their eyes succeed where their snow-dipped tailtip fails, large and more vibrant than anything surrounding them--sunflower-gold, always alight with curiousity.
(uhhh i hope i did ok with the fur colors in the art its hard to find refs for lilac torties ^^;)
(ALSO i forgot to include it but their fur has bits of leaves, grass and twigs stuck in it. Didn't put that in the description bc I wanted it to stay accurate to the art)

INFJ, Lawful Good
( + ) protective, loyal, curious, observant, honest, selfless, brave, responsible
( / ) quiet, unusual, reserved
( - ) paranoid, aloof, insecure, self-destructive, distrustful

➳ Sunflowerkit has strong emotions and cares about other cats deeply. They are fiercely loyal to those they love and will do anything to keep them safe. Growing up with the knowledge that their mother left them, hurt by it and watching their siblings go through the same thing, they decided that they would stop anything like that from happening again. Unable to understand why their mother left, they become paranoid about other cats' intentions: what's to stop any other cat from leaving as well? Or worse? They become very slow to trust, but they keep those they do trust close, swearing to do anything in their power to protect them.

➳ From the outside, Sunflowerkit can be a hard cat to get a read on. They are not very expressive, a small smile being the most they typically emote, and even then rarely. They barely talk, speaking only in short phrases said softly yet clearly. They prefer to sit on the sidelines rather than be involved with other cats, but will often hover around, watching in silence. When they do speak, they are honest to a fault. They never lie except by omission.

➳ Sunflowerkit doesn't often play with other kits, but loves to watch their siblings play. They instead love venturing out on their own to collect things: twigs, acorns, flowers, cicada shells, insects both alive and dead, anything they find interesting and can get their teeth around. They hide their stashes all around camp, occasionally giving them out as gifts to cats they like; the highest token of affection a cat can recieve is a priced item from their collection. To those who don't know them, they can seem cold and uncaring, but little acts like this are more meaningful than many realize.

➳ Potentially could not start speaking until they're older? May be mute for the first few moons of their life

➳ Has a habit of flicking their tail back and forth idly. Typically doesn't look at cats when speaking to them

worth noting that Sunflowerkit is very much written as & will be played as autistic

➳ Sunflowerkit is very close with their siblings, considering them to be the only cats they can truly trust and be comfortable around. They love their siblings whole-heartedly and see themself as the protector of the family, always watching out for their littermates. Whether or not this comes across to the other cats is up to their rpers; Sunflowerkit is not a straightforward cat and their unconventional ways of showing affection may be lost on some cats.

➳ Initially, Sunflowerkit was couldn't quite figure Leechpaw out, not understanding how he fit into their life. A stranger who took in them and their siblings? Why? Naturally, the solution to this was to follow him around like a lost puppy. This did not answer their question. It did, however, make them grow to like him, and soon the following become less about puzzling out his intentions and more about spending time with him. They grew to see him as a part of their little family, a brother much older than any of the others but a brother nonetheless.

➳ And yes, their protectiveness extends to Leechpaw. They may be tiny and weigh barely more than a pound but they would fight anyone for him. Very ineffectually.

strengths stamina, agility, strategy, stealth
weaknesses physical strength, climbing, swimming

➳ will not start fights || will end fights || will not run away

➳ Sunflowerkit will grow to be a decent fighter, with much practice. They will use their small size to their advantage, letting opponents underestimate them or slipping into places others can't reach for an ambush. Despite their protective nature, their fighting style will rely on relentless aggression, slipping away from opponents' attacks and wearing them down with blow after blow.
  • Love
Okay so this was a SUPER difficult decision for me to make because i loved all of this apps so much! Unfortunately i cannot pick you all.

After alot of thinking i have decided to pick @Amaransa and @Wolf_Morgue !! congrats to you both! :DD
AND i have also decided to open the reserved slot i had in the first slot and give it to @saturnid <33

Here is some info that might answer some questions about what will happen next
- Leechpaw has now become a warrior and his new name is Vulturemask
- the birth thread will be made 7th january and its optonal if you wanna reply to it with your kit or not since it will be a private birthing thread but i will tag your kits account
- Bumblebreeze and Vulturemask will bring the kits to windclan either on the same day or the day after the birthing thread has been made and after that thread is finished you are free to start roleplaying your kit at 2 months old
- i have talked with ava and sootstar is gonna accept the kits
- they will be nursed by a npc mother since windclan does not have enough queens right now i MIGHT make her pass away later on i will discuess it with you guys before making that decision though
- i will make a private discord for us so we can chat and plot in there
- you can always come to me if you have any questions or concerns, either dm me on here or my discord account
- i will also play a kit in this litter and his name will be nightkit!
- i will try to finish the headshot of your kit up as fast as possible but it might take me sometime so please be patient with me <33
- i hope you will have fun playing your new character and i am super hyped to get to roleplay with your new baby (:
Thank you so much! So excited to play them. Congrats to the others too! Excited to rp with you both as well. Here is Flarekit's account.