LEFT IN THE DARK / scolding

// this takes place a few days after the apprentices attempted to hunt the owl! This thread is for @FOXPAW @lovepaw @joypaw @sunshinepaw @bravepaw : ̗̀➛ @vixenpaw.
However, it is open to all! I do ask that no one overwhelm the thread with repeat replies before the apprentices can get a chance to respond as it's mainly for them!

Howlingstar has hardly been able to leave camp the last few days, and what hunts she did attempt were muddled and distracted. She has listened to Gentlestorm, given them a few days to rest and have a few wound dressing changes. Long enough for Gentlestorm to be sure they will all be okay, even if many of them are coming out of the ordeal more beaten than many warriors in the clan. But they're alive. They're stable, and that's all she needs to know before stalking right into the den with her green eyes narrowed into burning slits and her tail lashing behind her like a whip.

She comes to a halt in front of the cluster of nests, scanning the apprentices - some were brand new, only recently named, while others were old enough to earn their warrior names. Fury burns in her gaze as she waits for them to all to pay attention to her, the silence in the den deafening before she finally speaks. "Never in all my moons have I ever witnessed something so disobedient and foolish. I wonder who put these ideas in your heads, because I know it wasn't your mentors or any warrior in this clan. So, which of you would like to explain yourselves first?" Her voice is clipped and icy, a far cry from the warm and gentle leader her clan has come to know.
. ° ✦It was dark for a while, there. The moment his body made impact with the forest floor he was met with the quiet embrace of dreamless sleep. A horridly battered form, not even a full two moons out of the nursery, already sheltered within the medicine den hanging from the stars like a brittle leaf in winter. Too stubborn to fall from its branch, fighting to endure into spring.

He hadn't kept his mother and father on edge for long as he woke the next morning, delirious but alive. As Gentlestorm and his own tattered body worked hard to repair what had been damaged he could hardly stay awake for very long but now, a few days under their paws and scabs starting to form where flesh was exposed, he could bare to keep his eyes open a little longer.

Only he wished he couldn't. As Howlingstar stood with fiery green sights he wanted to crawl further into his nest and pretend the stars were truly coming for him, but he hadn't the strength to do even that.

Too-wide and too-tall ears fold back at the lack of love and care he was so used to hearing from her. Unable to meet her eyes, Bravepaw kneaded his claws into his tail nervously. She called for a contender, who could it have been that led them all astray? Who would play their leader? Bravepaw knew undoubtedly their denmates would point at Foxpaw for the blame. He couldn't let her fall for all of it, though. That was his big sister! He had to protect her.

I want mama... He thought with a sniffle.

"Me..." Bravepaw coughed out, already feeling his throat dry from anxiety and tears well to his eyes. "It was me. I... I wanted to show that- that we shouldn't be kept in... in camp." He spoke between raspy breaths, glancing between his fellow apprentices. They had to know it was okay, they could say it was all his idea! Foxpaw didn't need to get in trouble with him.
 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc:
    A Longhaired chocolate tabby/blue tabby chimera with deep blue eyes. Very thick coat that has started to develop curls. Paws that seem too big for his little body. Gradually growing into his ears.
Ever since learning that Vixenpaw had gone and gotten herself involved in something as ridiculous as an owl hunt, Softpaw had been riddled with worry, even if for all appearances she looked as calm as ever. There would be no good in getting worked up, as she was certain that Spiderlily would get when he managed to get his paws on his other daughter. The fact that Vixenpaw had lost almost all her tail was egregious, and Softpaw could only sit by idly and hope she'd be okay - though she trusted Gentlestorm to do his job.

The only thing that had kept Softpaw from Vixenpaw's side was that Softpaw didn't want to get in the way of Gentlestorm and his work - after all, Vixenpaw couldn't get better even if Softpaw was hovering if the medicine cat wasn't able to get around his den due to visitors. Still, Softpaw visited when she could, chastising Vixenpaw with quiet words bordering on lecture.

But Softpaw's familial doting was nothing compared to what Howlingstar was going to unleash upon all the apprentices that had been involved with the owl - and the apprentice had been on her way to the medicine cat's den to once again check in on Vixenpaw when Howlingstar had stalked past and entered before her. Blinking in a small bout of surprise, Softpaw held back, stopping before she reached the entrance.

She didn't mean to eavesdrop. But where Vixenpaw was concerned, Softpaw considered herself partially responsible; for not knowing that her sister was going on such a fool's errand, and for not being able to stop and convince her otherwise. So she stood awkwardly by, swallowing thickly as Howlingstar raised her voice. StarClan forbid Vixenpaw had been involved in any of the planning and execution of the idea.
The contrast to Howlingstar’s usual warmth is enough to make Joypaw cower, much like the apprentices almost half his age. His large form is hunched, an ear and three-quarters beginning to flatten. This has been inevitable, and he’s been anxiously awaiting the officialness of the leader’s opinion. In the end, he has failed to protect them. Now, the lot of them look more like elders, scarred and tired.

His heart sinks as Bravepaw tries to speak up for all of this, to carry the blame. Joypaw, for a second, does think about letting him become a scapegoat. It mortifies him in the same instant, though, and he shakes his head, barking at his mind to leave that thought.

The den is crowded with the patients, and he reaches his tail to try and drape over the other tom’s shoulders. They’re all in trouble, but solidarity slips away from him. Loneliness seizes him, in that busy room. Joypaw’s face betrays little of his guilt, as impassive as ever, but his voice cracks. “But I agreed to go. I allowed them. It was a… a mistake.”

He doesn’t argue, but Joypaw hopes Howlingstar sees how that is worse than formulating the idea. At least, that’s how it plays in the tabby’s head. A warrior should be a good role model. He’s learned this since he was a kit. With a hint of selfishness that coiled up from his mind, Joypaw dreaded the punishment which would follow. Would he never be allowed to become a mentor, concerns of him allowing his apprentice to get into fatal trouble such as this barring him from one of the crucial aspects of warriorhood?

as sky-blue eyes watched the proceedings from the sidelines, Shinebug couldn't help but feel a bit bad for the apprentices as sun-drenched features winced at Howlingstar's harsh words. They deserved it, definitely. The owl hunt had been a mouse-brained idea, and they were all lucky to not be thrown back into the nursery. Still, the shaft of sunlight knew that if he was a bit younger, he likely would've joined them.

The warrior knew their childish desires well. that drive to prove themselves as more than oversized kittens - it was something the boy had struggled with for much of his own apprenticeship. Shinebug couldn't help but imagine himself standing among them, getting read the riot act by Flycatcher or Howlingstar for participating in a bone-headed idea to prove himself to everyone, including himself. The shaft of sunlight sent up a silent prayer of thanks that he'd never been bad enough to see his mentor mad, while wondering how he would punish the apprentices were he in his leader's position. Shinebug knew he was soft-hearted, and a slightly cynical huff of amusement left the long-haired boy as he realized that the group would likely walk away with a slap on the wrist, were he in charge.​
The scene clung closely to her mind as she followed Howlingstar into the den. Bloody bodies scattered across the snowy forest floor. With the new addition to the Warrior Code, a few of those that were injured would still be in the nursery. Perhaps that is what Howlingstar should have done...stripped them of their names. That is what she would do in this situation...if they wanted to act like kits, she would treat them like kits. Though, not all of those that had agreed to the mouse brained mission were kit aged. They certainly were not ready to become warriors.

Her face was dark with disappointment as she stood near Howlingstar. She remained eerily silent, and if any of the apprentices looked to her they would not see a shred of reassurance. Bravepaw took the blame, claiming the idea was his own. Tears formed in his eyes, and he had to nearly choke the words out. Joypaw quickly followed up, trying to take some of the blame off of his denmate. She shook her head slowly, her tail flicking irritatedly. "A mistake that could have gotten you all killed." she said sternly before glancing to their leader.
  • IMG_1727.png
    LH red tabby with low white (masks black tabby, carries dilute, solid)
    — Deputy of Thunderclan ; currently mentoring none
    — she/her ; mated with Flycatcher
    — mother to Stormfeather & Falconheart
    — 30 moons ; ages on the 20th
    — Smells like dirt, old leaves, tree sap, faint hint of flowers
    — will start a fight, will finish fights, will kill (case depending)
    "speech" ; thoughts ; attacks
    — penned by Icey ! ; link to tags
    — link to toyhouse

Raccoonstripe hadn’t been on the rescue patrol, but he’d heard all about it from Nightbird, and he’d seen for himself the torn pelts and bubbling red wounds as Flamewhisker had ushered the sobbing apprentices into camp. Some of them had been completely ravaged—Sunfreckle’s kit is missing more fur than they managed to keep, it seems, and Bravepaw’s back has been scored by freakish talons. The tabby comes to sit beside Flamewhisker and Shinebug, his ears flicked forward. His mother’s wrath has been evoked—but more than that, her worry, edged with relief and steeped in maternal concern. He has been the subject of those blazing green eyes many times, mostly as a tumbling, rambunctious kit in the marshes.

Softpaw has come to listen to her sister’s reckoning; he chances a glance toward her, marveling at the pristine quality of her fur compared to Vixenpaw’s now. He remembers when they’d all been nothing but kits scrapping about outside the nursery, all of them—Spiderlily’s, Sunfreckle’s, Leopardtongue’s. It’s sickening to think those little scraps had nearly been torn limb from limb because of some foolish, heroic endeavor. Hearing Bravepaw and Joypaw speak causes him to close his eyes—why are kits so foolish? He’s glad once again not to have any of his own, not to have to stand in the paws of the queens whose hearts must twist with grief now.

Perhaps Blazestar was onto something after all,” he mutters to his Clanmates in a low voice. He’d been one of the warriors who’d spoken out against the sixth addition to the warrior code, believing ThunderClan apprentices to be made of tougher stuff than SkyClan’s kittypet-mingling kits. Of course, he’d failed to consider that all children are foolish, regardless of heritage.

  • ooc:
  • 74327127_amPwOaY4eGaGkj8.png
  • Raccoon . Raccoonstripe, he/him w/ masculine terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 37 moons old, ages realistically on the 5th.
    — mentored by n/a ; mentoring none ; previously mentored Wildheart, Moonwhisper
    — thunderclan lead warrior. gray wolf x howlingstar, gen 2.
    — currently mated to Nightbird.
    — penned by Marquette.

    lh black tabby with white and dark brown eyes. charismatic, charming, calculating, ambitious, shallow, manipulative.

sunrises ago, leafhusk watched the patrol rush into camp, kits and adults like shouting for help. the scent of blood still lingered, the coppery scent thick in her nose. it’s a miracle the owl hadn’t followed— for hours after they returned, she stared at the treetops, expecting a circling predator. now that the chaos has died down, the molly has given her neck a break.

she doesn’t have any kits of her own, nor does she want any, so she can’t imagine how the queens are feeling. none of them have approached yet, but the reckoning is only a matter of time. the more young apprentices, she understands why they’d do this, expect for joypaw and lovepaw. older apprentices that should of known better. why was palepaw the only one smart enough to snitch? as leafhusk discreetly scoots over to the eavesdropping clanmates, she spares shinebug a glance. was he grateful to have barley missed this incident? she wondered.

colorpoint tipped ears strain, barley picking up raccoonstripe’s mutter. her tail flicks in agreement, settling with the others to silently watch .​
Me...it was me. Her green slits flit to Bravepaw, swathed in cobwebs and poultices. He says he wanted to show that they all shouldn't be kept in camp. The explanation causes the fur along her spine to bristle, frustrated at the irony of all of it. It's hard to tell if she's unaware of the crowd growing outside the den, or she just doesn't care. She glowers at the son of her lead warrior, her tail giving another angry lash. "And in doing so, you've done nothing but prove why Blazestar's suggestion was needed. You have all behaved like kits." She pauses, drawing in a breath to try and calm her rising voice. "I am very disappointed in you, Bravepaw." She'd never expected this of him, ever.

She sweeps her gaze around to Joypaw, who tries to take some of the blame off of his denmate. A mistake. One that could've killed them, her deputy points out. "One thing is for certain, Joypaw. You and Lovepaw will not be earning your warrior names. I am delaying your ceremonies, for it's obvious neither of you are ready for the responsibility your new name would carry. You two are some of the oldest in your den - you should've known far better. You could've gotten everyone in here killed by going along with this." Her biting voice scolds, her anger not subsiding even a little.

Her burning eyes rake across the lot of apprentices once more, decision made. "Because of all of your foolishness, Lovepaw will be stuck in this den for several moons, his leg broken. He may never walk, hunt, or fight the same. The rest of you are luckier. But your punishment will not end when you leave this den. You will return to your training, you will return to your chores. But you will have no rest, do you understand me? Every second you are not training or changing the queens' moss, you will be here, cleaning this den, bringing water to your injured denmates, and helping Gentlestorm gather every herb, down to every individual leaf and seed needed to replace what was used on you. You will rise before dawn to get started, and will be the last to collapse into your nests at night. And believe me, you will be so exhausted you will collapse into them. Is that clear?"

'CAUSE SOMEWHERE DOWN THE BANK — Gentlestorm kept himself to the side near his shelf where herbs were stored as Howlingstar would talk sternly to the apprentices and listen to their final punishment, the older apprentices would not receive their warrior names when they leave the den and the group as a whole would help him gather all the herbs that he had used to heal them. If any of the apprentices decided to glance in his direction to see his reaction to all of this they would note that his eyes lacked the usual softness and understanding to them but rather held disappointment. His pelt prickles in the slightest at how many bodies were currently present in his den and he hopes that none of the future apprentices will try to do something so life theatening again. A soft breath leaving him waiting to see what the injured group would say to Howlingstar's punishment for them and he doubts any of them would dare stir a fuss towards the leader, deputy, or even himself when they come to him to help him gather herbs. Their wounds had been costly with how many how gotten injured and he tries not to think about it now knowing that he has a lot of work ahead of him until the group was completely healed.

His eyes turning briefly to Joypaw and Bravepaw with a frown present on his maw, they only had themselves to blame for all of this and the healer would not help them out of this one. Now they know and will learn even if it had to take an entire owl to make the apprentices see why codes were made and meant to be followed.


    ✿✿✿✿✿ FLESH WOUNDS
    ✿✿✿❀❀ INFECTIONS
    ✿✿✿❀❀ ACHES & PAINS
    ✿✿✿❀❀ ILLNESS
    ✿✿❀❀❀ BROKEN BONES
    ❀❀❀❀❀ KITTING
    ❀❀❀❀❀ POISONS
  • q0K38mZ.png
    a longhaired blue sepia tom w/low white and brown eyes
    gentlestorm is a very warm individual and friendly to those who he meets, he's very social and willing to lend anyone a paw if they need it. he's very patient, caring, and it's usually rare to earn his ire.
    52 moons old; ages the 27th every month
    widowed/not interested; mated to little wolf
    easy to befriend/interact with ; hard to anger/upset
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed
Since the apprentices had reside within the den that was the medicine den, Leopardtongue had visit quickly every day to make sure her children and the other apprentices were okay. She'd bring food when she could, making sure to give Gentlestorm his own so that he wouldn't have to worry about leaving the medicine den if he didn't want to before giving her own children quick licks on the head before heading out to make sure he had space to work. She didn't know if this was for her own benefit and knowledge that they were okay or if it was to help them to know that she was there, she still loved them despite their stupidity of their decision, or if it was both.

She was on her way to do this now, the biggest squirrel she could catch within her jaws for all the apprentices and Gentlestorm to share when she saw the crowd forming outside his den and for a moment she thought of the worst, thought that one of the apprentices had somehow died from injuries that the clan had been assured they would heal from and she felt her heart drop for just a moment as she moved through the crowd towards the entrance, eyes wide and tail bristling in fear before eyes landed on those within the den and a small sigh left her. They were okay, they were alive and well and awake, all were awake and currently getting scolded by Howlingstar. She knew it would happen - it had to, after something so reckless - but she hadn't known when it would happen and a small part of her felt like it was too soon, they were still injured, still healing, but Howlingstar knew best, she was a mother and the leader, a duo of things that both required so much responsibility and she'd conquered both of them.

Pelt bristled once more as Bravepaw spoke up, announcing to all that could hear that it was him who had come up with the idea and that he just wanted to show that they didn't need to be held in camp and tail lashed quickly behind her in anger before she listened to what Howlingstar said in response. She had no words, nothing to say to those beside her or to her children who sit in their nests and were told of their punishment. Quickly she put one paw in the den to place the squirrel down as close to the entrance as possible, out of the way of those inside and hopefully unnoticed by all but Gentlestorm who'd she'd dip her head to before quickly slipping out, her tail lashing angrily behind her as she tried to head out into the territory to do anything to calm down, her thoughts lingering on how much danger they'd been put into and that she'd have to have a talk with Bravepaw and Foxpaw later. They might not have been in the nursery with her anymore, both having mentors of their own to scold them and tell them they did wrong, but she needed to know where she'd gone wrong as well.

  • quick in & out unless stopped!
  • 66370681_ZKFiQjB8RKuI67u.png
  • 74598874_4e8bHlzZFEFADh0.png
    ⊰❣⊱ LH chocolate rosette tabby with yellow eyes
    ⊰❣⊱ 39 moons old; ages the 15th every month
    ⊰❣⊱ heterosexual - taken by Batwing
    ⊰❣⊱ mother of Bravepaw, Cougarpaw, Hazepaw, and Foxpaw
    ⊰❣⊱ easy to interact with ; hard to anger/upset
    ⊰❣⊱ "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ⊰❣⊱ hard in combat, focuses more on defensive tactics/protecting
    ⊰❣⊱ peaceful powerplay allowed
He breathes as if every wisp of cold, leafbare air is drops of golden ichor down his throat - slow, deep breaths, labored and savored, while he and the rest are scolded and reprimanded.

His skin burns where it is torn. His vision blurs but he cannot tell yet if it's due to the bandaging or if the owl damned his sight forever more. He listens to Howlingstar just as the others do - but as more and more ThunderClanners join their leader, posit their own opinions and thinly veiled fears, he can't help but twist away. Uncomfortable weight is pressed onto his sprained paw as he turns his back to the rest of them, still listening but clearly uncomfortable with the show. (But it's deserved, isn't it?) Sunshinepaw cannot be angry with any of those around, for they're all right. It was a deadly mistake, a ruinous one that ended with broken and lost limbs and - whatever he had to bear. She asks who the original culprit is and green eyes flit to Foxpaw, only to hear Bravepaw and Joypaw speak up first.

"Wha..." Saviors, each of them. Sunshinepaw does not begrudge them for following along with the crowd, just as he did, but he does fault them for not speaking the truth. Yet he glances towards Gentlestorm, seeking a spot of reassurance, of confusion - only to be met with disappointment. His lips press together and he rests his aching head again. Maybe the truth isn't as important as he once thought it was, because for that moment he cares not to correct the other apprentices. It seems that Howlingstar will gift them each the same punishment nonetheless.

Endless work. Sunshinepaw feels pain and dread bleeding from his chest - his delusion that he might've come out of this a hero is muted, gone, in the face of reality. He's not even caught a mouse, he can't tell his left from his right. He fears that if he were to help Gentlestorm in any capacity, his paws would sooner damn someone to an early grave than provide them with relief. But this is his end, his punishment. Shared but for the perceived future, unending. Lovepaw will relearn how to walk and heal, Vixenpaw will find her balance again. Bravepaw and Joypaw each will bear scars and laugh at their childhood stupidity. But until the stars dim and the world dies, he will be an apprentice, forever locked to chores because of his actions.

He sniffles, something not so quiet, and mumbles a far off, "Yes ma'am," to Howlingstar.​
Lightpaw listened outside the medicine den. Her stomach twisted with guilt over her lack of action. You could've prevented this, you could've done something but you just waited for Palepaw, like always, she thought. Nausea ate at her throat, threatening to lose her lunch. She turned abruptly to leave, unable to bear hearing or seeing any more. Anywhere but there, anywhere would be better, anywhere.
. ° ✦ The full heat of their displeasure, their disappointment, their aggravation- all of it is like having his chest engulfed in fire. Shame and doom fill his lungs where air should be to the point of feeling like he was choking on it. The gaze of his deputy, medicine cat and leader, they all glowed with the same tint of disapproval that felt like the very same talons that had ripped across flesh.

Howlingstar began her decree in punishing them to a long, long apprenticeship for their crimes. It would feel like a lifetime before they're warriors for sure, even longer than waiting an extra two moons just to be let out of camp. Her pointed stare as she announced her disappointment sent him praying to StarClan but not for the mercy of his Clanmates. Not for the safe healing of his more injured denmates but for them to sweep his soul from his body and pluck him into the stars so that he wouldn't have to endure this a moment longer.

But they do not. He's still taking in shuddering breath after breath, lamenting his regrets in his thoughts. Tired eyes tear away from Gentlestorm and Howlingstar to rest on Foxpaw again, reminding himself of why he had to bear this weight. He would dive in to save his sister over and over again if he had to, but next time, maybe it would be best he doesn't jump to encourage something so extreme.

"... Yeah."
 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc:
    A Longhaired chocolate tabby/blue tabby chimera with deep blue eyes. Very thick coat that has started to develop curls. Paws that seem too big for his little body. Gradually growing into his ears.
His gaze does not meet Flamewhisker, but her response is definitely acknowledged. He winces, a slight motion that crowds his cheeks up into his eyes. It’s almost nonchalant and laughable compared to the morbidity of the situation, how easily their lives could have been lost. Joypaw can’t even find solace in the fact that he had only wanted to supervise; and now, those who told on them and ran for help will be standing proudly by their mentors in the upcoming days. He knows during the ceremony, everyone will hear his name and know he was apart of this disaster.

Many linger nearby, watching into the den as Howlingstar begins to speak. He can’t imagine what goes through Bravepaw’s head, feeling the ice in the leader’s stare angle onto the scratched-up tom. Joypaw feels a selfish, grotesque semblance of relief, seeing every pair of eyes swivel onto Bravepaw. He blinks, trying not to listen much to the stinging words, and then he is being spoken to. His heart kicks up, a messy crescendo:

They will not be earning their warrior names.

For the first time since he was a kit, Joypaw cowers. It looks unnatural, like a taxidermy piece in an earthquake. His chest gives sharp, painful tugs as Howlingstar tells of he and Lovepaw’s verdict: he would know his prefix, not at twelve moons, but a dishonorable thirteen — or more. She describes in detail how the rest of their apprenticeships would pan out. Joypaw has no issues in doing hard work. It is the shame of it that makes him dread the tasks he’d be assigned.

Their voices, the lot of them, are thick with mucus and tears. He clears his throat, silently. It is not the end of him to be able to take care of his sibling, bones split and the fate of his health blurry. If he can be any kind of protector to them at all, it would be to stay quiet and calm. “Yes, ma’am,” he echoes. And stars, does he crave being someone’s echo again.
He’s still baffled that they actually went through with it. How idiotic do you really have to be to face off against an owl, when you’re not even a warrior yet? But if Marigoldpaw has anything to take from this, is that he has more common sense than he assumed. With the gaggle of apprentices that come back with various wounds, some worse than others (he heart lurches at the sight of Sunshinepaw’s face especially…), all he can do is sigh angrily. They really should have listened to his warnings, but no.

He’s never seen Howlingstar this mad. He’s glad he wasn’t ridiculous in thinking just how stupid their actions were, but it’s still a surprise. She really is like the clan mom…at least Marigoldpaw knows it comes from a place of caring. Even he winces however as Joypaw and Lovepaw are both told they’ll be held back. Lovepaw is more understandable, but Joypaw took the blunt of it even though it was Foxpaw’s fault. Well, not much he can say; he’s not gonna throw the younger one under the bus when they all suffered.

It’s not gonna stop him from voicing how upset he is with all of them, though. It was the owl that killed his mentor, after all. To try and act all heroic… “You didn’t avenge Oakfang. You got yourselves injured for absolutely no reason, and now it’s done even more damage than it should have in the first place. And he’s never coming back…” The dead can’t come back to life. What was the point? Well, they can ponder that while they’re held up in the medicine den. Marigoldpaw leaves the scene quickly after that, not waiting for a reply.

// OOC: In and out 🫡