left my heart no choice | morningbird

Jun 7, 2022
( ) "mama?"

a young huckleberry sits between the mottled limbs of his mother during a cool summer's day, her bristled tongue swiping over smoky fur to smooth down the wild patches and remove any lingering hay that found it's home tangled in his pelt.

"yes sugar?"

she responds in a crooning tone, pulling her head back a smidgen while her son tilts his own backwards trying to peer up at the torbie who gives the boy a serene smile that could light up even the darkest of nights.

"do ya reckon ah'm too soft? ryder been tellin' all tha other kits in the barn 'bout how ah let go a baby rabbit earlier instead of killin' it but how could ah? it was so small. . . and probably has a family too!"

there's a pout that appears upon his features, tufted ears lowering slightly against a broad skull. huckleberry couldn't find it in himself hurt it, not when the lapin stared up at him beneath his paw with those beady, black eyes that reflected back an unpleasant image. not everything needed to be killed, just because they can doesn't mean they should.

"oh darlin', there ain't nothin' wrong with bein' soft. it just shows ya got a big heart in that chest of yours, so full of love 'nd care for everythin' 'round you. don't pay a lick of attention to anyone who tries ta make ya feel like bein' gentle is an inconvenience. remember son, everyone deserves to be shown a little bit of kindness even if it's somethin' as small as prey."

wynona purrs in response, leaning down to swipe her tongue between his ears to provide reassurement to her child who smiles rubs his head affectionately beneath her chin.

the fond memory leaves present huckleberry feeling homesick, part of him wishes he could travel to the barn again just to see his mother and spill out all of his troubles to her and during a time he could but that was moons ago before borders were even established. "hey huckleberry, can you bring this finch to morningbird?" an npc warrior briefly brings him out of his solemn thoughts and he agrees with as much chipperness as he could muster before plucking up the finch and heading over towards the medicine den.

huckleberry peeks his head inside and spots the recovering elder who he greets with a wave of his tail, large limbs carefully moving through the den where he sets the bird down at his paws. "bought you a lil somethin' in case you were hungry." the smoke settles down besides morningbird in the meantime. "hope yer recoverin okay, did dawnglare give ya any time estimate on when you can leave?" his voice comes out much softer than usual, like not all of his energy is there.

( i hear the wandering streams and the song of the birds )