camp LEGEND HAS IT ♕ intro & playing with food

Mar 3, 2024

𓆩 ♕ 𓆪 A battle is brewing within SkyClan's camp, grand as any war waged by the lions of myth. A single cat stands to witness, crouched over the body of the valiant and noble hero. His voice speaks through her, kit-squeak deepened into something with more gravitas. "Evilstar won't steal from... from MouseyClan again!" comes from the mouth of the kit in a stage-whisper echo. Her head hovers over the hero's still body, rescued from the prey pile for the purpose of glorious war.

A few mouse-lengths away: the detestable villain. Her lips curl as the leader addresses him. A hero like MouseyClan's leader would never stoop to his level.

"We're peace... peaceful..." How would the leader say it? They're the good guys, but good guys can't just tell you that's what they are. There's a beat as the kit sifts through words in her mind, playing all the stories she's heard in repeat. A laugh bubbles up quietly, not from the memory of fables, but from her own internal stringing together of phrases. "Nice mice, we're nice mice, hehe," giggles the kit softly in her own voice, momentarily distracted from the conflict.

The mirth is quick to vanish; this is no laughing matter, after all. Her voice pitches deep again, narrowing sharp green eyes at the vile, tiny form of Evilstar. "But there's no choice anymore! MouseyClan, attack!" And with that, she picks the mouse up in her teeth and tosses it towards the other. The two tumble together across the clearing in a heap of limp limbs. A heated battle; she scampers after it to keep track of the action.

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  • HOLLYKIT ⚔︎ she / him, kit of skyclan, three moons.
    a small, fluffy kit with mottled fur and deep green eyes.
    bobbie x blazestar; littermate to lionkit & candorkit.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by SATURNID ↛ saturnids on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

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Eggshell very rarely ate from the prey pile. The daylight warrior loaded up on pellets before making the trek from his twolegplace, so he didn’t feel the need to eat till he was back at sundown. Even if hunger pangs struck, the skittish Scottish Fold would rather starve than take from the pyramid of food. Someone else more deserving might need it, after all.

Beyond the boy’s pitiful self-esteem, there was also a certain queasiness that compelled him away from prey. Looking at the lump of corpses, anxious amber eyes couldn’t help but quiver with the thought that they used to be alive. They once had ambitions, hopes and dreams, before being snuffed out by a cat’s claw.

So, given all that, it was no wonder Eggshell felt nauseous seeing what was little more than a toddler playing with corpses like macabre puppets. “Uh-“ the crybaby began, not sure how to express any semblance of authority. Instead of a stern talking-to, Hollykit would receive little more than a gentle suggestion, like a waiter offering the evening’s specials.

“D-Don’t you - don’t you think that’s a l-little disrespectful…?” the skittish Scottish Fold stammered out before shutting up completely, regretting the words as soon as they were in the air.​
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Lionkit was not born with the imagination that his littermate naturally wields; she takes to the art of storytelling like a bird to flight, always seeming to have various plot ideas and scenarios running through in her mind. When he was not entertaining him and Candorkit with his tales, he took to reenacting them with tangible "puppets", so to speak. Today's victims were two limp pieces of prey, simultaneously lifeless and cold yet animated and spirited through Hollykit's puppetry.

The chocolate torbie point, perfectly content with watching from the sidelines and observing the story unfurling before his very eyes, watches with a curious gaze as the two mice collide and tumble together into the dust. Very dramatic, indeed... Hollykit was sure good at coming up with stories.

However, Lionkit's peace of mind would not last for long as one of the warriors ( his name escapes him, there are many to learn ) makes the suggestion that Hollykit's actions were impolite. Confusion makes its way onto Lionkit's patchwork features, the cogs in his brain spinning as he tries to comprehend what is wrong. "It is...?" He mews, slightly lowering his ears. He wants to understand! Would Hollykit get in trouble? Would he get in trouble, too?

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As Hollykit tells her tale, Candorkit is not a breath away, waiting in the wings... ready and able to play his part whenever his sibling deemed it appropriate... During puppet - play, these times were fewer and further between... but thinking like that has never brought him good things! Thinking so restrictively, so... dully... is exactly how the villain convinces you you are powerless, when all you need do is believe in yourself in order to save the day! Candorkit may wait here a few moments, a moon, a season, four seasons to seize his opportunity, but he would be ready. The look he levels upon Evilstar is intense, jaw - dropping, awe - inspiring. His jaw is clenched with the weight of all that rests on this battle. MousyClan's leader leaps, and it's depth ... death? death - defying? paw quaking! whisker... trembling! Candorkit races after his sibling, tail whipped up in a frenzy.

He's watching very closely indeed... Which is why... were he to be interrupted, it must be for a very good reason! A kittish gaze, nearing completion in its shift from blue to green, trails upwards; fixes on the stammering form of this... fellow. His face crinkles, assessing; judging.

" Disrespectful? DISRESPECTFUL? " His kittish voice booms as much as it can (which really isn't very much at all) " It was disrespectful when Evilstar stole alllllll MouseyClan's trees! It was disrespectful when Evilstar banished all the mousies from MouseyClan! DON'T TELL ME WHAT DISRESPECT IS! " It took him a second to remember what disrespect meant, but... he thinks he got it now. It's a bad thing.

Lionkit, a humble bystander, is nearly swept up in the lies, and Candorkit whips toward him in a hurry. " DON'T LISTEN! He's working with the enemy! " he squeals commandingly. No real warrior but be mumbling and stuff like that... Real warriors are cool, and brave, and would understand why Evilstar's tyranny must end! " Evilstar must be defeated! " His will is so strong.... it shakes the entire earth... With the strength of a thousand warriors inside of him, he scoops up a pawful of dirt...

" Hollykit, what if we're StarClan and... um, we rain wrath down upon Evilstar? " Only if Hollykit wants! He doesn't wanna mess up his game or anything.

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    fiery lynx point w tawny paws & green eyes. points are still developing.
    Bold, loud, and extravagant, Candorkit idolizes the heroes within stories and goes out of his way to act as they do.
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The commotion from Candorkit was what ended up drawing Flora's attention over to the scene that was unfolding before her eyes. Personally, she didn't have an issue with them having some fun with the prey from the pile. Especially if it was going to be used for its intended purpose afterwards, the clan would still be fed and the kits were entertained so it seemed like a win. She could, however, understand that the scene may be upsetting towards others who were aware of what they were playing with.

She grimaced as she watched Eggshell try to gently warn them, while it was a funny sight to watch the boisterous Candorkit defend himself and his littermates play against Eggshell. The maine coon had gathered that the scottish fold wasn't the most confident and she didn't want the children to upset him. It was easy enough to predict that it would probably upset the children as well if they made someone cry.

Striding over next to her fellow daylight warrior she flashed a smile his way. "No way, did Evilstar really steal all of MouseyClan's trees?" She gasped in horror as she looked down at the dead mouse, trying to picture the idea of a mouse taking on a tree. "You shouldn't call Eggshell an enemy though, or say that he's working with them, that might hurt his feelings." Her tone shifted to something a little more stern, it had been a long time since she's had to use a tone of a responsible adult, it was a little uncomfortable to be honest.

Her smile remained, despite her tone "no one's in trouble, he was just worried, and that's okay. Once MouseyClan defeats Evilstar, or if StarClan rains their wrath down and ends this battle, make sure you give these back to a grown up okay?" Honestly, she couldn't remember if the kits were able to eat these, she hadn't been around children in a long time. Flora just assumed that it would probably be for the best to not remind them that these were in fact dead creatures. She wasn't really prepared to give a talk about mortality and she was sure that their mother wouldn't appreciate it if her children came back to her and was crying about it, or asking questions about mortality. Flora looked beside at the daylight warrior, then back at the playing kits hoping that this compromise would work for both sides.
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𓆩 ♕ 𓆪 "The tale is going so well until it's interrupted by cat with the voice that pitter-patters like soft raindrops, stopping and starting. He's blocking her sun, taking it for his goldeny pelt and his goldeny eyes. If only the cat himself were so sunny.

The kit only stares at him alongside Lionkit for a moment, not quite understanding his question. He's not supposed to come asking silly things, that's not how the story goes. Though luckily - heroically - Candorkit is there to set things right. If Hollykit the teller of the stories, he's certainly the hero. He's got all the lines down perfect. The shattering of fantasy is mended, and Hollykit is once again swept up into the game. Of course, of course it was Evilstar's doing all along. To interrupt at such a pivotal moment...! What a dastardly plan... Evilstar must be defeated! declares Candorkit, and Hollykit echoes in a crowed rallying cry. "He must, he must!"

A diplomat comes, a peacemaker asking of Evilstar's crimes. "Mhm, mhm!" She affirms the disvelieving words. Her next are more confusing, though. Hollykit quiets again. Defending the cat that her brother already condemned. Asking them to return the battling warriors to an adult... "Um. Okay. I guess." He can't quite make sense of it.

Except... "Oh...!" He thinks he knows why this messenger would defend the rainy cat. Hollykit scampers over to her brother where he holds StarClan's weapon at the ready, whispers a little too loud and a perfect amount of theatrically. "Brother, brother! Mister not-sunny's fallen for Evilstar's lies! He doesn't know, we gotta save him..." She steps away, sets her gaze on the mice once again - ignoring those rude interruptions. Candorkit already had a perfect idea for an ending to this story, after all.

She raises her voice now, above the deepened stage-whisper of MouseyClan's leader. "StarClan will rain wrath! A fitting end for the disrespectful Evilstar. We bury him in a mudslide!" And with that, she scuffs a pawful of dirt onto the mouse, signalling with her tail for Candorkit to join in.

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  • HOLLYKIT ⚔︎ she / him, kit of skyclan, three moons.
    a small, fluffy kit with mottled fur and deep green eyes.
    bobbie x blazestar; littermate to lionkit & candorkit.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by SATURNID ↛ saturnids on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

Eggshell didn’t know what he expected. The boy’s words were designed to be as passive as possible, carrying the same sort of authority wielded by court jesters, but it seemed that wasn’t good enough. Amber eyes sparkled with a ghost of satisfaction as lionkit seems to listen, only to be crushed by a booming (compared to his own, at least) voice.

Candorkit is intense, to put it mildly. Eggshell instinctively backs away at the prepubescent shrieking, and a quaking form seems to shrink as the tiny cat implicates him with the nefarious Evilstar. “T-That…That’s not…” Eggshell starts and stops and starts again, successfully being brow-beaten by a toddler. “I’m s-sorry…” he whimpers, regretting this whole awful situation.

If it weren’t for Flora, the shedding of tears would’ve been a simple matter of time. Eggshell says a silent prayer, thankful to have someone more well-spoken to help him out. “Y-Yeah,” he affirms weakly. “I j-just think it s-should stay on the p-prey - prey pile, is all…” Of course, now the coward was worried about being laughed at for his slight sympathies towards Hollykit’s puppets, so this acted as a decent cover.

Speaking of, and invisible brow furrowed in yet further dismay as folded ears take in the kit’s speech. “Am - Am I mister n-not sunny?” He asks dejectedly, amber eyes flicking between the kits and Flora with confusion. Eventually, the boy’s gaze permanently turns away as he sees Hollykit further desecrate the corpse, the coward now feeling a little queasy​
"Don't mind them, Eggshell. They are merely kits. Forgive my siblings." Fireflypaw hums as the hefty tom walks over, milky blues staring downwards at the bundles of fur swatting a mouse around. His paw reaches out blindly, missing a few times before his claw hooks the mouse and attempts to pull it back to him. There is a serious look on his face, but it is softened with love for his new siblings. Bobbie should be around here, right? Perhaps she's gone to make dirt, or take a walk. He blinks.

"It is important that you know, Lionkit, Hollykit, Candorkit. The Warrior Code is a set of rules that we clan cats live by. And by playing with this mouse, you're going against one of them. Prey is killed only to be eaten, give thanks to StarClan for it's life.. However, you are not in trouble." He murmurs, ears flicking forward as his tail rests calmly on Eggshell's spine. "If you don't want to eat this mice, we can walk it over to the Elder's den and give it to Heron. How does that sound? I bet you I could find a toy mouse to play with instead- someone brought one back a moon or so ago."
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