sensitive topics legends never die — owl attack

May 30, 2023
don't try to rush your enemies .
/ your normal gore ! nothing is blown out of proportion, but will provide a summary below.

A quiet evening for a simple patrol meant to bring back prey for their fellow clanmates, but it seemed Oakfang’s luck had finally worn thin, nearing the owl tree of an unspoken threat lurking just on the far shore of the river leading to Fourtress. The air was crisp, smelling of ThunderClan with an evanescent territory that changed with the seasons, bringing about hardship and grief, but they were resilient creatures, birthed out of underlying stubbornness to succeed.

He would have laughed then, but now faced with a screeching owl that fluttered its wings above them, trees barren had provided them with less cover. If he had the time, Oakfang would have cursed his luck, but within a second, feeling as if moons had passed when talons struck his form, curling into the grooves of his back, drawing out a pained snarl against clenched teeth. His ears buzzed, pain shooting up his frame in white hot stripes of agony that throbbed beneath amber hues.

His paws momentarily left the safety of the ground, body twisting haphazardly until the owl released its grip with a screech. He landed unceremoniously on the cold, unforgiving ground with a gurgled hiss, wounds blistering with heat. It had been sudden, almost blindingly so, unprepared and certainly not on his to-do list of tasks.

The smokey warrior shuddered, dreading the loud screech that came back with a vengeance, talons outstretched to hook its claws into its prey when Oakfang lashed out toward its frame in a desperate act to move despite the crippling pain, ichor painting the powdered ground, not nearly as strong to prevent them from slashing against his eyes, leaving his world a dark pit of nothingness.

His chest constricted, ears swerving upon his helm hoping to pinpoint where it was, white-hot agony setting fire to every nerve and drawing a pained hiss against clenched teeth, ichor welling up in rivets to pool down his face and dribbling down his chin, saturating the ground a crimson hue that gradually turned a sluggish brown.

His mind threatening to pull him under with loud, pained breaths Oakfang collapsed in a heap of mind-numbing pain, barely holding onto his consciousness to hear the screech of the owl returning. If he had fallen unconscious, then the smokey warrior wouldn’t have been able to tell the difference, hazy vision nothing more than colorless, overcome by the throb of pain that pulsed in tandem with the rapid beat of his heart.

My last adventure. He thought, maw moving, disoriented that he had not realized he’d spoken them out loud as his breath wheezed past clenched teeth, jaw aching. To die now. Oakfang wondered how it came to this. He would have laughed, but the thought brought pain and made him think otherwise, settling for a low-sounding chuff, one filled with bittersweet amusement on a tittering consciousness.

/ a simple hunting patrol gone wrong, oakfang is brutally attacked by a hungry owl suffering permanent blindness and injuries. still semi-conscious, but in a lot of pain. go ahead and powerplay oakfang ! won't be able to do much. if you want your character to get injured, draw the owl way, etc. then go for it ^^
thought speech
( ⁀➷ )  Fallow knew this was going to happen. That thing is dangerous, keeping it here for a little extra prey is hubris, nearly asking for deaths. The beast sinks its claws into a warrior, tries to pry him from the very ground he walks on, just as it did for her.

She doesn't hesitate in reacting. All of Fallow's nerves are alight, electricity jolting a current through her body. Her vision focuses to a pinpoint, tinted crimson and bright. "OWL!!" shrieks the normally quiet apprentice, a howling warning call tinged half-snarling. Its face is wild, fearful and angry, eyes dilated and legs shaky.

The owl hears her, of course, but injured prey is far more interesting. It does not leave Oakfang's back, and Fallow's legs are already moving. She charges blindly towards the owl, hatred boiling in her chest and drowning out the full-body current of fear. Snaps tiny teeth at owl-feathers, a sort of dance as she grasps and it swoops away, still fixated on the bleeding warrior. She can't do much, small and inexperienced, but she demands its attention nonetheless.

  • //



Owls were cute to the tortie. They seemed soft and friendly, wise, and she never would have thought the owl that chose its home in Thunderclan territory would attack. A snarl sounded ahead as talons ripped through the shoulders of Oak fang. Fear churned her stomach, and though she wanted to run- she acted against her nature.

Chocolate and red dove forward besides Fallowpaw, claws gripping into the other side and teeth biting through flesh. She didn't know how she reacted to this so quickly, but she knew she had to do something. The once beautiful but now cruel owl seemed to grasp at her ear, beak carving a hole through the tip.

The surprise of pain made her release. It burned, and a pained whine escaped the girl as she backed up shaking her head, suddenly feeling a slash of talons slice through her shoulder letting out a scream.

Now, she would run, crying out for her mentor in alarm. Fear made her stomach drop, the pain causing tears to slide down her cheeks.

The serenity of the Twilight was no longer, and gargled screams from the night they were invaded by rogues echoed in her ears as the tang of blood filled her nostrils. Memories vague but there from when she was sick. She was terrified as the owl flew on her heels.


Chaos, and the owl again. It was a race against the clock as one warrior lay wounded and two apprentices struggled to contend with the large avian. Tigerpaw had the right idea to run, crying out for Batwing. Though the owl was still in the position to seize either of the youth if it so pleased. However, Wildheart wouldn't allow it.

The calico tom erupted from the bushes with a caterwaul that ripped through the forest air as he charged for the owl, and with a mighty leap his jaws sought one of the bird's mighty wings. Once he had his hold he pulled with all his strength in order to draw the owl away from the others. Now that he had the bird's attention he knew that he was going to be locked in a dangerous dance. The warrior pranced about as he tried to keep away from the owl's snapping beak as it hunted for his face. Without even sparing a look Fallowpaw's way he proceeded to bark instructions. "Get Oakfang to the bushes! Quickly!" The tom took a swipe at the owl before running in the opposite direction, hopefully with the owl in pursuit.

.i'll be your calm, ———


——— before the storm!.
———————— ————————
The shriek that rose in the air caused all of his fur to stand on end.

Owl. Not again, he was getting fucking sick and tired of these birds. His head snapped around towards where the owl had descended, where Fallowpaw called, where his apprentice was running back towards him. His heart was thudding in his ears, green eyes staring towards Wildheart and the owl, briefly so. He was moving then, orders dropped to his apprentice in a fervor. "Help Fallowpaw with Oakfang! And stay there with him."

The words had barely left Batwing's mouth before he was racing at the owl. His claws dug into tree bark, masterfully scaling the tree without hesitation. Every drop of adrenaline in his veins was making him see in hyper-focus, and moments after running along the tree branch, he dropped onto the back of the owl as it swooped down at Wildheart.

Cruel claws dug into the flesh and feather of the beast, snarling echoing through the snowy forest as Batwing tore into it's shoulders, it's flight feathers. Teeth arced down and dug into the neck of the owl, the bird sliding through the snow. Jolted by the impact, Batwing was flung free, but the owl was clearly shaken and attempting escape at this rate. Batwing shook his head, the dizziness escaping as he pushed to his paws, surging back towards the owl.

// forced the owl to the ground and greatly limited it's flight ability


Her breath caught- and though she wanted to run, she knew he was right. Wildheart had attacked the owl that pursued her heels, and she would take both opportunities to turn back around. paws slid across frosted grass as she veered to follow batwings orders. he only said what he said to protect her, and to protect others around him.

there was a reason he was a lead warrior. and she'd easily follow his words till the day she died. shed quickly race to Fallowpaw side, grabbing a hold of the warriors scruff with small jaws and hoping to succeed in pulling him under the bushes.

but he was heavy, and it was hard to pull on her shoulder where razor clawed talons had ripped through it. oakfang was enduring worse, and she still desperately was yanking and pulling at the tom to get him closer to under the bushes as she could.

when her and Fallowpaw would successfully get under the bushes with oakfang, shed take a breath, trying to calm her thudding heart and pretend her injuries didn't exist. she wouldn't look out there, she couldn't bare the idea that the owl will do what it did to oakfang. she couldn't look.

Support came in the form of Batwing, and it now seemed to be the owl at the greatest disadvantage. The injuries dealt to the avian were clearly affecting it's capability to fly and it offered a grim opportunity that he wished to pounce upon. Perhaps they could kill one of the many predators that threatened their lives, and in turn they could claim revenge for what had happened to Oakfang.

A snarl rumbled in the calico's throat as he whipped himself around for another round with the blasted bird. "Batwing, go for the throat!" Wildheart hollered as he in turn lunged for the owl with the intention of slamming his full weight down upon it's back before it could take off and escape. His claws sought purchase and sank deep among the feathers, and he snapped his jaws at the flapping wings. They were a whisker away from claiming revenge, from reducing some competition for prey, and from scoring a meal for the clan. They just had to seize it!