private LEIGELORD AND HOUND / soot


ravenous / 2.25.24
Nov 2, 2022
tags ₊˚✧ ゚.The scent of death hung heavy upon the moors. Bodies laid cold in the WindClan camp as the remaining warriors were either too tired or too proud or too angry to move them. Ghostwail found herself among the angry. The traitors had battered her child in their rebellion. Her golden boy's crimson blood splattered upon the snow.... white, gold, red, and amber... his amber eyes ...... she could see them now, scared and helpless in the face of some feral rogue. Attacked without reason.... for protecting his home. She seethed at the very thought.

The traitors had fled, of course, before she could rip their pelts from their bodies, but she had memorized their scent from the fur caught under Thriftfeather's bloody claws. Mothmoon. Fogbound. Turn-cloaks. Rogues.

Sootstar had always been the only cat worth anything in WindClan. Ghostwail had always known it. Scorchstreak.... Sunstride... Wolfsong... she had known that they all only coveted Sootstar's attention for their own gain. She should've done with them what she had done to Tigerfrost.... oh, how she could have prevented all of this if she were only more diligent in her shows of loyalty. The cinderous queen would have been so much better off if she had only tried harder. If she did not practice the same mercy Sootstar always tried to...

The queen sits before her now, a cyclone churning before her burning eyes. Still, such power commands respect, and Ghostwail dips her head before speaking. "Thriftfeather is injured. Cottonpaw should do for now, but she is young and I worry that.... thing may have infected her mind before its cowardous retreat."

A hint of fang glinted as she spoke, a growl rumbling somewhere underneath her monotone. "I doubt she has been swayed... she is clever, with a clear heart, I only worry for her training, and what lies could have been disguised as knowledge to her."

Her son's recovery was held in the balance of Cottonpaw's knowledge and her mentor's duplicity. Of course, she would be... hesitant... to be anything but cautious. Mother to mother, Sootstar would understand. @SOOTSTAR

Sootstar’s tail twitches wearily at Ghostwail’s words. The idea of Cottonpaw too being plagued by traitorous thoughts is enough to make her stomach churn. It would make sense, Moorblossom had been trained by a traitor and she had fled. Why wouldn’t Cottonpaw having been trained and guided by Wolfsong?

At one time, Sootstar would’ve said a child of hers would never turn their back against her. Now she felt she was so very wrong, like she did not know port from starboard.

”Yes… her cleverness and clear heart will have saved her from any misguidance our past medicine cat attempted to cloud her judgement with.” Sootsar agrees, her paws shifting in the snow as the pads of her paws grow numb. ”Moorblossom was too… eratic. Her mind easier to penetrate, Mintshade must’ve muddled her brain.” Sootstar’s words are cold as if her black and white kit had been a mere accident, something to brush off and move away from. While there was pain in her heart for the loss of her kit, Sootstar knew there was only one thing to do to fix her now.

Her eyes steer torward Ghostwail now, ”But… in this same logic, Thriftfeather was mentored by a traitor. Should I fear his mind had been dirtied too?”
  • » SootSootstar
    » WindClan Leader
    » She/her ․ Mate to Weaselclaw
    » Tiny blue smoke she-cat with green eyes.
    » "Speech"thoughtsattack
  • » A high-stamina foe who can be difficult to hit.
    » Excels in quick, short moves.
    » Fights to kill and maim
    » Fatal attack of choice is an underbelly dive.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing
"I would tear Gravelsnap in two if I thought him smart enough to encourage any more than a slug." Distaste is evident upon her face, even if her damaged eyes can not burn with the same fire they once did. "From the moment I presented Thriftfeather to WindClan, I assured you that he would be a strong warrior, a loyal warrior. I have watched him closely, guided him where Gravelsnap failed to. I cultivated his friendships with worthwhile cats, as any caregiver should. Bluefrost, Rumblerain, Snakehiss - cats that you have named and raised up as pillars of their generation. Despite the mockery and jeers of cats lesser than himself, he has denounced the rats in your midst." She thinks of Periwinklebreeze and his traitor-mother. Cut from the same cloth.

"He is yours as I am yours, soldiers for your cause. Before you, I only followed those who promised survival. Now -" She turned her face toward the sound of Sootstar's voice, her damaged eyes useless but sculpted by brow and cheek into a look of determination. We follow a cat who raised up an empire from scraps. We follow the greatest leader this forest has ever and will ever see, and we will slaughter any cat that dares to oppose your legacy." speech is in #730000