camp lemon drops // stupid questions

May 22, 2023
eggkit | 02 months | male | he/him | physically easy | mentally easy | attack in bold #108297
Eggkit has always been an inquisitive child - round eyes wide and glittering with the need to know anything and everything. This, of course, does not make him any smarter though - no, he is an orange cat after all. With to-big paws the boy clumsily makes his way out of the nursery, the pitter-patter of pawsteps on the ground the only warning to herald his arrival before baby blues land upon a nearby clanmate - his newest target. "You look like you must know things, right? Do you think growin' leaves hurts the trees? It looks really painful to me, having those things just pop out like that," all of this comes spilling out in nearly one breath, the child never taking more than a seconds pause. "I heard they change colors in leaf-bare - do you think they do that so they look pretty for eachother? Must be nice - I wish I could change colors whenever I wanted to look pretty," he continues, tail swish-swishing behind them idly. He's always liked pretty things after all - and as much as he likes his eggshell and cream coat, sometimes he wishes he too could be green, or maybe blue like the sky, or purple like a flower. It is only then that he actually looks at who he has approached, giving a wide and beaming smile. "Oh! I'm eggkit by the way, but you probably know that - I dunno your name though,"



When Quillstrike had returned from camp that day, he hadn't expected to be ambushed by a curious, chatterbox of a kitten that was going to keep him from getting his lunch. And yet, that's exactly what he found himself doing, standing there, staring down at one of Orangeblossoms kittens with a blank expression- though the kid didn't seem bothered by it in the least as they went on about leaves and wanting to change color.

By the end of it all, the chimera tabby was left standing there in silence, wondering if stuffing moss into his ears would be enough to save him from getting stuck in a whirlwind conversation like this again. "My name's Quillstrike." he replied, mismatched eyes looking down at the child beaming up at him with mild confusion and a complete lack of enthusiasm.

What had made this kid think that he was the right cat to bring all these questions to?

Finally though, he did relent, glancing up at the trees to consider their words before replying with the confidence of a cat that was certain in their answer.

"Leaves don't hurt the trees. Does it hurt you when your fur or whiskers grow?" he asked, as if that was all the justification he needed.

"And when the leaves change color they turn orange, like you. Guess that means your already pretty, or whatever." he added dully. Damn kid didn't need to grow up thinking he had to look different to be 'pretty' or whatever to others. He was fine the way he was.

skyclan - male - 14 months (Feb 17th) - bisexual - homoromantic - single - a very tall, dark chimera tomcat with mismatched eyes and several scars. has bluejay feathers woven like spikes along his spine and neck.

"In leaf-fall, the leaves shrivel up and die. Since you're that color, you'd better hope that doesn't happen to you." Came the abruptly acerbic tone of the chimaera, whose tongue always lashed in sulfurous ire, as though hellfire brewed within the mortal and marble. Many often questioned how such a terrible fire could dwell in him, and many more would say that he was the spitting image of his own father. Well, it was all that he had ever known. His own pelt was reminiscent of the hide shed by the autumn, of foliage strewn and scattered about, the suede hue overwhelming the rest of the forest floor. He remembered when he was younger, bounding through the crackling leaves without much of a care. Chrys hadn't concerned himself with hunting nor stalking - he simply frolicked about, letting the shards of leaf matter stick to his feathery fur. Those days were long gone, he mused. When he faced the season again, he would be much more seasoned. The almost-warrior sat down at a distance from Eggkit and Quillstrike, curling his tail over his paws. Eggkit was Orangeblossom's kid, though that didn't mean he had an obligation to be nice to him. As for Quillstrike... he always found him irritating.

(IC opinions)
"He doesn't mean what he says, Eggkit." Fireflypaw meows as he walks over, heavy footsteps betraying the anger he felt towards the untoward apprentice who made such a cruel comment. He musters up the best glare he can towards the direction of Chrysalispaw, remembering the beatdown he had taken all those moons ago that was supposed to be training. In reality, it was a chance for Chrysalispaw to make a fool of him. He soon seats himself down beside Quillstrike, offering him a sheepish smile before his attention is snatched by Eggkit's curiousity.

"Did you know that some plants still grow in the winter, when others are wilting?" He asks the kit, waiting for an expectant response. He himself loved knowing random facts, so he could relate to the kit wanting to know everything they possibly can. ​
eggkit | 02 months | male | he/him | physically easy | mentally easy | attack in bold #108297
Quilstrikes question is a good one and has him thinking - frown tugging at his face and tongue poking out. "Nope! Although, I got my claw caught once and that hurt!" he says cheerily, nodding. So the leaves were the tree's fur then - that's why they were all either fluffy or spikey, just like cats. "Being orange is great - my momma's orange too, and she's really pretty," he agrees absently. After all, orangeblossom is so orange it's even her name. Chrysalispaw however quickly has the boys eyes blown wide and watery - lip quivering. "Am not! I'm not gonna die!" He doesn't want to be dead, like the prey in the freshkill pile. Sure, they're tasty, but they're weird and stiff and smelly. Fireflypaw tries to reassure him, but he's not stupid - the medicine cat is just trying to make him feel batter about his impending doom, isn't he? Cause that's his job. Even the facts that would normally catch his attention aren't enough, as instead eggkit fully bursts into tears, sniffling and sobbing sadly. "I don't wanna die..."


Greeneyes has learned quickly that Eggkit is the inquisitive one among Orangeblossom's kits. Always a question coming out of that one - inquiries that the young warrior often finds himself struggling to find answers to.

Ears twitch as another set of questions fill the air, and Greeneyes can't help the twinge of relief he feels that it's Quillstrike that is faced with the task of answering them. The dark-furred warrior has a few moons over him, after all - maybe it would help to answer some of the child's questions. Though, Greeneyes can't help but to snort at Quillstrike's mode of answering. Leaves turn orange, which must mean Eggkit is pretty, in the kits way of thinking.

"Oh? Does that mean I'm pretty too?" he teases, blinking at the warrior. With unkept fur and a deadly gaze, Greeneyes believes his beauty is fairly minimal, but his orange presence must be acknowledged.

But of course, Chrysalispaw arrives to make the moment worse, and soon Eggkit is in tears. Just like leaf-fall's leaves, Eggkit is orange, and he's going to die.

"Hey! Don't cry, amigo! I'm orange, and I haven't died yet!" As he tries to reassure Orangeblossom's son, he realizes how familiar this is - him defending a color he holds in his appearance. One with a deadly fate, and now the other, with a supposed death sentence.

Greeneyes' ears twitch once more, threatening to flatten against his head at the twinge of dread that hits him. "And, uh... Chrysalispaw has orange on him too, see? And, he's still around to be mean to whoever he wants, right?"
જ➶ "What's the point in saying that to a kit anyway? He didn't mean any harm by asking." The fragile youth finds himself irritated by the sudden meanness of the other. Especially to a young kit who is discovering the world for the first time and is trying to figure out things. The chimera finds the anger in his chest as he glares at Chrysalispaw before shaking his head a little bit. Mean just to be mean. Maybe they should go and be productive instead. Rolling his eyes the short tailed tom turns his eyes to the child then and he nods his head in agreement with Greeneyes. "He is right, besides the color of your fur has nothing to do with dying anyway. So you don't have to worry about that Eggkit. You are perfectly fine." Giving a small smile he sits down and lifts his eyes to the trees above him.

"I see it more as the trees going to sleep for a while so they can get much needed rest for the next newleaf." His mother always loved the beginning of the season and watching the flowers grow and blossom.