private lesson number one ღ spotpaw

The sun had been bright in the sky when Sunstar had given a newly named Spotpaw as her apprentice. It was still a surprising notion, that she was trusted enough to have her apprentice despite being amongst the recent iteration of warriors in the last couple moons. However, it was a minor relief that it was Spotpaw of all the kits. Sure, Whitedawn has been spending much of her time kitsitting still and bonding with the packed nursery, not to mention her fondness for all the kits. But she had an almost familial bond with Spotpaw and his eager request for her to be his mentor was an exciting concept. Yet, nerves still ran underneath her coat. Spotpaw was still her first apprentice, and she wanted to be a good mentor to prove she could do such a thing.

She had waited a little later into the day when the sun was starting its descent. She had wanted to give Spotpaw time to settle into his new nest where the apprentices typically congregated, as well as all his new responsibilities. After finding her tiny apprentice, she gave a small trill to get his attention. "I hope you still have some energy to see some of the territory and a few tunnels." She spoke softly with a low purr. Unsurprisingly, the albino femme was naturally more active later in the day and night. Though, she considered a moment after, she may have to adjust her schedule to be more ideal for Spotpaw wouldn't she?

// @spotkit
Honestly, Spotpaw was atrocious at building nests for someone who helped their mother with it all the time... His moss was a little too weird to work with, and the moss wasn't mossing correctly, and his paws weren't weaving correctly, and nothing was working! Agh! Eventually he gives up and goes to talk to some of the other apprentices.

After that, he finally sits back in his atrocious looking nest, defeated. Sure, he could ask his mother for help, but... She was busy moving back to where the warriors slept. He didn't want to disturb her, anyways.

"Huh? Oh, hi, Whitedawn." his head snaps up at her gentle trill, trying not to let his frustration bleed in to his tone. "'Course. I wanna go see." he speaks matter-of-factly, his head tilting not too unlike an owl. "Uhm... Can we get moss on the way back?" he tries not to frown but it doesn't work, claws unsheathing in to the poorly made nest below him.

He feels stupid. He feels like hes already failed at the littlest of tasks.

  • 78638605_3Hzs4nvfAIDJvhi.png
    spotkit, spotpaw
    amab ,, he/him ,, 6 months
    tunneler apprentice of windclan ,, mentored by whitedawn
    small & oddly proportioned cinnamon tom with high white
    "speech, afd9f2" ,, thoughts
    unknown sexuality ,, single
    smells like windblown heather
    chibi by pin ,, penned by chuff