private LESSONS LEARNED || macaronipaw

Oct 16, 2023

"Alright, so this would be the Sandy Ravine. Have a quick look around, you'll be spending a lot of time here." Tigerscar speaks casually, having led the newly named apprentice through SkyClan territory, before pausing in the dried up riverbed. "Apprentices train here." He goes on to explain with a flick of one torn ear. For a few minutes, Tigerscar allows Macaronipaw to sniff around the area, before he begins making his way out of the ravine. "We're going to be making our way out further, toward the river. That's the first border I'll show you, so consider this your very first lesson. Try to keep up!" With that, he takes off, lurching forward before darting through the trees as if racing the very wind of leaf-bare. His breath is mist upon the wind, but he pushes himself faster with paws thrumming over fallen pine needles as he throws himself over a splintered, fallen log.

Eventually, he reaches the river's edge, skidding to a stop in the frost. He can see that ice is already beginning to creep along the edges of the water. Standing quiet for several moments as he catches his breath, Tigerscar awaits Macaronipaw, hoping she had managed to keep up during the run. If she was going to be a SkyClan warrior, she'd have to learn how to navigate the forest quickly!


Tigerscar was offically her mentor! She was like... an actual SkyClan cat now! Giggling softly at the thought, MacaroniPAW, (she had to get used to the new addition to her name now) would look to the older tom, nodding as he spoke. She didn't quite understand what was so great about the sandy ravine, it was just a lot of sand. With the allotted time, she explored the area, sniffing around while Tigerscar explained that this was the area where the apprentices spent their time training. Again, she wasn't sure what that had to do with anything but would allow herself to take advantage of the time regardless.

"Hey! Wait up!" Her protest would match the hurt look on her face, watching as her mentor took off without her. She hadn't been expecting him to run off without her, and it seemed as if her first test would be to avoid being left behind. Soon enough, she would find that her mentor was out of her line of sight, but she could still smell where he had traveled. Following his scent she would press on, following behind him until she came to a stop beside him, panting heavily.