camp LET’S CHAT ABOUT IT (patrol assignments)

// sorry these are late! Weekend was busy!!

Howling Wind seats herself in the center of camp, tired eyes gazing across the faces of clanmates already approaching to hear the day’s patrols. It was a gloomy day, clouds covering the sky with the promise of snow. A cool breeze nipped at the noses of ThunderClanners and tingled their whiskers. “Good morning, everyone,” The tabby greeted her warriors, dipping her head. “Let’s get started.”

“Emberstar’s going to take the dawn patrol along the SkyClan and RiverClan borders. I’ll go with her, and…let’s see…Stagstrike, you come along too.”

“Flamewhisker, you lead the dawn patrol to WindClan and ShadowClan borders, and patrol the loner lands. Take Badgerstrike and Trufflepelt with you.”

“Little Wolf, why don’t you take your brothers to SkyClan and RiverClan borders on the dusk patrol. Cobwebtail and Raccoontail, that is.”

“Rabbitnose, you’re ready to lead your first patrol. You take Finchcatcher and Sunspirit on the dusk patrol to WindClan and ShadowClan borders and our border with the loner lands.”

“Leafshade, Wolfwind, you two gather cats for hunting patrols. Bring back as much as you can.”

“Berryheart, Nightbird is yours for the day if you need an extra set of paws collecting herbs.”

“Flycatcher, in your free time today, if you could gather some warriors for a lesson to brush up their hunting skills it’d be appreciated. We need every cat sharp now more than ever. Everyone’s dismissed.”

She flicks her tail and watches as the patrols begin to form. Immediately, she glanced around for Sloepaw, ready to get a move on.

// all cats pulled randomly from census and put into the most realistic spots!
Dawn patrol on SkyClan board: @emberstar @HOWLING WIND @Tybalt [Stagstrike]
Dawn patrol on WindClan board: @Flamewhisker @Badgerstrike @TRUFFLEPELT
Dusk patrol on RiverClan board: @LITTLE WOLF @COBWEBTAIL @Raccoontail
Dusk patrol on ShadowClan board: @Rabbitnose @FINCHCATCHER @sunspirit
Hunting patrols: @Leafshade @WOLFWIND
Herb collecting: @BERRYHEART @nightbird
Hunting brush-up lesson with warriors: @Flycatcher