let ‘em in | Iciclepaw + Catfishpaw

Petalstep .

. don’t let them win .
Jan 2, 2023
( 。゚❁ུ۪ °ₒ ) Petalpaw honestly wasn't quite sure how she had gotten roped into this conversation, if that was even the right phrase for the situation. In all honesty, the white tabby just happened to find herself planted between two chattering apprentices, Iciclepaw and Catfishpaw. She knew them at a surface level, but she was much younger than the two having only left the nursery a moon ago.
Chartreuse optics flicker from one molly to the other periodically. She doesn't like this, feeling excluded, feeling small compared to them in every metaphoric sense of the word.
Pointed ears are perked as she follows along the conversation about crushes, romance in general, and she keeps a polite nod going every once in awhile. Petalpaw couldn't find herself relating, she can't recall a time where she had ever even stopped for a moment to consider someone's appearance, or.. what had they listed as attractive traits? Their laugh, smile, their kindness? Maybe Petalpaw was just too young.
Just as she thinks this, their heads swivel to her.
What about you, Petalpaw?
She pauses, blinking slowly and thoughtfully. "I’m not sure. What do crushes feel like?" She counters with her own prompt, tilting her head curiously. Even if she was sure she had never and would never experience such a thing, wouldn’t it be nice to know?

@iciclepaw @Catfishpaw
where the angels sing ✧°.☀ ———————————— Honestly Catfish sometimes felt like she had to keep conversation up no matter the topic. It also felt like she couldn't be caught dead not knowing something. Maybe it was an issue of pride, or maybe it was something to examine later. Anyways boys and crushes were always fun to talk about they were fun to tease each other and such. Truthfully Catfishpaw would always just pick a random tom and say that she had a crush on him just to feel adult and in the loop. She also felt all cats should be in the loop and when her eyes finally laid on Petalpaw she couldn't help but try to pull her to the conversation.
"What about you, Petalpaw?"

Honestly the question was mostly to include the other molly but now Catfish had to actually think of what a crush was. Her forehead furrowed and a tooth peaked over her lip as she thought of the way to describe it. In a momentary letting down of her guard she made a face to Iciclepaw, hoping that maybe the other she-cat would have the words.
[penned by user - [tags☀]]
———————————— ☀.°✧ we're mixing up milk and honey
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