LET IT ALL BURN | snake bite

Greenleaf brought the promise of more prey than ever at the rockpile, for once, the Lead was grateful to have been sent out on a hunting patrol there. Even he could hunt mice too plump on alfalfa to run away from him, at least, that was what he thought. The day had been successful for anyone not named Silversmoke, who was certain by now that his inability to catch even the most sluggish of rodents was divine intervention at this point. Despite his frustration, he knew that others had picked up his slack and so, he'd agreed to a moment of respite amidst the stones now that they were heated from the midday sun. Silversmoke was too busy lashing to allow himself such rest, the phrase 'do better' repeated so many times in his head that it'd begun to lose meaning. Tail lashing, the tom began eyeing other members of the patrol, not interested in talking to them, but checking-in in his own way. His attention eventually settled upon Sorrelsong, and when he saw what was beside her, he had to do a double take. A moment after, he felt his stomach drop.

The flash of scales was unmistakable within the shadows, even for someone who had to squint to see most details. Only moments later, Silversmoke spotted a forked tongue taste the air and a shimmy of black and greens that looked like a dance as the creature coiled defensively around itself. Perhaps it wasn't going to attack in its sluggish state, but that wasn't a risk the Lead Warrior was willing to take. Without considering any other option, the spotted tabby broke out into a sprint toward his clanmate. "Sorrelsong, move!" With all his strength, he rammed into the she-cat, likely sending the both of them tumbling away from the rockpile. Mid-jump, he felt his leg burn as if scorched by flames, buckling underneath the pressure of it as he landed face-first into the earth. Spitting the soil from his mouth, Silversmoke jumped to his paws and spun around in the same breath, flashing his fangs at the adder. Through the eyes of the tom, the snake was smug as remained at the edge of its hiding spot. Then, he realised why it looked so satisfied: Silversmoke wasn't putting pressure on his hind leg.

It took a few moments for the lightning-quick strike to register.

He looked at the limb, normal, save for the blood beginning to pool in a fleshier part of it. The longer he stared, the more the pain seemed to flare - first it was a pin-prick, now, he was certain his whole appendage was on fire. Silversmoke staggered back, placing himself as a shield between Sorrelsong and the serpent. They needed it gone, they needed it dead, but even as they stood, their limbs didn't want to move in the way he demanded them to. The tom that wanted to charge head-first into most problems suddenly found himself unable to do just that. He didn't know if it was the agony or a more unpleasant feeling stirring deep within, the one that paralysed even the most honourable of cats. Fear. He knew what it meant to have one's blood set alight, for so long, the skin around his eye had been marred by even the slightest of movements that even now it felt wrong to express himself. But, this was different, this wasn't a cat that had caused his affliction, it was a creature that had venom in more than just its words - the thought that it might've entered his bloodstream was beginning to cross his mind in the wave of panic.

Scenarios of victory raced around his head enough to make him dizzy and, meeting the narrowed pupils of his adversary, the spotted tabby quickly decided that none would work. "Foxdung..." Silversmoke grit his teeth as white flashed behind his eyes from another throb in his bitten limb. 'Better me than Sorrelsong' would be a viewpoint in hindsight, for now, he only wished he could rip the whole appendage off. "We need to..." He blinked rapidly, StarClan, he wanted to retreat and curl up in a ball. "Coax it out."




The shout was unexpected enough for the tom to nearly lose his grip on the mouse he'd just pounced on, and he cursed as he leaned down to deliver the killing blow before quickly gathering it up and heading off to see what the problem was. He wasn't sure why Silversmoke would be yelling at Sorrelsong, but he wanted to believe his fellow lead had a good reason for it

As he rounded the corner of the rockpile and the pair came into view though, he could tell something wasn't right. Silversmoke was tense and standing awkwardly, almost shielding Sorrelsong from something the bobtail couldn't yet see.

"What's going on?" he asked as he dropped his mouse, confusion and concern evident as golden eyes shifted between the pair before following the tabbys gaze- right to the snake coiled among the rocks.

"That's-" an adder.

The words died on his tongue as eyes flickered back to Silversmokes leg in understanding, fear and anger coiling like a serpent of it's own in his gut, especially when he caught the others words- coax it out. "Don't you fucking dare!" he growled, claws unsheathing themselves as if to threaten his own clanmates away from it- harsh, but the idea of Silversmoke doing something stupid and getting bit again was enough to make Johnnyflames hackles raise and he couldn't help himself.

The first bite might not kill the silver tabby if it was taken care of, but a second one would fell him without any chance for recovery if he got anywhere near that snake.

"Just- just stay over there. I'll take care of it." he said, quickly moving to scoop up his still warm mouse before positioning himself closer to the rockpile, off to the side of the serpent where he couldn't be seen. He took a moment to steady himself, to force the dread out enough for him to focus because Skyclan didn't need two cats bitten.

Then, he tossed the mouse.

The fuzzy body landed outside of the creatures den, and as expected, in it's aggressive state it lashed out instinctively at the sudden movement of a warm body in front of it- and Johnny took it's momentary distraction as his chance.

He took particular satisfaction when his front paws slammed it's head into the dirt in an expert pounce, pinning it there while it's body thrashed and writhed beneath him like a wild vine made of muscle, battering his sides in an attempt to wriggle free. But claws had already punctured its head to keep it from doing just that, and a moment later his teeth were joining them, severing the spine with a vicious bite that nearly took the things head off.

A part of him wanted to keep going, to just shred the thing to ribbons for what it'd done to his clanmate, for what it might do if things went for the absolute worst, but it was ultimately the threat of that exact thing that had him eventually loosing his blood covered jaws so he could make sure the other was still standing- still breathing.

It had happened all too fast, the bite, the killing of the snake. Figfeather hardly had time to react before it was all over. To be frank, she thinks Johnnyflame’s action of killing the snake without allowing aid was more bird-brained than heroic. Still, the scaled beast was dead, a complaint would not leave her mouth.

The bit silver tom looked disoriented, his eyes dilated and his stance wobbly. Worried he might topple over she rushes over and offers a shoulder. The three-legged cat did not have much for balance to over the lead warrior, but she’d sooner try than see him tumble over.

”We need to get help!” She yowls, urgency and fear flooding her tone. One of them needed to make a sprint for camp, she doubts the lead warrior would be able to make it all the way back.

Orange eyes fall upon the ashen tom. ”Lay down- we’ll get you help.” She promises, the worry he’ll fall over still pounding in her mind.
  • » Figfeather
    » SkyClan Warrior
    » She/her . AMAB
    » Mentoring Wolfpaw
    » Mate to Fantastream
    » Sire to Sangriakit & Coffeekit
    » A red tabby she-cat with a mangled leg.
    » ”Speech”thoughtsattack
  • » A foe in battle whose ability to strategize can shift tides.
    » Excels in strategizing and pre-planning her battles.
    » Fights defensively and aid to her clan to victory.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing
𓆝 . ° ✦
Figfeather was calling for help when the world finally stilled.
The dirt under her pelt was cold. Hard. Small pebbles had imbedded themselves in her hide, tickling her nerves.
“Silver… smoke…” Her eyes were glued to the silver tom. His uneven posture, the pain on his face and in his words. He did that… for her. She didn’t even see it. A warrior of sky clan. And here she was walking around like an apprentice. She had found peace in her ability to hunt - the only thing she let herself take even an inkling of that poison called pride in - and it was the very thing that hurt her clan mate. Her name changed nothing. She was still…
“ I’ll get @Fireflypaw .” She could see the snake in her minds eye, so clearly now but something she had been blind to when it truly mattered. She stared at its body, wet and cold under Johnnyflame’s shadow.
Would she…?
“Please lay down Silversmoke, I’ll be right back with help.” This time the words came easy, loudly. She then turned, pelting back to camp. Wind sung in her ears as a symphony of twigs snapped underneath. She could not be useless. Not now, not again.​
His ears touch the top of the den as he sits up straight, the sound of Sorrelsong's voice ringing in his ears. A snake bite, was it a venomous snake? He sure hoped not. His thoughts whir around in his head as he shuffles through the pile of herbs on the ground, confusion swimming in his brain. "Tell them- Tell- Tell them I'll be right there!" He shrieks out finally, turning to the entrance of the den. The smell of holly is suffocating around him, choking him- his throat closes and he feels his paws begin to sweat nervously.

He sticks his head back into the den, looking to the back of the medicine den before he calls out nervously.

"Dawn- Dawnglare. Snake bite, Silversmoke. How-?" He whispers softly to the high priest, hoping he'd lead him through this rough moment.

Dogbite had not been present when the bite occured but he had been around the bend of a rock. Scenting out a bird which he had trailed for a few heartbeats. Only for it to take rapid flight the second shouting sounded off. Surprise and fright pierced him like enemy claws and the scarred tom took off towards the cries. I was only gone a minute! His panicked thoughts don't ease as he turns to see the state of Silversmoke. Face contorted and body hunched over the injury in question. Coldness runs down their spine and spikes the fur along their back. Dogbite was no fool he knew snakes could deal deadly blows. He had witnessed it more than once in his youth and now his fellow Lead was doubled over and in serious trouble. It seemed Johnnyflame had taken immediate action to kill the creature and Figfeather sent out support.

Without further hesitation the tabby is at the silvery Leads open side. Voice dipping low and gentle as he murmurs. "It's gonna be okay, we've got you. Dawnglare and Fireflypaw are on their way. Just rest and focus on your breathing." Offering his side as a means to rest upon he casts Figfeather a concerned look before trailing it to the patchwork feline. Steadying his quickening heartbeat they ground out a request. "Johnnyflame, please make sure that everyone but the Medicine Cats and us stays out of here." Dogbite blinks pleadingly at the collared tom. "It's best we don't move him and I know the snake is dead but there could be more and we can't take any risks." They felt out of line making such a request but he hoped his friend could hear the fear trickling in his tone and forgive it.

Please, get here soon! His prayers are quick and panicked but Dogbite forces his body to stay still. He would not be leaving Silversmoke or any of his clanmates present alone. Not now not ever. They would be here and they would help make sure everything that could be done would be done. Even if he had to beat down the internal sensation of terror. To silence the miserable thoughts and horrors of losing someone he cared for rising higher and higher up his chest.

  • ———✧———​
    ✧ LH cinnamon tabby w/high white one blue eye
    ✧ child of npc x npc ; sibling to crescent and bear
    ✧ skyclan lead warrior ; ex-loner
    ✧ 33 moons old ; birthday 07/01
    ✧ AFAB ; nonbinary ; he/they
    ✧ pansexual ; polyromantic ; single
    "speech", thought, attack, powerplay
    ✧ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ✧ penned by tasmagoric
They are always like this — relaying messages. Is it benefit or detriment, to have two like this? With dark ears always so readily angled to every cry and complaint, Dawnglare can sometimes afford some sluggishness. That which comes today is no result of mere laziness of zealousness, the hesitation was that... he's — well — he's never had this before?

" Snake bite? " he parrots. And oh, for the star - blessed thing; child of the earth, most experienced in the forest Howlingstar had said, his mind is drawing a dreadful blank. SkyClanners did not get bitten by snakes. They fell out of trees and bumped their heads, broke their legs. They brought back sickness from the wild - borns and fell to their nests in fever. Snake bite?

His face breaks out into an expression that is less than reassuring. Teeth click aimlessly together in a search for syllables, the crease of his face is ineloquent and strange. " Er — " Snake bite? Again, his mind repeats. Well... how different could it be from any other bite? ( Different enough that it had them running, rather than a battle - weary patient crawling their way towards them ) the mind supplies. Well, he would snap up his marigold and his poppy seeds... Eyes linger for perhaps, too long, on a bundle of tansy, before haphazardly he decides to wrap up a more or less random assortment of herbs along with the rest in his oak leaf. " Calm down, calm down. " He reassures, sounding not - quite - calm himself. " Cobweb, Fireflypaw! " And with that, he would follow after Sorrelsong, a neurotic twitch in his tail.

Snake bite, snake bite, mantra in his head, like it could come back to him if only he says it just enough. Johnnyflame and Dogbite guard the site of Silversmoke, teeth grit in seemingly, white - hot pain. Figfeather and Sorrelsong linger nearby. Dawnglare is frenzied, as he appears, fur and whiskers both out of place. His oak leaf bundle tumbles on the ground as he scrambled to look more closely at the problem.

The wound itself was unassuming, unlike the wide bites from dogs or their own, but it swelled in warning. It was more than it seems. Venom he suddenly remembers. Something he's heard, even if he has not experienced it... A pity he had not also heard what to do about such a thing.

Breathe. " J-just... treat it how you would... any other bite, " he tells Fireflypaw. He would spread the bundle of herbs before his apprentice. ( Apprentice, apprentice... for how long? ) Perhaps, as a benefit Fireflypaw would not always have, he splits them up so that the scents would mingle just that little bit less.

Delicately, poppy seeds are taken and presented to Silversmoke. " You will hurt less, " he says, blinking. Simultaniously, his head turns to his apprentice.

  • ooc: bro does NOT know how to treat venom!! go for it @Fireflypaw !!
  • ( I'M AS ALIVE AS HER BEARD IS LONG ) DAWNGLARE Medicine Cat of SkyClan. Mentoring Fireflypaw
    𓆩♡𓆪 He / him , deeply confused by the use of other pronouns
    𓆩♡𓆪 Currently 63 moons old as of 4.8.24. Mated to Mallowlark

    Unsettling and strange, Dawnglare bears a unique perception to the world and stars above on top of a generally unpleasant disposition. Holds others to uniquely impossible standards and himself undeniably above the rest. Delusional and very much stuck in his ways. The death of his closest friend has helped him none, in this
    Mood is decided by dice - rolls per thread, with the exception of some important threads
Dawnglare doesn't sound so sure himself, but his words calms him nonetheless. If the High Priest said everything would be alright, it would be- Firefly had faith in his mentor and friend. He follows after his mentor quickly, racing through the forest to reach the rock pile. When they arrive, Dawnglare says to treat it like a normal wound. "Got it." He responds, affirmative. He pushes his nose through the presented herbs, lifting marigold, yarrow, and tansy to chew while his claw hooks a wad of cobwebs. When he closes in on Silversmoke, he takes a sniff at the snake bite and can distinctly smell the aromatic sting of the venom. His paw places the cobweb onto the wound, soaking up the blood slowly. Luckily there wasn't too much, but as he spits the mixture of herbs onto the wound, Fireflypaw can just feel the difference in the swelling.

"Yarrow, I put yarrow in to see if it would do anything for the venom." He mutters to himself, gesturing to the other cats around him. "Give him a second to recover from the shock, then help him walk back to camp. You'll be staying with us for the week so we can keep an eye on you, Silversmoke." He meows softly, nodding to his fellow friends present.

"Everything will be okay." He meows softly, slapping fresh cobweb on top of the wound to seal everything. ​

When the medicine cats arrive Figfeather moves away from Silversmoke’s side to allow them room to work. She watches casting anxious glances at her fellow patrol members.

Eventually after what feels like a half-moon, Fireflypaw tells them to give him a second to recover from the shock. Then he is to be helped to camp where he will rest in the medicine cats den for the next several days.

”We don’t have to worry about the poison anymore?” She asks the tom-cat to confirm again, just to be certain. The marmalade tabby had been real worried the lead warrior’s fate had been sealed, she needed to ensure it was safe to be relieved.
  • » Figfeather
    » SkyClan Warrior
    » She/her . AMAB
    » Mate to Fantastream
    » Sire to Sangriakit & Coffeekit
    » Mentoring Wolfpaw
    » A red tabby she-cat with a mangled leg.
    » ”Speech”thoughtsattack
  • » A foe in battle whose ability to strategize can shift tides.
    » Excels in strategizing and pre-planning her battles.
    » Fights defensively and to aid her clan to victory.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing