camp let it all out - dreams

Darkness enveloped the patchwork pelt of the tabby as his mind slipped below the surface of dream and consciousness. This place was no longer unfamiliar and a peculiar respite at worst. However, the last time he'd fallen under his mind saw a flamed eclipse in his mind. Similar to the one he recalled seeing on the side of a human den where his mothers had been squeezed between consciousness place he'd called home til the age of twenty moons old.

While his dream self was aware, it wasn't reality. The physical body of Dogbite lay cozily in his den. Maw ajar and tail twitching from the sensations of sinking downward. In the dream, Dogbite found himself standing at the edge of a human den. The dead tree entry whispering nonsensical things, their silhouettes dancing in the ethereal glow of an eclipsed sky that seemed both full and fragmented. The air was thick with a sense of anticipation, and his senses were heightened, absorbing every nuance of the strange sensations.

As he ventured deeper into the inky darkness, the shadows played tricks on his perception. Familiar scents, long buried in the recesses of his memory, wafted through the air. The tang of the river, the damp earth after rain, and the distant aroma of prey—all woven into a tapestry of olfactory nostalgia. Dogbite's whiskers quivered with a mix of curiosity and a subtle pang of longing. The path through the dream led him to a clearing where an imposing figure stood, obscured by the lunar brilliance.

Cold eyes peered endlessly into their very being, and soon he woke up with a strangled shout. Coat ajar with restlessness and eye wild with emotion. Silence answered his cry and awkwardly they stared into the fray of annoyed cats stirring to life.

Not good.

  • ooc ; Final prompt! - Eclipse.
  • 1000007505-png.1053

    ✧ 29 moons old
    ✧ skyclan warrior
    ✧ he/they ; single
    ✧ child of npc x npc
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ✧ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ✧ penned by tasmagoric
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dolly has quickly discovered, the den is one of his favorite spots. the way the soft moss rests under him, the way he could rest without worry, the way it was so quiet and chill. needless to say, he's a fan. he's settled into a nice little memory about conquering the big fluffy thing he climbed - something he's never quite managed entirely, he's tumbling down off during one of his frequent failed attempts when he's jerking into consciousness. semi-woken, dazed blue eyes drift around searching for the source of his sudden wakefulness, catching the tail end of the cry. when his eyes finally fall on the right feline he sees the expression, the distant gaze and doesn't feel great about it. he's still unfamiliar with many of his clanmates, but approaches the tabby regardless.

it's with a great effort he lifts himself up from his comfortable nest, taking a moment to briefly mourn the loss of warmth before shuffling closer and settling nearby on his stomach, to stare directly at his green eye. "are you alright?" he asks slowly, blinking his half-lidded eyes, uncaring of the stares and irritated murmurs that arise from the lying bodies.

he tried to think of reason to leave, somehow coming to the conclusion that dogbite needs an excuse to leave the den, and his thoughts swing toward his stomach with surprising speed. "i'm hungry." he shares with dogbite, and probably half of the den. his tone somehow lacking complaint. "let's go uh, outside... because.. i want to eat." he lies poorly, raising to his paws. the likely annoyed stares they're receiving don't bother him one bit, but he knows that eating and lying down make him feel better, and so he offers the only solution that he knows. he's likely going to be a target of derision due to his former occupation regardless, so the complaints slip off easily.
Snapping fully from the odd effects of drowsiness, their pelt bristled visibly. Loud 'shhs' and 'huhs' rang around him and their ears burned hotly. They'd never hollered like that before, much less in a crowd of sleeping clanmates. Taken aback by Dolly's sudden appearance, he swallowed harshly and whispered out a response. "U-uh yeah. Yeah, I'm good. I didn't mean to cause such a ruckus." Humility hot and unrelenting trickled down his spine. Surprise replaced the shaggy cat's earlier grimace at Dolly's next words. The poorly constructed lie hung in the air, but Dogbite, recognizing the potential for a change in atmosphere, nodded their agreement.

Appreciation bloomed across the older warrior's maw in response. Blinking away the last of sleep, he slowly started to unfold from their previous position. As they rose to their paws, Dogbite acknowledged the likely annoyed stares from their fellow clanmates, but the prospect of leaving the den for a meal seemed like a welcomed diversion. Gently, he meowed to the aggravated murmurs. "Sorry, it was just a bad dream." Casting an apologetic glance, they made their way from the warm den and into the chilled air. He followed Dolly, appreciating the simplicity of the solution offered, even if it involved a somewhat transparent excuse.

His pelt whipped at the harsh gust of air that greeted them, and Dogbite's whole body shivered from the impact. Nights were already getting colder and colder. Ignoring the howling wind, he inched closer to the pale ragdoll. Eventually, he leaned towards the other to get his words across without hollering. "Thank you for that. I'm sorry to drag you out in the cold like this." They hadn't gotten to know each other much yet, but he could relate to the challenges of becoming a clan cat. Cautiously, they sought out affirmation. "Dolly, right?" Just as they asked, the whistling rolled to a hushed wave across the small patches of grasses nearby.

  • ooc ;
  • 1000007505-png.1053

    ✧ 29 moons old
    ✧ skyclan warrior
    ✧ he/they ; single
    ✧ child of npc x npc
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ✧ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ✧ penned by tasmagoric
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