camp LET IT IN — prompt

Dec 29, 2023

Smudgepaw had found something of interest that morning just outside of camp. Having never seen anything like it before, he hauled it into camp, the sharp points causing him to take a break every few steps to avoid injuring himself. If any of the warriors scolded him for leaving camp alone, he would argue that he didn't technically wander off from camp. It was within eye-sight of the entrance, which in his mind granted him the ability to go and retrieve the item. "Hey look what I found!" Boasting about his latest find, he would flash a toothy smirk at the closest cat admiring his find.

// prompt: a discarded antler


Vixenkit wasn't good at minding her own business, or keeping out of apprentice business. But she tilted her head as she watched smudgepaw leave camp unattended. She knew she wasn't allowed to, and she knew apprentices had to leave with their mentors.

And smudgepaw was definitely alone when he left- even if it was only for a few moments, she noted it. Shed save it for later as maybe it was okay. for apprentices of course.

As smudgepaw returned, this thing caught her attention. It was pretty, ruddy brown and white, and unique. And she loved unique things. Shed prowl forward, nearly tripping on her own paw until she caught herself and continued. No one saw it, she ensured to herself.

"What is it?" Vixenkit asked as he grinned towards her. "It's so pretty," she continued, approaching closer to attempt to poke a paw at the object.

to be reborn , you have to die first .
Never quite hovering, but always within a distance, Spiderlily inched forward with an interested quiver of his whiskers, pinkish hues staring at it in earnest. “Pretty, indeed.” He rumbled, circling Smudgepaw and the discarded antlers, pointed ridges promising injury.

His nose wrinkled, wishing to grasp it within his paws and hide it inside his nest to add to his odd collection of animal skulls, well-taken care of and placed out of reach of curious kits, or terrifying them. He did not mind waking up to bottomless holes. “From a buck.” He mumbled, pausing his motion, standing beside his daughter.

“Where did you find it?” He inquired, brow raised. “Without your mentor.” He added, helm tilted with an indistinct sound reverberating deep within his chest.
thought speech

Shaking sun-drenched features watched with growing fear as Smudgepaw left camp, even if it was only for a second. Shinepaw was older, he should’ve been put a stop to it, but after failing his assessment the ball of nerves was in no mood to exercise any authority. Instead, he would stand nervously near the entrance. “Um…you’re not supposed to…it’s not allowed…” He stammered for a few moments until breathing a sigh of relief as the younger apprentice returned.

Shinepaw was hot on the heels of Smudgepaw and the strange object he’d brought into camp, joining Vixenkit’s speculation (though much more cautious). “Is it a rock?” He offered before kicking himself in embarrassment as Spiderlily approached and explained. “A buck?” The ball of nerves repeated, overactive imagination conjuring a creature that could rampage through their camp with ease. “Is that some kind of monster? Are these its claws?”

However, as the warrior didn’t seem nervous when speaking of this ‘buck’, Shinepaw allowed his heart to settle a smidge, instead turning his worries towards wondering if Smudgepaw and Vixenkit thought him a fool. Shinepaw took a few steps back as Spiderlily put the pieces together, not wanting to get caught in any potential punishment.​