With the wind raging outside of their sheltered hollow, the thought of leaving the camp without getting blown across the moors was next to non-existent. Bluepool did not really fancy finding herself tumbling across the hills, taken by the wind. Someone earlier had joked that they could be blown over the gorge but even just the thought of that makes her shudder. Tunnels, the gorge, they were different but the same in her mind. Both held a type of death that she would rather not suffer. If anything, she hopes to one day perish in battle, to be struck down fighting for her clan, her family. Though the pererable route would be to die of old age after a long life filled with countless victories, and also love. She was still working on that second part, romantically at least. For now, all the love of her life (or at least, most of it) came from her sisters. Sootstar had been busy ever since she had taken the mantle of leader upon her shoulders, but no matter how hectic their lives were she would always care for the smoke colored molly.

"Sootstar?" she calls out into the burrow she is sure she had retreated into when the weather had taken a bad turn, and to probably lick her wounds. She hopes her children and mate are off doing their own things right now, really she just wanted some rare time alone with her sister. "I brought you a rabbit, though we could share if you're up for it" said prey is between her paws now as she awaits permission to enter.



Hunkered in her den, Sootstar laid and watched a feather ruffle in her nest with each exhale she took. Calmly, her thoughts bounces around in her head until a voice echoes against the stone walls of her den. Recognization happens instantly, her head rises from her bed and looks to see Bluepool with a rabbit dropping to her paws.

”I had been getting hungry.” She confesses, licking her lips at the scent of the rabbit begins to linger in the air of her den. Her tail flicks in silent invitation to enter the den, she waits patiently for the rabbit to be placed in front of her before taking a bite. She noses it slightly back in Bluepool’s direction, there was no way she could eat it all, she was content with sharing. ”Wind best die down soon, the hunting patrols bring back less and less every day.” Cats were not the only inhabitants of the moor who took shelter when the winds turned against them.

She watches the rabbit as her sister takes a bite then uses one paw to push it her direction and she smiles softly. Moments like this had become so rare nowadays.. though it was no ones fault. She knows how busy the smoke was. But despite being WindClan's leader she was still her sister and thats why she settles down next to her. comfortable and content to sit and chat and eat while the wind roars outside. It could rage all it liked, she was perfectly fine in here. The only thing that would make this better is if Mintshade was here, then it would really be just like old times, but the ebony molly was out doing only stars knew what.

"We have known greater storms, WindClan is strong, we will pull through" she reassures, though she would be lying if she said the dwindling fresh-kill pile wasn't worrying her too. It wouldn't do anything, though, for her to express her worries as well. Besides, she had faith in StarClan and that they would keep them safe. She takes a bite of the rabbit then pushes it back on her sister's direction.



Sootstar begins to lick at her chest fur as she allows Bluepool to take a bite and settle down beside her. When the rabbit is pushed back her way she tears another chunk of meat and begins to chew, swallowing shortly after her sisters assurance. ”…Yes, we always do.” Somehow, she nuzzles the rabbit back to her striped litter-mate. ”But there are even bigger problems. ShadowClan and RiverClan for one, Adderpaw for two.” Her son had still not returned to camp and she’s not seen him since. The blue smoke wonders when he’ll return, and if he will still bear the tag on his ear.