ROEFLAME — break the air to feel the fall.
By all the mumbled updates she had been given, her eye was healing up just fine, no longer needing the constant cover of its bandage.
She pads off from the medicine den, allowing her still raw wound to breathe for a bit before she’d have to return for another dressing.
The bright white light hit her right eye like a sucker punch, with her cut only slightly scabbed over she tried not to wince against the high beams, thought it was difficult.
Driven by curiosity and her own small sliver of vanity, Roeflame shuffled over to the nearest puddle she could find, one that wasn’t already mud-crusted at the surface.
She peers over the edge, doe-built eyes searching across her reflection as she took herself in with baited breath.
Everything was the same, spare for the slash of flesh split open that went down her right eye.
The girl she was six moons ago may have been giddy with excitement at her first real scar, the bad ass context of how she earned it. In the moment though, as she takes it all in, she can only feel dismay beating in her chest. While not mutilated, her once at least remotely pretty features had been marred. Roeflame leans back with a distorted line on her lips, struggling to hide her disappointment of her new appearance. Beauty had never been the warriors priority, that much is true. Still, her feelings churn over in her stomach, she wasn’t ruined… she was just different now. Roeflame finds herself wishing Snowpaw was here, while the tom had no truly comforting attributes, he did have a knack for lifting her spirits.
Instinctively then, an alabaster paw reaches up to adjust the twig still in twined behind her ear.


Noticing one of his... many patients had strayed, Berryheart murmured an instruction to not touch anything the way of the apprentices in his care before bowing out of the threshold, flame-flecked body brushed by fern as he exited his hollow. More crowded than he would like it, the tom understood why one would wish to leave for a moment, if only for a breath of fresh air gone un-cloyed by the strong aroma of herbs.

Fawny did not take long to locate, for she had not trekked far. Crouched over a puddle borne from recent rainfall, she was oddly still, bowed. From his observation her shoulders shuddered not with sobs, no tremor of pain trembling in her muscles... but many hid their sorrows well. He knew that truth well.

"Your sight is unaffected?" A direct question, it was at least woven in a soft, low tone. Calm as ever, the stoic tom took a seat beside her. He would prod no further for her reasoning- but it was worth checking why she had straggled, lest her reasoning originate in some misbegotten attempt to hide from aid.

After the battles conclusion, many cats had landed them a place in his uncles den, and while Burnpaw had fought none of his wounds had been grave enough that he had needed to join them. All his scars would be covered by his thick black fur and the battle would soon only be a distant, bad, memory that he could relive by looking at his grandmothers neck, or the at the face of the she-cat who had been an apprentice alongside him.

He is looking for Roeflame now, a piece of prey clutched in his jaws to bring to her, to hopefully share. When he sees his uncle leave the medicine cats den he pokes his head in for a second, sees she is not there and quickly decides to follow that tortoiseshell pelt out of camp.

Luckily, they are going to the same place.

He spots Roeflame and comes to sit next to Berryheart, placing the prey he had brought in between his paws before studying her face for a moment. His uncle asks if she can see out of it all the way and he waits the answer but softly adds "the scar will be a cool story, one day" the kind that elders told on rainy days.

ROEFLAME — break the air to feel the fall.
Berryhearts arrival is quieted against Roeflames flickering thoughts, his words, though as calm as ever, still catch the cinnamon warrior off guard. Her ear flicks in mild surprise, but otherwise she only shrugs with a small nod in response to the medicine cat. "Seems so. It’s just getting used to the light." She responds, half expecting the tom to beckon her back to the medicine den, that her breath of fresh air would need to take a pause.
It’s a pleasant surprise when he doesn’t say any more before Burnpaws arrival. Roeflame offers a small smile towards both her friend and former co-apprentice, even if it lacks its usual spark.
She blinks as the ebony apprentices words turn over in her mind, a more genuine smile blossoming on her features. "Yeah, you’re right. I guess right now it’s just something to get used to." She replies with a faint laugh, grateful that her reflection was not something she was constantly faced with. "You should’ve seen the other guy, anyways." She adds, though she had not caused much more damage to that Riverclan apprentice, the two before her didn’t need to know that.
She remembers when Roeflame had first tottled into this place. Or... been carried, rather. Clamped in the jaws of a lunatic. What a hell of a time that had been.

Despite it all, she's made it to where she is now. A formidable head in the crowd when it came to ThunderClan's line of warriors. She's seen her fair share of scuffles. Had her fair share of scars now, too. Harboring somethin' more intense than Wolfwind even had, now. Nasty thing across the eye. She was relieved Berryheart had a clue what to even do with that thing. But she looks into the puddle not with relief, but... well, the opposite of a smile.

Scars were all a young warrior wanted, weren't they? But somethin' that gnarly. Wolfwind didn't think even she would've been ready for it.

Berry offers some comfort in a presence. Burnpaw brings prey. The guy had some manners at least. Wolfwind comes up beside them both, "Bet you gave 'em some wounds to think about, themselves," she says, flicking her tail kindly against Roeflame's flank. "Ya look a certified badass now, Roe. Look a cat in the eye and tell em that you lived."

Content with her answer, the medicine cat would do no such beckoning back to his den- he would leave her be, for so long as she didn't throw herself down a hill or go barrelling into the jaws of a mother fox Berryheart was not picky how exactly she chose to heal. Humming in acknowledgement at her answer, he was content to sit and let fresh air comb through his fur, no more investigation necessary- though Clamours' entrance did throw a spanner into the works of tranquility. Fond of his tumultuous niece, however, he hardly minded.

Since Fawny spoke of inflicted wounds, as did Clamours- he witnessed the span of their exchange, spiced encouragement given in his niece's rough tone. His ear flicked a little at a certain word she used... likely picked up from Scamp. Big Mama would surely scold had she overheard it- but even the thought of stern disapproval in his mothers eyes did not dampen the flecked tom's stoicism.

"You'll soon be used to it." he hummed simply, assuring her with an affirmative nod and nothing more. It would be no great effort for her to get accustomed, he would guess... Fawny had proven to be a resilient soul.