pafp let me let you go ✘ chat

Dawn patrol meant that he was now relegated back to the camp for the remainder of the day, not quite tired enough yet to sleep but not able to work out his remaining energy with anything very productive. They had done a good job of making the temporary camp stable and with a few clanmates adding a few cozier touches it felt a little more like home than it had when they first trekked here the day of the flood. Smokethroat stifled a yawn that was born more of boredom than exhaustion, he had wandered the camp checking in on cats and making sure everything was well and most were fed before he finally settled himself down with his own bit of prey that would hopefully last time until well after he was done with his duties tomorrow and heading to bed once more.
He was no stranger to hunger, had learned the ways to trick ones stomach into ceasing its aching gnaw for nourishment, once his meager fish was picked clean he chewed the hard fins that were left and let the salty flavor of them force his mind to believe he'd eaten more than what he had without destroying his throat by swallowing the spiny mass. If you had the patience for it the inside of a tree was edible, strip the bark and scratch away at the softer pulp beneath to chew for hours as a temporary barrier between hunger pains and sore jaws.
Smokethroat found himself settling down finally once he'd finished chewing, spit the fin into the pile of bones he was going to go bury before heading into the den to find himself a sequestered corner to sleep in peace when he spotted Cindershade across the camp looking...contemplative.
Though perhaps she was just relaxing as he was, sometimes it was hard to tell in a clan of those who wore masks which feeling was exactly being processed. It was a thing all too familiar to him to keep you face guarded and seperate from the heart, a means of defense and control that allowed you the comfort of knowing you were percieved as only what you decided to be seen as.
Rising to stand he wandered over, pausing to grab a minnow from the pile and dropping it before her paws.
"Dawn patrol as well? If you haven't eaten today then do so, otherwise you'll be quite miserable when I wake you the moment the sun so much as shines a sliver of light."

- @Cindershade
Her own patrol had been assigned as the sun peaked through a veil of clouds, signaling for a new day to begin. She had accompanied a few other warriors to SkyClan, remarking their new borders along thr banks and steering clear of the rising river. But all was quiet. She returns later with them in tow, each going their separate ways to meander about; whether to go hunting or to sleep, whichever they wanted. She didn't necessarily care as it wasn't her business to. By now the air grows a bit warmer, the bleak sunlight blooms upon the land around them with a nipping chill still in the air. Cindershade sighs, nearly flopping down into the spindly grass below her. Snow covers the land around them, clumped together by the walls where other warrios had dug it out. Back home, their original camp was sheltered by the canopy of drooping branches of willow trees, providing a shield from the wind and weather. Now, they shelter under an open sky, faced head-to-head with Mother Nature herself.
Is this how WindClan lives day to day? No wonder they're so damn spiteful and look like shit all the time. A scenario then played within her mind's depths: it was WindClan during the blizzard that happened not too long ago, buried beneath clumps of snow with disgruntled faces and frozen whiskers. Sootstar is screaming at them to find food and they march about the moors with militant expressions, doing her bidding while she lounges about. A satisfied grin traces onto her dark features at the thought, not paying much attention to her immediate surroundings. She isn't very attentive as Smokethroat saunters over, only when he drops the minnow by her paws does she give a slight jolt of surprise.
Chartreuse eyes flitted towards his dark figure with pinpoint pupils, a brow raising slightly at the gesture he silently offered before continuing on. Cindershade shifts from her sprawled form, tucking her limbs beneath her abdomen while craning her neck to look into his singular orange eye. "Obviously." She answered his question, short and to the point with no sarcasm hidden beneath her tone. As the lead warrior continued on, a sickly saccharine smile pulls at her lips at his bantering. "A shame for wasted efforts really, considering I'd already be awake by Hawkswoop's incessant snoring. That old bastard may as well be dead with how deep he sleeps." She rolls her eyes at the image of the tabby tom snoozing away as if he had zero worries in the world. "I'd most likely be waking you, though, from your cozy nights rest with Cicadastar, hm? Entangled into each other's fur and all." A coy voice leaks from her jaws then, eyes alight with mischief as she hooks the minnow with curved claws before taking a swift bite. "Thanks, by the way." The molly murmurs with a mouthful of food, not necessarily caring about mannerisms. "Anything fun happen lately?"