camp Let me sh(o)w you my play


Stand straight, keep your mind on track
May 14, 2023
While Ember certainly missed her mother, she had decided to make the best of things by being grateful that her and her sibling had been found by a cat like Chilledstar. They seemed a bit withdrawn at times, but that didn’t matter to Ember. She had latched onto the first adult figure she could find in a perilous situation, and she wasn’t going to let go easily. They were quite busy a lot of the time, and despite Ember’s best efforts she couldn’t always be by their side. The next best thing there was to do, then, was to explore her new and exciting surroundings. Which would be much more fun with a playmate, but sadly she wasn’t sure where her sibling had gone off to. I’ll just have to look around myself.

With all her pent up energy, Emberkit wasn’t all that good at looking where she was going. Head in the clouds, she scampered too and fro just taking in the sights. She just managed to stop herself from running headlong into another kit, older and larger than she was. In her haste to slow down, Ember kicked up a bit of dust. Oh no, I’m sorry! The apology probably would’ve worked out better if she’d said it out loud, but she was both too nervous and also too excited to do so.
Oh, hello! I, um… do you wanna play with me?” Ember just blurted out her words, not even remembering to introduce herself. Running around camp was fun and all, but running around camp with a friend would be even better!

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New to the world, Applekit was not yet accustomed to the tendency for new kits to fall into ShadowClan's paws. A new kitten is suddenly here, and Applekit thinks that's weird.

Is it a bad weird? She's still trying to figure that out. Newness had the opportunity to be good and bad she thinks. Applekit was already growing bored of the other kits anyways. There was still time for the new kits to be... not boring. She seems silly though, walking around camp with owlish eyes. Camp can be exciting on the first day, she guesses. The new kit comes crashing into Comfreykit, and Applekit's just glad that it wasn't her. Being overseen by Chilledstar, they might be dirty still.

" Hello, " Applekit greets her to be polite. She asks if Comfreykit wants to play. Applekit is curious on what strange, outsider kits do for fun. Beside Comfreykit, Applekit blinks her doe eyes. " I'll play with you. What are we playing? "
𓅪 Crow was new here too, and he was still getting used to the longer version of his name. He was still getting used to everything. Sleeping amongst other cats had been one of the hardest adjustments. He was a bit more familiar with Applekit, and he heard her bossiness often in the shared nursery.

Crowkit sits a few tail - lengths away, observing the two with unnerving unblinking eyes. He heard from others in the nursery that Emberkit had been found by Chilledstar, just like him. He was only slightly curious if Emberkit's experience prior to Shadowclan was at all similar to his. Crowkit watched her scamper to and fro, and he faintly wonders why he wasn't doing the same. Should he be that excited too? He wasn't too acquainted with playing, and in fact at that moment he had half a mind to go rifle through the nursery for anything he could snaggle. He decided against it, he never found anything shiny nor interesting in there, and he doubted his luck was going to change.

Despite his unfamiliarity with playing, Crowkit was still a little kitten, and not immune to doing kit things. He wanted to play, actually. The black kit slinks over oddly. "Can I play too?" He croaks out, his voice crass and awkward. One silvery - green orb and the other dark brown one flit left - and right shrewdly. "We should play ... uh," Crowkit trails off as his mind blanks. He didn't know any games, and he wasn't even sure why he was suggesting something anyway. "Maybe swamp creatures." Before they had a chance to protest or reject it the black - furred kit crept to a spot nearby where the mud is particularly thick and slides in it, sending splatters of mud everywhere.

He rose with his pluming ears pinned to his head and an off-putting expression, two - toned eyes opened wide and maw split open. Mud coated the majority of his lower half, up to his bottom jaw, and he looked rather swamp monster-y. Crowkit crawls over towards Emberkit and Applekit swiftly, low to the ground and his head tilted sharply to the side. The idea they wouldn't enjoy the game didn't even cross his mind, Crow thought it was pretty fun, but he did look pretty creepy.


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A small groups of kits is gathered; a swaying frame makes its way over, announced by the sound of Lambkit's perpetually dragging tail. She arrives in time for bone-colored paws to be spattered with oozing muck, a single speck dotting their patched cheek just below the multicolored globe of one bulging eye. The kit is chewing on a small bone; where she got it, StarClan knows, but Lambkit peers at the little tableau with huge eyes: an unrecognizable face, the pretty fur of Applekit (who did not like Lambkit much at all, but it'd be shocking if they were aware enough to notice that), and another new kit with pitch-colored fur now dipped in mud.

Lambkit's gaze peers at the mud-kitten-thing; "swamp creatures". It kind of appeals to her, and Lambkit ambles closer, reaching one bony paw to try and pat the swamp monster on the head. Their thick tail beats a pagan rhythm on the ground behind them as the kitten stares at the other, the smell of the muck thick and indolent in her nostrils, "Do you have treasure? Monsters always have treasure."
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Another kit pipes up beside the one Emberkit nearly bowled over, and immediately her attention flits toward her. Im making friends! That had to be a good thing, for sure absolutely.
Hooray! Uhhhhh…” The dark tabby trails off for a moment. She’d been so excited about playing that she’d sort of forgotten to come up with the answer to Applekit’s question. What sort of game would she like to play? She looks so proper, would she wanna play chase? Would that be too dirty? As her mind raced to find a suitable answer, another kit ambled forward. This one was dark, and seemed a bit, awkward. Emberkit didn’t mind though, not one bit. She nodded enthusiastically, more than happy to add another playmate to the mix. And what luck! Crowkit offered up an idea, a game Ember had never heard of before. She quite liked the sound of it, although she wasn’t sure how Applekit would feel.

Crowkit slunk away, returning covered in mud from ears to tail tip. Ember stared at him in awe, then gave a squeak and dashed away. She wasn’t sure exactly what “swamp monsters” would entail, but with his new dripping appearance he looked like a creature of nightmares! Surely she was meant to run away. But as she did so, Ember passed another kit, who was marching confidently toward the swamp monster! She skidded to a halt, turning back to watch with a curious gaze. As Lambkit prodded for treasure, Ember gave an excited bounce.
Treasure! Oooh, do you have something shiny, or, or sparkly, mister swamp monster?” she asked, giggling despite being mildly serious.
𓅪 Crowkit didn't hear the dragging tail of their denmate, and before he knew it, a bone - white paw pats the top of his muddied head. A bit incredulous at her lack of fear, he wrinkles his nose and opens his eyes further to insinuate Lambkit was supposed to be afraid of him, ideally running for her life in fear of him.

The bone in her maw freaked him out a bit. Do you have treasure? The question sits the faux swamp monster down. Crowkit tilts his head, eyes narrowing at Lambkit suspiciously, "No." Did she know of the stockpile in his nest? "Why, do you!?" Regardless of the she - kit's answer, he had already decided he'd have to rummage through her nest in the nursery next. Monsters always have treasure. He had some treasure, but his horde of things was currently a work in progress. Though her words rang like a fact to him.

Emberkit's squeak of terror satisfied Crowkit, and he snapped back into character as she turned tail. The dark tabby she-kit's further questioning of treasure egged him on, and dual - hued eyes flit suspiciously as he tried to find some of the sought out treasure.
His muddied figure crawled rapidly about, almost concerningly quickly grabbing a glossy feather, a pinecone, and a dragonfly carcass. Not his type of treasure really, but it worked. A sodden black paw aimed to gently swat at Lambkit's little bone. In a croaky, cackling voice, he said "I do have treasure, and none can have it! I steal it from little kits like you!" The dirty form began to bustle about the three she-kits, paws waving and cackly caws escaping his maw.
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Applekit regards Crowkit with a sideways glance. She didn't know if he was weird or not, yet, so she figures he can play. " What's 'swamp creatures'? " Applekit asks critically, it didn't sound like any game she knew, nor did it sound like a very good one. Crowkit's already moving away by the time she asks though, and sharp eyes blink open in horror as he proceeds to sink himself in a nearby mud puddle. " Ew! " the tortie shrieks, muzzle wrinkling. There was enough mud in ShadowClan already, why would you want to get more on you?

Applekit backs away as the older kit creeps forward, snapping his head side to side as if he were some kind of beast. Applekit frowns. She ignores Lambkit. Since when did monsters have treasure? Monsters were just monsters that you're supposed to get rid of. Applekit juts out her lip. " All Crowkit has is trash, " she tells them, because its true. He has annoying crinkly wrappers in the nursery. At least he answers honestly, telling them no. He gets weirdly defensive, though. Applekit narrows her eyes.

It gets worse when he starts coming closer again, roaring about his more newly - acquired junk. " Ewww! Get away! " Applekit squeaks, running to tuck herselves between one of the other two she - kits for protection. If Lambkit liked touching mud so much, she could get attacked, instead!
————— ☾ —————

"That's not Crowkit," Swankit pipes up in response to his sister, inserting himself into the game he'd been previously content to spectate on. The kit is barely recognizable, his form warped and twisted by the mud which drips from his dark fur, mismatched eyes peering out at them. "That's the swamp monster." He blinks sleepy eyes at the strange outsider kit, plopped in the nest beside him one day like he belonged there. Maybe he did, who was Swankit to say?

He's good at games at least, drawing a smile onto Swankit's face. He likes swamp monster. At Crowkit's retort, he brightens. "Lambkit has all sorts of treasure! Pretty ones, just like that..." He gestures to the bone, watches motionless as Crowkit swats it. "Oh. I get it now." He turns to Lambkit, grave expression on his face. "We've gotta, um, keep your treasure safe... Swamp monster wants it."

A glance to Applekit, hiding from the mucky monster as it swipes at her. That's okay. He walks with no hurriedness to face the monster, joining the three she-kits. "Hello mister swamp monster... Um, please leave us alone," he says, louder than normal, pallid eyes fixed on Crowkit.

...He's not really sure how to play this game.
————— ☾ —————

  • //
  • SWANKIT named for his pale fur, after his maternal grandmother.
    — he/him. 2 moons.
    — shadowclan kit.
    — quiet and dreamy.

    penned by saturnid.​
  • "SPEECH"
  • Untitled147_20230514003200.png

A mucky paw swung towards her face and Lambkit's wide eyes instinctively shut to keep out any of the sludge; it swats at the small bone clutched between her teeth, flipping it over into the mud. Lambkit cranes her head as her little bone disappears into the muck with a soft plop! sound. The kit's brow furrows and they half-crouch, peering hopelessly into the dark muck; Applekit and Swankit join the marshy tableau as the tortie shrieks and cowers from Crowkit—the swamp monster, she corrects herself—slogs about, dripping putrid mud and flailing his paws wildly. Lambkit squints large bicolor eyes against the flying muck.

"He wants my treasure?" Lambkit blinks, big ears twitching high as she rises from the semi-crouch and shrinks away from the dancing droplets of marsh-mud the swamp monster is tossing everywhere with his wild swipes. Their small brow creases in concern for their precious things as she watches Swankit attempt a diplomatic approach to the mucky beast. When Applekit doesn't immediately overrule, Lambkit decides to offer her own idea. "We should all be in a patrol, to defeat the swamp monster. And .. and Applekit can lead it."
  • Wow
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All sorts of weird kits are in the nursery now. Comfreykit tends to stick to Halfshade’s kits and her own littermates, feeling strange about those without ShadowClan blood (and more than a little unnerved by Lambkit’s existence.) Emberkit is one who is motherless, kinless, aimlessly trailing after their leader instead of staying in the nursery. Comfreykit snaps her head around as the tabby bumps into her, and though the tabby’s amber eyes widen, she does not rebuke the other kit. “Play? Sure… What do you want to play?

She’s still not herself after the incident with Betonyfrost. A bit of her innocence has died—she’s like a stepped-on flower unable to regain its splendor. Regardless, Comfreykit is four moons old and even the idea of a game puts a little bit of her lost mischief into her eyes. She nods to Applekit as the tortoiseshell wanders over. She offers to play, too, and that pleases her. She likes Applekit.

One of those other weird kits—one Smogmaw had found in the Carrionplace, she thinks—creeps over. This one has fur like crow’s feathers, and that causes her to remember his name. Crowkit. Fitting, for one who looks so strange. His gestures become terrifying—he proclaims they can play swamp monster, and Comfreykit assumes he’s supposed to be the game’s namesake. Applekit shrieks and stumbles away, but Comfreykit only purrs with amusement. “I’ve never seen such a tiny swamp monster before. Puny.” She reaches out with a paw and attempts to swat Crowkit over the head. She’s the oldest kit here. She’s almost an apprentice. She won’t be afraid of him.

Lambkit wanders close, Swankit at their heels. Comfreykit’s eyes narrow, imperceptibly. She doesn’t know why, but she prefers Applekit to her brother… and Lambkit is just as bad as Crowkit, in her opinion. Maybe worse. Though she does feel like she’s being mean in her head. They’ve never done anything to her, have they?

Comfreykit sighs. “The treasure is just rotten prey,” she says. Perhaps she’s getting too old for kit games after all. Her attention wanders as the kits argue over the virtues of their treasure—which, she has to admit, is more akin to trash, as Applekit says.

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The tomkit narrowed shiny eyes at Applekit's and Comfreykit's proclamation. It seemed nearly the whole nursery was here. "It's not trash. You two are just boring." He cawed, eyes unblinking as he said so. Applekit's shrieking flee satisfied him, and he thought to leave some sort of surprise in her nest as she ran; one she wouldn't like. Maybe plop some mud in there? Or frighten her in the dead of night? That seemed like something that would get him yelled at. He'd figure it out later.

The ghostly pale Swankit knew how to play. Swankit broadcasts Lambkit's treasure trove, and Crowkit thought to himself it appeared he'd have a pretty busy night in the nursery. A paw dipped in muck fished for Lambkit's bone for a moment before pawing it towards his ragtag pile of treasures. Swankit's imploration falls on deaf ears. Maybe he didn't know how to play. An exasperated sigh escapes mucky jaws.

In a moment of irritation he voices brashly,
"Yes I want your treasure. No I won't leave you alone. And your patrol could never bring me down!" It seemed to Crowkit he had to clear the air. His concept of a monster had unknowingly matched Applekit's own view of a monster. He never really heard of a monster with treasure; they were just big and bad and had to be beat up. They were the ones who brought up treasure and made it all so confusing. The muddied kit tilted his head down, and opened his dual - hued eyes widely as they were earlier, but before he could burst forth and hopefully scare the fur off all of them, he is stopped by a swat to his head. Comfreykit ... calling him puny?! "And you're annoying," Crowkit aims to cuff her in the maw lightly. Gosh, these guys were giving him a headache.

  • ooc: all ic opinions!
  • shiny, feathery pitch black fur with one silvery green eye and one nearly black one. eyes have an unsettling gleam to them. looks terribly suspicious in his body language and facial expressions.
  • crowkit named at the Carrionplace for stealing tendencies and ability to eat almost anything; and for his black and shiny pelt

    —— he / him; 3 moons, kit of shadowclan

    —— prone to thievery and gluttony, he's building a stockpile of trinkets

    —— current inventory + location

    - 1 blue twoleg wrapper

    - in his nest in the nursery
  • "speech"