pafp LET ME WRAP MY TEETH AROUND THE WORLD ♕ apprentice game

BRIARPAW — hello, my old heart.
Ink paws burned and ached with each step, hazel optics are half-lidded and threaten to stay closed with each blink.
Ever since Briarpaw had practically spit in Forestshade’s face, the ebony apprentice had gone to great lengths to avoid the lead warrior, desperate to keep herself too busy to go back on her malicious promise.
Let’s see how you do without me.
Briarpaw had quit, thrown away the responsibilities that weren’t hers to have ever taken.
Yet, in the time between then and now, every instinct in her screamed that she needed to keep her eye on her brothers, needed to correct Screechpaw’s blatant disregard for rules and discipline.
So, the youth copes. By working herself down to the bone, exhausting her mind so it does not wander to the places she didn’t want it to.
Briarpaw has achieved this goal so well, in fact, she hardly notices the small gathering of apprentices that just about block her from the warmth of her nest.
"Move." She had barked, only to be propositioned with a game.
The premise of it conveniently left out until one of her denmates had practically dragged her into their circle.
So basically we’re gonna spin this cone, and whoever it lands on is going to be your future mate! My older brother said it’s totally legit, and he’s a warrior so y’know…
Briarpaw’s grimace is stone cold, but she is too tired to argue her way out of this.
Instead, slitted optics are caught by the sight of another poor soul simply trying to make his way into the apprentices den for the night.
Briarpaw watches as Lividpaw is roped in, faced with the same fate she was.
"Apparently, this is the only way to find true love." The fatigue brings out the satirical genius within Briarpaw as she grumbles to the other, watching as they begin to spin the cone.
Stars, this was a terrible idea.

  • pafp — @LIVIDPAW
    Prompt: A new game is made by several apprentice, spinning a pinecone in the middle of a circle of your peers will have it point to your future mate. Surely further tests must be done to ensure its accuracy. Time to find some willing participants...


Lividpaw indeed find himself very unfortunate to have been trapped into this pointless game. He had come in here for a nap but instead he was forced to join this unpleasant game he in truth wanted nothing to do with. He could have solved this issue like he usual did by just ignoring or walking the other way but he suffered from the same tiredness that Briarpaw did at the very moment. His day had been long and tiresome and so he came to the conclusion that today he would submit. He was literally pushed into the group and a stone cold expression was being shared with the other unfortunate particicate. " We're too young to think about that." he would share flatly with the chocolate molly as he decided to seat down beside them to have an ally when it came to share his bemused feelings with. In fact he find it stupid. True love was a far foreign word to him. One day for sure he would find himself a mate but he only viewed that as part of his duty as a warrior to have one.

Lividpaw hadn't even noticed when the pinecone stopt at him. Great. Now what?. Lividpaw just stared down at the thing as he cursed it inside of his head. He didn't even move one inch until one of the apprentice spoke up. " Lividpaw come on! you're suppose to spin it to see who your true love is going to be!." Lividpaw blinked, unimpressed by this game's rules. But fine then. If he played along this would soon be over with and he would be free from this unpleasant company. With a move with one of his forepaw spun the pinecon once more to see who it landed on.