development Let the darkness inside || Yewberry Oneshot

Sep 15, 2022

Lilac paws were soaked in blood, and sunset amber eyes gazes on the lifeless body that lay at their feet.

Yewberry had given him plenty of warning to back off, but the tom was determined to steal his catch. Yewberry killed him. With his own claws and knowing just what to do, he took this cats life.

Normally, he'd feel remorse. But he had learned a little trick recently, that made it easier and intensified his ferocity.

He imagined he was killing his true enemies. The first Windclan cat that came to mind. He felt filthy that every bite into a jugular, every stomach torn open, felt good when he imagined one of them.

Was he turning into a monster?

No. He was no monster.

He was turning into someone who  slayed the monsters. Yes. That is what he would be.

It's what they deserved, after all.

He felt something dark inside taking root inside, the burning desire to inflict pain and misery on those cats who thought themselves Starclans favorite.

Windclan was synonymous with evil in his mind. But he kept reminding himself that there were cats worth fighting for on those moors. Very few of them.... But they were there.

Was he truly willing to kill his former clanmates?

How silly of him to even think that- of course he was! They were willing to kill him, even before he yelled at Sootstar.

Foolish of him to consider remorse.

He picked up his rat and hopped onto the dumpster behind him. Thing wasn't going to eat itself.